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Organic Molecules Notes.

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1 Organic Molecules Notes

2 Organic Molecules There are 4 organic molecules that make up all of the life on Earth. These molecules are: nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids Organic molecules contain carbon and hydrogen chemically linked to one another in long chains, with carbon as the backbone and hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon atoms.

3 Nucleic Acid The nucleic acids are DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). They make the proteins that are present in almost every structure and perform almost every function in your body.

4 DNA & RNA DNA Shape of a twisted ladder.
The backbones consists of alternating molecules of phosphate and sugar. More stable Usually stays in the nucleus Your genes are made up of DNA, and each gene provides the code for making a specific protein RNA Many different shapes, depending on its function. The backbones consists of alternating molecules of phosphate and sugar Less stable Can travel throughout the cell. RNA helps DNA to make these proteins.

5 Proteins Proteins make up many structures and perform many functions in the human body: Build and repair tissue Form hormones and enzymes Energy Protein is made of C, H, O & N. In our cells, protein synthesis takes place in the ribosomes.

6 Protein/Amino Acids The monomer or building block or base unit of protein are amino acids. There are 20 amino acids that make up proteins. The position of the N is what differentiates one amino acid from another.

7 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates comprise the largest number of organic molecules in organisms. Carbohydrates are made of C, H & O. The monomer or building block or base unit of carbohydrates are monosaccharides or sugars. The simplest sugar is glucose, a molecule used to provide fuel for many types of organisms, including humans.

8 Carbohydrates and Food
The sugars found in foods include: fructose in fruits, galactose in milk, maltose in vegetables and sucrose in table sugar. Sugars can be identified by their common ending “ose.” The starch found in whole grains and vegetables is a complex carbohydrate made of chains of simpler glucose molecules. Our body contains enzymes which breaks down carbohydrates in the food you eat into glucose, which your cells can use as energy.

9 Lipids Lipids are more commonly known as fats.
Lipids are made of C,H & O. Lipids contain the most energy of all the organic compounds. When your body burns lipids for fuel, you get more energy than if you burned the other organic molecules. The monomer or building block or base unit of lipids are fatty acids and glycerol.

10 Lipids in Our Body Lipids/fats perform many functions in our body:
phospholipids and cholesterol, both important components of cell membranes; waxes that provide plants and animals with a protective layer; hormones that signal different functions in your body vitamins that aid in different cell functions steroids which are important in a number of physiological processes. Fats from animals tend to be more viscous than fats from plants.

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