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Course Introduction Government Contract Quality Assurance Fundamentals

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1 Course Introduction Government Contract Quality Assurance Fundamentals

2 Lesson Objective Upon completion of this Course Introduction, you will be able to describe the classroom dynamics and course structure of the Government Contract Quality Assurance Fundamentals course.

3 What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)?
This lesson: Introduces you to your instructors Explains the classroom logistics Describes how the course is structured Introduces you to your classmates

4 Welcome Lesson Topics: Welcome Administrative Details
Prerequisite Training Course Description and Structure Assessments and Activities Quality Assurance in DCMA

5 TOPIC 1: Welcome Instructor Introduction Instructor 1 Instructor 2
Phone number address Instructor 2

6 DCMA Quality Bumper Sticker Exercise
CMQ101 - Course Introduction 10/1/2017 DCMA Quality Bumper Sticker Exercise Students work in pairs Develop a Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Quality Assurance motto “bumper sticker” Answer “Tell Us About Yourself” questions on next slide Be prepared to introduce yourselves and your motto to the class Time: 10 minutes I Y DCMA

7 CMQ101 - Course Introduction
10/1/2017 Tell Us About Yourself What’s your name and nickname (if applicable)? Where are you from? What’s your assigned DCMA office? What’s your series? What’s your work history? (DCMA and non-DCMA) What’s your product experience? What do you actually do? (job assignment) ?

8 Administrative details
Lesson Topics: Welcome Administrative Details Prerequisite Training Course Description and Structure Assessments and Activities Quality Assurance in DCMA

9 Topic 2: Administrative Details
Classroom logistics: Emergency exits Restrooms/Break rooms Telephones/Cell phones Lunch spots/Restaurants Grocery stores Shopping Hotel information

10 Classroom Protocol Silence cell phones Relaxed learning environment
Participate Ask questions freely Don’t be critical of others Please don’t dominate discussions Computers (laptop and other devices) No Web surfing or ing during class Follow along with the presentation No texting, tweeting, or such mobile device communication Don’t be late for class (morning, breaks, and lunch)

11 “Parking Lot” Whiteboard/Large tablet and markers
Students and Instructors use to record: Questions/Concerns Comments Ideas Parking lot issues will be addressed during or after training, as necessary Parking Lot What about commercial contracts? NASA and NSEP CTR? Demonstrate Supplier risk, SRS eTool

12 Prerequisite training
Lesson Topics: Welcome Administrative Details Prerequisite Training Course Description and Structure Assessments and Activities Quality Assurance in DCMA

13 Topic 3: Prerequisite Training
Prerequisite Courses eTools and Applications

14 Prerequisite Courses ACQ101 “Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management,” Defense Acquisition University (DAU) QUAL100 “Product Assurance Basics,” American Society for Quality (ASQ)

15 eTools and Applications
Confirmed permissions, access to, or login information for the following: Corrective Action Request (CAR) eTool Contract Technical Review (CTR) eTool Delegation eTool Electronic Data Access (EDA) application Electronic Data Warehouse (EDW) application Performance Labor Accounting System (PLAS) eTool Preaward Survey System (PASS) eTool Supplier’s Risk System (SRS) eTool Training Competency Assessment Tool (TCAT) eTool Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) application, “Admin by view only”

16 Course description and structure
Lesson Topics: Welcome Administrative Details Prerequisite Training Course Description and Structure Assessments and Activities Quality Assurance in DCMA

17 Topic 4: Course Description and Structure
CMQ101 is DCMA-required, Core Course for Quality Assurance Specialist (QAS) (GS-1910) career field Seven modules containing: 34 Lessons 4 Case Studies CMQ101 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Case Study Module 4 Case Study Module 5 Case Study Module 6 Case Study Module 7

18 Course Structure - Modules 1 and 2
Module Title and Lessons Module 1 Quality Assurance and the Defense Contract Management Agency Lesson 1: Introduction to Government Contract Quality Assurance Lesson 2: Defense Contract Management Agency Organization Lesson 3: Quality Assurance Development Module 2 Policy and Contract Fundamentals Lesson 1: FAR/DFARS and DCMA Instructions Lesson 2: Standard Inspection Process Lesson 3: Higher-Quality Requirements and Supplier Responsibilities Lesson 4: Commercial Contracts

19 Course Structure - Modules 3 and 4
Module Title and Lessons Module 3 Contract Review and Assessment Lesson 1: Quality Assurance Contract Technical Review Lesson 2: Quality Assurance Post Award Orientation Conference Lesson 3: Quality Assurance Risk Assessment Module 4 GCQA Surveillance Planning and Performance Lesson 1: Product Examination Lesson 2: Statistical Sampling Lesson 3: Process Review Lesson 4: System Audits Lesson 5: Government Contract Quality Assurance Surveillance Planning

20 Course Structure - Modules 5 and 6
Module Title and Lessons Module 5 Subcontractors and Delegations Lesson 1: Prime Control of Purchasing Lesson 2: Quality Assurance Delegations Lesson 3: Distributors Module 6 Analysis, Corrections, and Release Lesson 1: Calibration Systems Lesson 2: Corrective Action Lesson 3: Root Cause Analysis Lesson 4: Nonconforming Material Lesson 5: Product Acceptance and Release Lesson 6: Customer Complaints and Investigations Lesson 7: Data Collection and Analysis

21 Course Structure - Module 7
Module Title and Lessons Module 7 Unique Requirements Lesson 1: Preaward Surveys Lesson 2: First Article and Production Lot Testing Lesson 3: Critical Safety Items Lesson 4: Safety of Flight Lesson 5: Control of Manufacturing Environment and Foreign Object Debris Lesson 6: Overhaul, Maintenance, Modification, and Repair Lesson 7: International Requests for Contract Administration Services (HOST CAS) Lesson 8: International Traffic in Arms Regulations and Export Administration Regulations (Export Controls) Lesson 9: Packaging, Marking, and Unique Identification

22 Daily Schedule Week 1 Week 2 Lunch Breaks Evening work
Monday - Friday: Hours Week 2 Monday - Thursday: Hours Friday: Hours Lunch ~ Hours, depending on schedule Breaks At the Instructor’s discretion Evening work Minimal

23 Daily Breakdown – Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Course Introduction Module 1 Lessons 1-3 Posttest Module 2 Lessons 1-4 Module 3 Lessons 1-2 Lesson 3 (partial) Lesson 3 (cont.) Case Study Module 4 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 (partial) Lesson 2 (cont.) Lessons 3-5

24 Daily Breakdown – Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Module 5 Lessons 1-3 Case Study Posttest Module 6 Lessons 1-2 Lessons 3-6 Lesson 7 Module 7 Lesson 1 Lessons 2-8 Lesson 9 Course Survey

25 Hyperlinks in the Lessons
Hyperlinks used to access: Websites Reference documents Exercise materials, student handouts, or job aids Other/Hidden slides within a lesson Hyperlinks appear as text links or buttons Sample Text Hyperlink SAMPLE BUTTON HYPERLINK

26 Student Materials Course is designed to be paperless
Students may print documents, if desired DCMA-issued laptop computer required Grouped by Module > Lesson PowerPoint slides Case studies and exercises Student handouts and Job Aids Websites and other references Course videos

27 Assessments and Activities
Lesson Topics: Welcome Administrative Details Prerequisite Training Course Description and Structure Assessments and Activities Quality Assurance in DCMA

28 Topic 5: Assessment and Activities
Exercises and activities Knowledge checks/Review questions are multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank with: Single answer Multiple answer Exercises Use provided information and information from current and previous lessons Individual and paired Course survey

29 80% Module Assessments Posttest presented at the end of each module
Taken individually “Open book” Passing score is 80% Students have one attempt Question types: Multiple choice; single answer Multiple choice; multiple answer Fill-in-the-blank 80%

30 Case Studies Workplace-type situations requiring resolutions
Each module’s situation(s) builds upon previous module’s situation(s) Presented at the end of Modules 3 - 6 Students work in pairs Pertinent information to case study situation(s) provided Two-to-four situations per case study Approximately 15 minutes per situation Students suggest possible resolutions Resolution(s) presented and reviewed upon conclusion of time

31 Activity Icons Individual Activity Job Aid Group Activity Quiz Video

32 Student Response System
Provided to each student at the beginning of each day Used to enter student responses to knowledge checks and review questions Anonymous entries Displays percentage of each answer, illustrated as a graph

33 Example Question How many planets revolve around the sun? 10 9 8 7

34 Quality assurance in dcma
Lesson Topics: Welcome Administrative Details Prerequisite Training Course Description and Structure Assessments and Activities Quality Assurance in DCMA

35 Topic 6: Quality Assurance in DCMA
Michael E. Shields, Jr. Executive Director, DCMA Quality Assurance

36 GCQA Definition GCQA Government Contract Quality Assurance (GCQA) is explained in detail throughout the course Intended to reduce likelihood of risk causes Establishes a basis of confidence that supplies meet contract quality and technical requirements Refer to GCQA Surveillance Planning policy

37 DCMA Values Focus Areas Deliver exceptional customer service
Grow and retool the workforce Improve agency efficiencies Enhance policies and processes

38 Summary This Course Introduction covered:
Instructor and student introductions Administrative details Prerequisite training Course description and structure Assessments and activities Lesson 4: Safety Stock

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