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Back to School Night: Barrett Elementary School

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night: Barrett Elementary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night: Barrett Elementary School
Welcome to 4th grade

2 Tonight’s Agenda Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Introductions and Sign-ins 4th Grade Curriculum Grading, Assessments and Homework Classroom support and celebrations Upcoming Events Communication Classroom Visits Tonight’s Agenda Wednesday, September 13, 2017

3 Meet your teachers Math and Content: Mr. Carmack , Mrs. Giglio and Ms. Manley Reading and Writing: Mrs. Maness and Mr. Porter Special Education: Ms. Crain ESOL/HILT: Ms. Cassedy Reading Specialist: Mrs. Romero Math Coach: Mrs. Abdeljawad Gifted Resource: Ms. Hwang

4 4th Grade Curriculum

5 Math Number and Number Sense Computation and Estimation Measurement
Geometry Probability and Statistics Patterns, Functions and Algebra Resources: Math Expressions M3 ST Math Reflex Math

6 Virginia Studies VA Physical Geography and Native Peoples
Jamestown and Colonial Virginia American Revolution and Our New Nation Civil War and Reconstruction 20th and 21st Century Virginia Resources: Our Virginia McGraw Hill Social Studies: VA Studies Quizlet

7 Science Weather Force, Motion and Energy
Electricity and Electromagnets Relationship among Sun, Moon and Earth Resources: Science Fusion Quizlet

8 Reading Interpreting Characters: The Heart of the Story
Reading the Weather, Reading the World: Purposeful Reading of Nonfiction Reading History: The American Revolution Historical Fiction Clubs Poetry Resources: Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study Reading Notebook

9 Writing The Arc of The Story (Realistic Fiction)
Boxes and Bullets (Personal and Persuasive Essays) Bringing History to Life Literary Essay Poetry Resources: Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study Step up to Writing Writing Notebook Writing Folder

10 Academic Expectations
Percent Grade Criteria 100-90 A Exceeds Expectations 89-80 B Often Exceeds Expectations 79-70 C Meets Expectations 69-60 D Does Not Meet Expectations 59-0 E Arlington Public School students receive letter grades in 4th grade. Quarterly Grades Include: In class activities and assignments Formative and Summative Assessments Report Cards will include a copy of your student’s rubric for: Reading, Writing and Math

11 Homework Weekly Homework Assignments Include:
Some Activities that will always be on our choice board are: -Write a 4 sentence book review of your independent reading book. -Create and solve a story problem that uses specific operation(s), depending on the current math unit. -ST Math or Reflex Math -Homework pages from HW and Remembering book (math) -VA Studies missed work or flashcards/quizlet Weekly Homework Assignments Include: Read minutes every night Menu of Activities (complete 4/week and turn in on Friday)

12 iPads Classroom Expectations and Home/School Connection
Sending home iPads is a parent choice. Students who do not bring iPads home will have alternate options and/or will be able to complete any activities during homeroom.

13 Classroom Support and Celebrations
Field Trip Chaperones- teachers will reach out as needed Scholastic Book Orders Snack Donations Nut-free please! Celebrations: Birthdays- if you want to celebrate please bring a treat for the class that can be handed out easily at lunch (examples: cupcakes, cookies, muffins) Holiday- We will have a Halloween, Winter Break, Valentine’s Day and End of the Year Picnic

14 Upcoming Events Jamestown Presenters visit classrooms! (January)
Field Trips to: Planetarium (March) Spy Museum (DC) (December) ~$5 Harper’s Ferry (May)~$5 Gunston Hall (April)~$10 Upcoming Events

15 Communication Email is best! We try to respond within 24 hours.

16 Contact homeroom teacher for student specific questions.
Classroom Visits Mr. Carmack- Room 215 Ms. Maness- Room 217 Ms. Manley- Room 219 Mr. Porter- Room 221 Contact homeroom teacher for student specific questions.

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