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Presentation on theme: "“ENHANCING MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF SENIOR MANAGERS OF NMHSs”"— Presentation transcript:

Sixteenth Session of Regional Association II (Asia) Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 12 to 16 February 2017 “ENHANCING MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF SENIOR MANAGERS OF NMHSs” Yinka Adebayo Director Education and Training Office Development and Regional Activities Department

2 Introduction Management in a general content – a definition
Management in an organizational setting What should be the target of a successful manager? There is the general misconception that management is limited to those at the top of an institution or entity Management is an important issue for NMHSs It is always good for us to remind ourselves of the meaning of the word “management” Management is an art of conducting or directing affairs. There is the general misconception that management is limited to those at the top of an institution or entity. We should remind ourselves that management cuts across an institution, in responsibility and delivery Key determining factors when it comes to the success of a manager are measured through the performances of its resource base, visibility, stability of the institution, output, development or growth and impact on the society as it is attained through its set goals Management is indeed germane to the attainment of organizations efficiency, financial prudency, staff motivation and in all accomplishment of the goals set through the mandate of the organization It is important to make it clear that management should not be seen as a concern of those institutions aiming at profit or in the realm of competitions. It is an issue for NMHSs, more so nowadays. Why?

3 Management has to be seen in the context of the functions of NMHSs
Protection of life and property Safeguarding of the environment Promotion of long-term observation and collection of meteorological, hydrological, climatological and environmental data Promotion of endogenous capacity Meeting national and international commitments These functions are set in the framework of the need to ensure contributions of NMHSs to sustainable development, the reduction in loss of life and property These functions are set in the framework of the need to ensure contributions of NMHSs to sustainable development, the reduction in loss of life and property, In recognition of the importance of an integrated international system Always reiterate the vital importance of the mission of NMHSs, on the basis of which we focus on the main thrust of key task ahead of a successful manager

4 Needs that define the tasks before NMHSs Managers
Ensure an assemblage of critical mass of human resources Provision and maintenance of adequate infrastructure for observation and data exchange Changing political and socio-economic situations Existing partners and competitors at national and international levels Availability of suitable experts and their continuous education is paramount, National policy and legislative backing institutional measures form critical part of considerations for successful management Meeting the need of clients Every entity has its own specific needs and challenges. For NMHSs, these are the areas in which managers need to concentrate Adequacy of human resources, infrastructure, changing political and socio-economic environments, partnerships and competition Availability of suitable experts and their continuous education is paramount, National policy and legislative backing institutional measures form critical part of considerations for successful management Effective outreach to direct clients and the public at large on a continuous basis

5 Pillars of management chores
Planning – basic recurrent , milestones for performance, future plans Staff management – workforce analysis and planning, performance monitoring Financial management and resources mobilization – capital vote and budget, investment campaign, cost recovery Managing the interest of stakeholders These pillars can be identified in different forms. However, the issues noted here are the essential elements that managers of NMHSs need to go by These pillars can be identified in different forms. But at the end of the day, the issues noted here are the essential elements that managers of NMHSs need to go by Having identified these elements, let us now proceed to take a cursory look at the challenges facing managers of NMHSs

6 Region II (Staff situation by job categories & comparison to global average)

7 Region II (Experts expected to be trained in 2017)

8 Highlight of Challenges facing managers of NMHSs
Inadequacy of staff --- number Inadequacy of staff --- competencies Inadequacy of staff -- training facility and cost Inadequacy of staff -- management skills Inadequacy of infrastructure -- basic equipment Inadequacy of infrastructure -- maintenance Inadequacy of institutional measures -- legal Inadequacy of interaction with clients -- needs Inadequacy of partnership -- public and private Changing socio-economic and environmental challenges and capacity to be amenable to these changes-- climate change, pollution, urbanization, fiscal crisis, energy security, natural disasters, what have you

9 Recommendations Soul searching in terms of what we really ned to do as managers of NMHSs. Maintain a critical mass of competent staff Irrespective of status and level of grasp, it is important to ensure there is continuous training. There is a challenge of ensuring there is appropriate training facility and resources to accomplish the required training Promote cooperation in exchange of documented good practices NMHS managers should not operate isolation from the complex web of national institutions who are working towards common national aspiration of ensuring protection of life and property, attaining socio-economic development, environmental protection, etc.

10 Thank you Merci


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