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Fourth General Session

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth General Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth General Session
2017 National Agricultural Education and FFA Inservice Fourth General Session Supporting Our Teachers Welcome Mark Poeschl CEO, National FFA Organization

2 Fourth General Session
2017 National Agricultural Education and FFA Inservice Fourth General Session Supporting Our Teachers Greeting and Remarks Jay Jackman NAAE Executive Director

3 Promoting Student & Teacher Success!










13 Agricultural Education

14 Agricultural Education

15 Agricultural Education
Agriculture + Education

16 Agricultural Education
Agriculture + Education Most Exciting Opportunities In the World

17 Agricultural Education
Agriculture + Education Most Exciting Opportunities In the World School-based Agricultural Education

18 US Schools ARE Improving!
School Improvement

19 But the World is Changing More Rapidly than Schools are Improving
Changing World School Improvement

20 Schools Must Continue Improving
Changing World School Improvement

21 Schools Must Continue Improving
School Improvement Changing World

22 Schools Must Continue Improving
School Improvement Changing World And, We Must Contribute!


What do we see? What do our classrooms/labs look like? What are our teachers saying and doing? What are the students saying and doing? What is the energy level? Is the environment conducive to learning? All these questions, and more, pertain to the underlying stream of values and rituals that pervade schools.

Are we inclusive to all students/teachers? Do we teach every student in every class every day? Are we contributing to student achievement? How do our administrators perceive us? Do we REALLY believe in the ag ed model for all students, in spirit and in truth? All these questions, and more, pertain to the underlying stream of values and rituals that pervade our profession.

26 If we want to contribute to prepare students for careers,
student achievement and prepare students for careers,

27 If we want to contribute to student achievement and
prepare students for careers, it’s NOT about the students!

28 If we want to contribute to student achievement and
prepare students for careers, it’s NOT about the students! It’s about the adults!

29 Opportunities in Agricultural Education

30 Opportunities in Agricultural Education
We must be a part of the solution!


32 Agricultural Education
Opportunities in Agricultural Education 1. We have the opportunity to be the beginning of the human capital pipeline for the greatest industry on our planet ... Agriculture (broadly defined).

33 We serve two masters … One is the agricultural industry we must be responsible to the ag industry … and to do so, we must be about STEM but we don’t exist in the milieu of industry we live in the public school system conversations among school administrators

34 Agricultural Education
Opportunities in Agricultural Education 2. We have the opportunity to become an essential, if not the most important, applied science, mathematics, and literacy (STEM) program in the public school.

35 We serve two masters … The second is the school we must be recognized as a value-added component of the school, a contributor to what the school is about (out-of-sight, out-of-mind doesn’t work) integration v. accentuation (CASE) intentional, purposeful Switzerland County High School example

36 Agricultural Education
Opportunities in Agricultural Education 3. We have the opportunity to teach effectively by mastering pedagogical content knowledge.

37 Not only WHAT to teach … but also HOW to teach inquiry-based methods (NATAA, CASE) how to teach in laboratory settings literacy strategies (reading, listening, writing, speaking) Lexile Framework Study

38 Agricultural Education
Opportunities in Agricultural Education 4. We have the opportunity to teach effectively using experiential education to enhance achievement for every student.

39 Experiential Education (construct)
Experiential learning is for all students. What is the educational value of experiential learning? How can we get beyond SAE only for potential FFA proficiency award winners and degrees? How can we expand beyond traditional models of SAE? It’s true! Teachers cannot do 150 SAE visits multiple times throughout the year. Thank goodness for our SAE Taskforce!

40 Agricultural Education
Opportunities in Agricultural Education 5. We have the opportunity to teach effectively by enhancing leadership development, personal growth, and career success for every student in every class every day.

41 Leadership Development (construct)
FFA is for all students, not a select few. emphasis on “local” participation local “contests” are “tests” beware of teacher burn-out … FFA is not extra-curricular changing demographics of our teachers

42 How do We Master these Five Opportunities?

43 How do We Master these Five Opportunities?
1. Incorporating all three components of the Ag Ed Model into a seamless instructional program for all students.

44 How do We Master these Five Opportunities?
1. Incorporating all three components of the Ag Ed Model into a seamless instructional program for all students. 2. Good teaching is the foundation.

45 Rigor and Relevance Framework

46 Quad D Skills and Knowledge
Decision Making Innovation/Creativity Goal Setting/Results Driven Multi-tasking Work with others

47 Ag Industry Needs Professionals Who Can:
Solve Unstructured Problems (Quad D) Work with New Information (Quad D) Do Non-Routine Manual Tasks (Quad B)





52 Fourth General Session
2017 National Agricultural Education and FFA Inservice Fourth General Session Supporting Our Teachers Greeting and Remarks Mark Balschweid President, AAAE

53 Fourth General Session
2017 National Agricultural Education and FFA Inservice Fourth General Session Supporting Our Teachers Data Collection and Profile Rewrite Josh Bledsoe Chief Operating Officer, National FFA Organization

54 2017 National Agricultural Education and FFA Inservice
Agenda Reminders Refreshment Breaks will be served in the Foyer Breakout Sessions, see agenda for target audience, topics and location State Team Ag-Ed meeting Locations: Ben Meyer and Frank Saldana LPS Regions Plaza A, B & C Dr. Karen Hutchison and Dr. Larry Gossen LPS Regions Plaza D & E Jim Armbruster and Kevin Keith LPS Regions Suite 6 & 7 Dr. Nina Crutchfield LPS Region Suite 4 & 5 Lunch in Clearwater Ballroom, first floor Closing Session follows lunch (Plaza A,B & C) Shuttle for airport departs north hotel entrance at 2:30 p.m.

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