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Pup On Patrol Science World September 5, 2016

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1 Pup On Patrol Science World September 5, 2016
CER MODEL Pup On Patrol Science World September 5, 2016

2 QUESTION: What solutions have scientist come up with to reduce collisions between aircraft and wildlife?

3 CLAIM: A statement that answers a question or states an opinion.
The numbers of wildlife animals like birds are increasing due to laws like the Endangered Species Act that protect certain birds in their habitat, therefore people have to come up with ways to deter those animals from airports to prevent collisions.

4 Evidence 1 -Data or Fact that supports a claim.
Types of grass attract certain types of large birds like geese.

5 Reasoning: a justification for why the evidence supports the claim using scientific principles.
Scientist have found that when they plant a taller grass type called switch grass that fewer geese are attracted because they like the normal turf grass.

6 Evidence 2- Large groups of swallows were found with a “berry-like” fruit from bayberry bushes in their digestive tract.

7 Reasoning for Evidence two
Airports like JFK airport have removed bayberry bushes that surround the airport and collisions with swallows have decreased 75%.

8 Evidence 3 Large and small mammals cause more damage to planes when they cross airports.

9 Reasoning for Evidence 3
Tall fences are put into place to prevent large animals from crossing airport runways and dogs like Piper can scare off small mammals like rodents who get through the fence and birds that get accustomed to loud sirens.

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