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Year 4 Residential experience.

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1 Year 4 Residential experience.
Alfrey Activity Centre

2 Who am I? Mr Jones I have many years of experience running residential experiences for children of all ages. (Through scouting and volunteer work.) I work closely with an activity centre which allows me to work with other schools on their residential experiences. I am a trained adventurous activity instructor which allows me to run activity sessions for children and adults.

3 This is an exciting opportunity for Y4 to experience a residential.
Yardley Primary School have been planning a residential experience for year 4 children. We are very excited about this and hope the children will feel the same. It is a great opportunity for them, as they will experience many life skills which they may not otherwise encounter until later on in life. Being away from home allows children to explore the world around them whilst still being in a safe place.

4 Where is it? Alfrey Activity Centre
Situated in Meriden (Coventry). Roughly a 20 minute drive from the school site. The centre has been established for many years and runs a variety of adventurous activities. The Centre is on private property and not open to the public. There is a fence which stretches around the entire site with only one available access point.

5 When is it? 27th- 29th / 29th-31st March
The trip will be 2 nights long for each child going. 2 classes will have the opportunity Monday to Wednesday. 2 classes will have the opportunity Wednesday to Friday.

6 What they will do? During their 2 day residential children will be given the opportunity to do many things. We have split these into 4 key skill groups to help explain them. Outdoor skills Adventurous activities Fun activities Life skills All of these areas help children to develop and become a more independent individual.

7 Outdoor skills Fire lighting – Lighting a fire to cook on with a flint stick. Shelter building – Building a shelter and testing it in different weather conditions. Orienteering – Using a map and compass to find their way around. Pioneering – Using poles and ropes

8 Adventurous activities
Climbing – In a modern indoor climbing area. Archery – Target archery in an indoor range. Abseiling – In a dedicated indoor area.

9 Fun activities Campfire – A fun evening activity with singing, shouting and some dancing. (Maybe a treat at the end!) Go-karts – Pedal powered. Nature hunting – in a designated wildlife area. Gladiator duel – battle your friends on a bouncy castle.

10 Life skills Cooking – Working as part of a team to cook.
Exploring – Playing within a safe woodland area. Organisational skills – Making sure they have appropriate clothing etc for the activity they are doing. Time keeping – Making sure they are in the right place. Social time – Time to relax, talk and make new friends.

11 Cost £40 The cost of the trip is only £40 for their 3 day 2 night experience. This is an unbelievable price for a school residential trip as normally schools have to pay for a skilled event organiser who can co-ordinate the residential for the school. Cost includes – food, accommodation, activities and transport.

12 What to do now? After the meeting you will be able to collect a letter for your child. We will need to know numbers by the 16th December. With a £5 deposit to secure your Childs space. This can be done tonight if you wish or sent into school at a later date. Please be aware spaces are limited. So it will be first come first served.

13 Any questions? I will be around after the meeting if you don’t want to ask now.

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