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Content Basics and fundamentals GSR Part 2
Driving safety and performance Management System Leadership and Culture for safety Conclusion Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
1. Basics and Fundamentals
Difference between management and leadership The Leader Defines reality: Where are we today? Defines the vision: Where do we want to be? Defines how will we get there? Good Managers act as leaders Leaders are not necessarily managers Leadership = a relationship Management = a function Create shared understanding as driver for change Focus on short-term objectives and goals achievement Define and share current and expected situations Planning, Budgeting, Organizing, Staffing Aligning people Task distribution and follow-up Motivating, influencing and inspiring Controlling, problem Solving Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
1. Basics and Fundamentals
Difference between Management and Leadership Management is a formal, authorized function for ensuring that an organization operates efficiently and that work is completed in accordance with requirements, plans and resources. Managers at all levels need to be leaders for safety Leadership is the use of an individual’s capabilities and competences to give direction to individuals and groups and to influence their commitment to achieving the fundamental safety objective and to applying the fundamental safety principles, by means of shared goals, values and behaviour Leading Managing SAFETY Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
1. Basics and Fundamentals
The fundamental safety objective is to protect people and the environment from harmful effects of ionizing radiation Responsibility for Safety Protective Actions to Reduce Existing Or Unregulated Radiation Risks Role of Government Emergency Preparedness and Response Leadership and Management for Safety Prevention of Accidents Justification of Facilities and Activities Optimization of Protection Limitation of Risks to Individuals Protection of Present and Future Generations Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016 5
2. GSR Part 2 GS-R-3 “To define requirements for establishing, implementing, assessing and continually improving a management system that integrates safety, health, Environmental, security, quality and economic elements to ensure that safety is properly taken into account in all the activities of an organization.” Effective leadership and management for safety must be established and sustained in organizations concerned with, and facilities and activities that give rise to, radiation risks. Leadership and Management for Safety Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016 6
Integrated Management System - GS-R-3
2. GSR Part 2 Management Responsibility Resource Management Process Implementation Measurement, Assessment and Improvement Integrated Management System - GS-R-3 [From GS-G-3.1 |2.4] The regulatory body’s management system should address in an integrated manner: responsibility for its planning and its implementation, resources, processes and provisions to measure, assess and improve its performances relating safety and regulation of safety. Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
Addresses comprehensively Principle 3 as well as Principle 1
2. GSR Part 2 The fundamental safety objective is to protect people and the environment from harmful effects of ionizing radiation GS-R-3 Partially addressed Principle 3, focussing mainly on the management system Responsibility for Safety GSR Part 2 Addresses comprehensively Principle 3 as well as Principle 1 Requirement 1 deals with the achievement of the Fundamental Safety Objective Leadership and Management for Safety Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016 8
2. GSR Part 2 GS-R-3 “To define requirements for establishing, implementing, assessing and continually improving a management system that integrates safety, health, Environmental, security, quality and economic elements to ensure that safety is properly taken into account in all the activities of an organization.” Leadership and Management for Safety GSR Part 2 “To establish requirements that support Principle 3 of Fundamental Safety Principles [1], in relation to establishing, sustaining and continuously improving leadership and management for safety, and an effective management system. This is essential in order to foster and sustain a strong safety culture in an organization. Another objective is to establish requirements that apply Principle 8, which states that All practical efforts must be made to prevent and mitigate nuclear or radiation accidents.” Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016 9
2. GSR Part 2 Achieving the fundamental safety objective
Leadership for Safety Responsibility of Management Management of Resources Process Implementation Measurement, Assessment and Improvement Safety Culture Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
3. Driving safety and performance
Requirement 2: Demonstration of leadership for safety by managers Managers shall demonstrate leadership for safety and commitment to safety The senior management of the organization shall demonstrate leadership for safety by: Establishing, advocating and adhering to an organizational approach to safety that stipulates that, as an overriding priority, issues relating to protection and safety receive the attention warranted by their significance Acknowledging that safety encompasses interactions between people, technology and the organization Establishing behavioural expectations and fostering a strong safety culture Establishing the acceptance of personal accountability in relation to safety on the part of all individuals in the organization and establishing that decisions taken at all levels take account of the priorities and accountabilities for safety. [From GS-G-3.5 |para 2.15; DS456 | req. 2, 5] Individuals in an organization generally seem to emulate the behaviours and values that their leaders personally demonstrate. Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
3. Driving safety and performance
Managers shall ensure that their leadership includes: Setting goals for safety consistent with the policy for safety, actively seeking information on safety performance and demonstrating commitment to improving safety performance Development of individual and institutional values and expectations for safety by means of their decisions, statements and actions Ensuring that their actions serve to encourage the reporting of safety related problems, to develop questioning and learning attitudes, and to correct acts or conditions that are adverse to safety Managers at all levels in the organization Shall encourage and support all individuals in achieving safety goals and performing their tasks safely Shall engage all individuals in enhancing safety performance Shall communicate clearly the basis for decisions relevant to safety [From DS456 |Req. 2] A good understanding on beliefs and basic assumptions will contribute to enhance safety culture and to support a real involvement of employees to strategy and plan of the regulatory body. Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
Content Basics and fundamentals GSR Part 2
Driving safety and performance Management System Leadership and Culture for safety Conclusion Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
Senior Management has Prime Responsibility for the Management System
Requirement 3: Responsibility of senior management for the management system Senior management shall be responsible for establishing, applying, sustaining and continuously improving a management system to ensure safety. Senior management shall retain accountability for the management system even where individuals are assigned responsibility for coordinating the development, application and maintenance of the management system Senior management shall be responsible for establishing safety policy Senior Management has Prime Responsibility for the Management System Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4. Management System Requirement 4: Senior management shall establish goals, strategies, plans and objectives for the organization that are consistent with the organization’s safety policy Developed in such a manner that safety is not compromised by other priorities Safety goals shall be measurable and periodically reviewed Requirement 5: Senior management shall ensure that appropriate interaction with interested parties takes places [From GS-G-3.1 |3.1; GS-G 3.1|2.24; GS-G-3.1 |3.2; GS-G-3.1 |3.3] [From GS-G-3.1 |3.1] The efficiency of a management system should begin at the level of senior management. [From GS-G 3.1|2.24] Senior management should prepare a plan to achieve full implementation of the management system. Responsibility for the effectiveness of the management system should not be delegated. [From GS-G-3.1 |3.2] The senior management should be responsible and accountable for the planning and implementation of a management system that is appropriate to the organization. It is the role of senior management to establish and cultivate principles that integrate all requirements into daily work. Senior managers should provide the individuals performing the work with the necessary information, tools, support and encouragement to perform their assigned work properly. [From GS-G-3.1 |3.3] Visible and active support, strong leadership and the commitment of senior management are fundamental to the success of the management system. SAFETY CULTURE IS ADDRESSED IN ANOTHER PRESENTATION GRADED APPROACH IS ADDRESSED LATER ON IN THIS PRESENTATION Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
So that Safety is not compromised
4. Management System What does Integration of the management system mean? Single framework for arrangements and processes to address organizational goals and requirements which integrates its elements Safety Health Environmental Security Quality Economic Social responsibility… So that Safety is not compromised GS-R-3 Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4 Main Components 4. Management System Key Concepts
Based on a process approach: any work is a set of interrelated processes All individuals involved contribute to achieving objectives A management system is binding to everyone in the organization Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
Leadership and management for safety
Team Training 10/1/2017 4. Management System Evolution of Management Concept Leadership and management for safety GS-R Part 2 Integrated Management System Safety & Performance Quality Management GS-R-3 Quality Assurance 50-C-Q This slide shows how the agency standards followed the evolution in this area. QUALITY CONTROL Emphasizes testing of products in order to uncover defects and reporting to management who make the decision to allow or deny the release QUALITY ASSURANCE: Systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service or facility to maximize the probability that minimum standards of quality are being attained by the production process. QA attempts to improve and stabilize production and associated processes in order to minimize issues that led to the defects in the first place. It cannot absolutely guarantee the production of quality products QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Management of activities and function needed to maintain a desired level of quality. This includes creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, as well as quality control and quality improvement INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Integrates all organization's systems (quality, environment, health, security, etc.) and processes into one complete framework, enabling an organization to work as a single unit goal: improving the performance of the entire organization Systemic approach for interaction between Individuals, Technology and organization Quality Control 50-C-QA 1985 1988 1996 2006 2016 Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4. Management System Requirement 6: Integration of the management system The management system shall integrate its elements, including safety, health, environmental, security, quality, human-and-organizational-factor, societal and economic elements, so that safety is not compromised. The management system shall be applied to achieve goals safely, to enhance safety and to foster a strong safety culture by: Bringing together in a coherent manner all the necessary elements for safely managing the organization and its activities Describing the arrangements made for management of the organization and its activities Describing the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide confidence that all requirements are met Ensuring that safety is taken into account in decision making and is not compromised by any decisions taken Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4. Management System Requirement 7: Application of the graded approach to the management system The management system shall be developed and applied using a graded approach Criteria to grade the development and application of the system shall be documented. Graded approach shall take into account: Safety significance and complexity of the organization, operation of facility of conduct of the activity Hazards and magnitude of potential impacts (risks) Possible consequences for safety in case of failure or unanticipated event Application of graded approach is about allocation of resources and efforts Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4. Management System Requirement 8: Documentation of the management system The management system shall be documented. The documentation of the management system shall be controlled, usable, readable, clearly identified and readily available at the point of use. The documentation shall include as a minimum Policy statements on values and behavioural expectations Fundamental safety objective Description of the organization and its structure Description of Responsibilities and Accountabilities Levels of authority Description of how the management system comply with relevant requirements Description with interactions with external organizations and interested parties Documents shall be controlled including revisions Records shall be specified and controlled Retention times of records and associated test materials and specimens shall be established. Media are to be compatible with retention time. Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4. Management System Requirement 9: Provision of resources
Senior management shall determine the competences and resources necessary to carry out the activities of the organization safely and shall provide them Ensure to have or maintains access to all competences and resources necessary to conduct activities and to discharge all responsibilities Determine which competences and resources are to be internal, and which ones can be external In-house, competences for leadership at all management level, related to safety culture and human and organizational aspects Ensure that all individuals are suitably competent for their tasks and works, competence requirements established accordingly Individuals to be trained including on relevant requirements of the management system and importance of their activities for safety Knowledge and information shall be managed as a resource Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4. Management System Requirement 10: Management of processes and activities Processes and activities to be developed and effectively managed to achieve the organization’s goals without compromising safety. Processes shall be documented. Documentation to be maintained and consistent with any existing documents Records to be specified in the process documentation The sequencing of a process and the interactions between processes to be specified so that safety is not compromised. Effective interaction between processes includes those conducted by external service providers to be ensured Responsibilities and criteria to conduct oversight activities shall be specified Process modifications shall be controlled Safety-related processes shall be duly controlled Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4. Management System Requirement 11: Management of the supply chain
The organization shall put in place arrangements with vendors, contractors and suppliers for specifying, monitoring and managing the supply to it of items, products and services that may influence safety The organization shall retain responsibility for safety when contracting out any processes and when receiving items, products, services Organization shall be an intelligent customer Management system shall include arrangements for managing the supply chain (qualification, evaluation, oversight…) Arrangements to ensure that suppliers comply with safety requirements and expectations Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
4. Management System Requirement 13: Measurement, assessment and improvement of the management system The effectiveness of the management system shall be measured, assessed and improved to enhance safety performance, including minimizing the occurrence of problems relating to safety Effectiveness of management system to be monitored and measured Processes to be regularly evaluated Non-conformances and correctives actions to eliminate, prevent and mitigate consequences Independent assessment and self-assessment Senior management periodic review of management system Lessons, feedback evaluation and timely use Learning also form successes and strengths Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
5. Leadership and Culture for safety
Requirement 12: Fostering a culture for safety Individuals in the organization, from senior managers downwards, shall foster a strong safety culture. The management system and leadership for safety shall be such as to foster and sustain a strong safety culture All staff shall contribute to foster and sustain safety culture All managers shall advocate and support: Common understanding of safety and safety culture Acceptance by all of personal accountability for their attitudes and conduct with regard to safety Culture to encourages trust, collaboration and communication Reporting of problems to HTO factors and safety related deficiencies Questioning attitudes The means to enhance safety and foster safety culture, using systemic approach Safety oriented decision making in all activities Exchange of ideas and combination of safety and security culture Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
5. Leadership and Culture for safety
Requirement 14: Measurement, assessment and improvement of leadership for safety and of safety culture Senior management shall regularly commission assessments of leadership for safety and of safety culture in its own organization. Self-assessment of leadership and safety culture done at all levels, and making use of recognized experts competent in the area Independent assessment Results of assessment communicated at all levels in the organization and shall be acted upon to foster and sustain a strong safety culture. Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
6. Conclusion Any managers needs to be leaders for safety
Leadership is about giving direction to individuals and groups and influencing their commitment Management is a function to ensure an organization operates efficiently and effectively Management system is the key tool for managing an organization and its activities in compliance with requirements and in line with expectations when ensuring Safety is not compromised GSR Part 2 intends to cover all key aspects of Leadership and Management for Safety Safety culture Human and organizational factors and their interactions with technology Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
Thank you
Module 3 - Core set on Leadership and Management for Safety 2016
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