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HR…Become the Storyteller of Your Organization

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1 HR…Become the Storyteller of Your Organization

2 HRCI Credit 315982

3 Mary Lanier-Evans, PHR, SHRM-CP
I am the People & Culture Officer for QuickStart Technologies, 360training and 360Factors, with over 17 years of human resources management experience. My favorite part of my job is to make employees smile . This can be through onboarding, employee relations and definitely by creating a great culture. Away from work, I enjoy traveling with my husband and attending sporting events. 

4 Agenda Why is Employer Branding Important? Chapter 1: Recruitment
Chapter 2: Onboarding Chapter 3: Culture Appendix: Why should HR be the storyteller?

5 Why is Employer Branding Important?

6 Importance of Employer Branding
What is Employer Branding? It is the perception key stakeholders, including current and potential employees, have of your organization. It is…. how they view the company how an organization conducts itself the culture of an organization!

7 Have you developed your employer brand?
Ask yourself these questions: What are the most attractive attributes of the organization for both current and potential employees? What roles are most critical to the success and how do you attract and retain the best talent? What are the current perceptions of working within the organization? How is this measured? Is it affecting your ability to recruit top talent?

8 Starts with employees……
Employer Brand Starts with employees…… And ends with employees!

9 1 in 3 57% How can employer brand be affected?
Workers who have been terminated or laid off have left at least one negative review on social media Of companies have employer brand strategy CareerArc study 2015

10 Let’s look at how employer brand affects HR functions.

11 Chapter 1: Recruitment

12 75% 62% Job Seeker statistics
Of job seekers consider an employer’s brand before even applying for a job. Of job seekers visit social media channels to evaluate employer brand CareerArc study 2015

13 How can you help with the messaging?
Branding on recruitment If 3 out of 4 candidates are researching your company, what story is being told? Who is telling it? What are they saying? How can you help with the messaging?

14 Story-telling for Recruitment
What does your Glassdoor page have on it? Do you respond to reviews, both positive and negative? Do you have a Facebook recruitment page? Is it connected to the company’s Facebook page? Does your company website and career page discuss the culture and the benefits offered to the company?

15 HR needs to be the Storyteller for the organization……
HR as Storyteller HR needs to be the Storyteller for the organization…… because of its impact on recruitment.

16 Chapter 2: Onboarding

17 69% 37% Job Seeker statistics
Of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experience great onboarding. Of employers extend their onboarding beyond the first month. CareerArc study 2015

18 Onboarding According to Bersin by Deloitte, onboarding is the process of hiring, orienting and immersing new employees into their roles and into the organization’s culture.

19 Fun Facts: 66% of companies with onboarding programs claim higher rate of successful assimilation into culture 62% showed higher time to productivity ratios 54% reported higher employee engagement All of the above leads to higher retention rate and therefore, lower operating expense for your organization.

20 Ask yourself the following:
What is the difference between orientation and onboarding? When does onboarding start? What do you do to WOW your new hires with a great experience?

21 Difference between orientation and onboarding?
Usually one day. Shares essentials only. Provides basic information and paperwork. Onboarding: Usually takes place before and after hire, lasting weeks or months. Introduces and ingrains into culture. Provides detailed information, paperwork, resources and expectations.

22 Preboarding Send FAQ document explaining company history and culture. Include what to expect for orientation, dress code and points of contact. If you have videos, pictures, etc of company culture activities, share them. Provide new hire paperwork Namely Onboarding is great for this and allows you to send a welcome message!

23 First day recommendations (WOW them!)
Welcome letter upon acceptance, with gift Decorate their desk Swag items Breakfast/lunch with team Time with leaders on day one Have team create work of art to present Communication to company welcoming them Namely HR is great tool for this and announces recent hires for 30 days!

24 First day recommendations (WOW them!)
Most importantly…make them feel welcome so they help tell the story to potential future new hires!

25 HR needs to be the Storyteller for the organization……
HR as Storyteller HR needs to be the Storyteller for the organization…… because of its impact on new hires and retention.

26 Chapter 3: Culture

27 Culture statistics 28% 48% Increase in earnings growth due to high employee engagement Turnover at companies with a poor culture TruPath 2017

28 What is Company Culture?

29 If culture was a math problem, it would be:
Culture simply is the way we do things in our company! If culture was a math problem, it would be: Habits + values + vision + mission + communication + cooperation + policies + procedures + dynamics + level of bureaucracy + support of innovation + care for people CULTURE

30 Ask yourself the following:
How does culture drive performance? What is culture worth? What processes in an organization affect culture?

31 Creating ToMo (total motivation)
Culture influences Creating ToMo (total motivation) High performing culture maximizes the play, purpose and potential felt by employees and minimizes emotional pressure, economic pressure and inertia. Positive company culture creates a positive impact on the company’s bottom line. A positive bottom line does not guarantee a positive company culture.

32 Bottom line…. Culture influences Positive Workplace success because
Increases positive emotions for employees Provides sense of well-being Improves employee’s relationships with each other Amplifies their abilities and creativity Bottom line…. Happy employees = loyal employees = organizational effectiveness

33 HR needs to be the Storyteller for the organization……
HR as Storyteller HR needs to be the Storyteller for the organization…… because of its impact on culture.

34 Appendix Recap

35 Everything! Recruitment Onboarding Culture/employee engagement
HR needs to be the storyteller of the organization because it impacts: Everything! Recruitment Onboarding Culture/employee engagement

36 Email:



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