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Computer Safety Procedures and Care

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1 Computer Safety Procedures and Care
Keep all food and drinks away from computers and equipment-liquid may spill and cause an electrical shock or the computer not to operate properly. Only remove/insert external storage devices when the drive light is off (flash drive). Turn off computer during electrical storms. Never bang on the keys; always use a light touch on the keyboard. Never open attachments from unknown sources.

2 Computer Safety Procedures and Care
Canned air can be used to clean your computer keyboard. Report any problems/damages immediately to the teacher. Shut down computers properly. Always use proper keyboarding posture. No horseplay in the computer lab; equipment could be damaged. When working on documents that can be saved, always save several times while working on it.

3 Technology Expectations with Laptops
No horseplay with other students and around equipment. No food, drink, gum, or candy is allowed. When working on documents that can be saved, always bring your flash drive. Respect your equipment and the people around you while working with the laptops. Please report any problems or damage to the laptop to the teacher immediately.

4 Technology Consequences
Laptop will be taken away and the lesson that is being completed on the computer, will be written out. Behavior Reflection Sheet will be sent home for parents to sign. Detention accompanies the behavior reflection sheet or is on its own if the sheet is not returned. Refocus Room is the last step if misbehavior is not corrected with the first three. Other actions by the administrators.


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