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Other Uses of Ser and Estar

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1 Other Uses of Ser and Estar
Class Notes

2 Reviewing the Uses of Ser
The following are the basic uses of ser: T ime and Date O rigin and Nationality D escription (physical characteristics, personality) O ccupation

3 Reviewing the Uses of Estar
The following are the basic uses of estar: P osition L ocation A ction (present progressive)* C ondition (temporary) E motions

4 Additional Uses of Ser In addition to the uses addressed in the mnemonic device “TODO”, we also use the verb ser in other ways: Possession and what materials are made of using “de” Quantity and price Impersonal expressions

5 Additional Uses of Ser (Con.)
Possession and what materials are made of using “de” Examples: Los zapatos son de Italia. = The shoes are from Italy. La casa es de Lucy. = The house is Lucy’s. Mi reloj no es de oro o plata. = My watch is not (made of) gold or silver.

6 Additional Uses of Ser (Con.)
Quantity and price Examples: Cuatro y tres son siete. = 4 plus 3 is 7. ¿Cuánto es? = How much is it? Son doce dólares. = It is 12 dollars.

7 Additional Uses of Ser (Con.)
Impersonal expressions Examples: ¡Es urgente llamar a tu madre ahora! = It is urgent to call your mother now! Es importante hacer la tarea después de la escuela. = It is important to do homework after school. Es horrible perder un partido importante. = It is horrible to lose an important game.

8 Additional Uses of Estar
In addition to the uses addressed in the mnemonic device “PLACE”, we also use the verb estar in another way: Temporary traits or qualities Estar can emphasize a short-term condition OR compare something to a previous state or condition.

9 Additional Uses of Estar (Con.)
Temporary traits or qualities Examples: Normalmente la sopa es caliente, pero ahora está frío. = Normally the soup is hot, but now it is cold. Estás delgado. = You are (you look) thin. Para su edad, los chicos están maduros. = For their age, the boys are mature. Las hojas están rojas pero normalmente son verdes. = The leaves are red but normally they are green.

10 Adjectives that Change their Meaning When Using Ser or Estar
Ser or estar determine the meaning of some adjectives depending on which verb you use it with: Ser Estar ser aburrido(a) = to be boring estar aburrido(a) = to be bored ser listo(a) = to be clever estar listo(a) = to be ready ser orgulloso(a) = to be conceited, vain estar orgulloso(a) = to be proud ser seguro(a) = to be safe estar seguro(a) = to be sure, certain ser rico(a) = to be rich estar rico(a) = to be tasty

11 ¡Vamos a Practicar! Translate the following sentences using the correct form of ser or estar: 1. The book is my brother’s. 2. Are you ready for the test tomorrow? 3. The tomato is green but normally it is red. 4. It’s important to go to school on time. 5. How much are the red pants? 6. You look very handsome in your new shirt today!

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