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Elibariki, G; Njahira, M; Hosea, K.M.M; Skilton,R; Ndunguru, J

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1 Elibariki, G; Njahira, M; Hosea, K.M.M; Skilton,R; Ndunguru, J
GCP21-II conference: Cassava: Overcoming Challenges of Global Climatic Changes 18th-22nd June- at Speke Resort and Conference Center, Kampala-Uganda Somatic embryogenesis and development of RNAi constructs for transformation of TZ farmer preferred cassava landraces for CMD resistance Elibariki, G; Njahira, M; Hosea, K.M.M; Skilton,R; Ndunguru, J

2 Cassava background A root tuber crop, Euphorbiaceae family Can strive within almost all climatic conditions Harsh environs + high Tms, cassava precedes other African staple food crops-banana, maize, rice, sweet potatoes, sorghum

3 Suitable food crop for fight against hunger and poverty in Africa and sub-Saharan continent
TZ among the 10 producers in Africa, total calories per day from cassava =15% However, among the major challenges facing cassava production is virus diseases. CBSD and CMD -major concerns

4 Most of TZ farmer preferred cassava (FPC) are highly yielding but are highly susceptible to CMD
CMD incidences up to 72% , 2004 Survey 2005; TZ, 80% of cassava plants showed severe symptoms of CMD (Ndunguru et al., 2005) 2006; CMD alone-47% yield loss

5 However; Due to the potentiality of this crop, there is a need for more efforts in fighting the viruses. Genetic transformation (GT) to enhance resistance against viruses affecting cassava is inevitable.

6 Efforts to combat viral diseases-CMD & CBSD
Conventional breeding Introgression Phytosanitation Good Agricultural practices Biotechonology tools- G.T, genomics, MAs proteomics e.t.c Reseachers Farmers Researchers

EUROPEAN LABs (e.g ETH) (IITA,NARS) AFRICA Further efforts Technology transfer + Capacity building Collaboration Local farmers/ commercial??

8 Despite other challenges of using biotechnology tools such as GT;
Successful GT of cassava requires an efficient and effective transformation vectors for transgene delivery reliable protocols for transgenic plants recovery.

9 Somatic embryogenesis (SE)- among regeneration protocols for organized embryos of cassava
Others:organogenesis,FEC,suspension cultures This study assessed some selected TZ farmer preferred cassava (FPC) for : somatic embryo induction ability sustainability of the S.E Subsequently regeneration of S.E to whole plant

10 Somatic embryogenesis regime

11 Also, transformation vector for transgene delivery was developed:
3 dsRNAi constructs EACMV 2 constructs- Rep/ AC1 ii. 1 construct- overlapping region of TrAP/AC2 & REn/ AC3 (AC2/3) iii. ACMV constructs –still underway Vector pGSA1285 (pCAMBIA)

12 Induction of Somatic Embryos (SE)
Young unopened leaves /leaf lobes (2wks old)- 20-Cassava landraces–(Farmer Preferred) MS supplemented with: 4-16 mg/L of 2,4-D, or Picloram 2-6 % (w/v) sucrose 0-1.5 mM CuSO4 Casein hydrolysate Incubation 28ºC, 16 hours photoperiod for 4-8 weeks to produce somatic embryo cotyledons.

13 Incubation- 3 to 6 weeks depending on the cultivar
Maturation of somatic embryos Globular stage somatic embryos on maturation media (MS salts) + 2% (w/v) sucrose, 1 mg/L thiamine-HCL, 100 mg/L myo-inositol, 0.01 mg/L, 2,4-D, 0.5 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L GA3. Incubation- 3 to 6 weeks depending on the cultivar

14 Germination and plant recovery
Mature S.E, distinct root and shoot axes on root induction media Several weeks incubations (up to 6 wks) Acclimatization, transfer of plants into soil & maintenance in the screen house

15 Results Generally 65% FPC were capable of S.E Induction took btn 4 to 8 wks for landraces tested Different performance under different media optimizations and light vs darkness

16 B A 2 2 SE 4 3 SAGALATO 1 MNAZI D C Regeneration Regime Of Cassava Landraces Via S.E

17 Root induction and maturation on MS media
F Root induction and maturation on MS media

18 2wks old plantlets in the screen house

19 3 Cultivars Vs Sucrose and CuSO4 conc.


21 Regeneration stages achieved by 20 FPC

22 Other observations Explant status-health
Leaf lobe age-constant 2wks but some had already opened Lab and screen house conditions-esp Tm stability Genotype

23 Transformation Vector for Transgene Delivery
RNAi constructs development dsRNA vector pGSA1285 (pCAMBIA) Construct plan: ihpRNAi with 200bp or 450bp arms-sense and antisense Two: (i) Target-AC1 and (ii)AC2/3 partial genes-EACMV

24 ihpRNAi construct plan
SacI BamHI XhoI SpeI Gus intron OCS terminator CaMV35S (3x) BigIII HindIII Sense Antisense EACMV (AC1/5’or AC2/3) EACMV (AC1/5’ or AC2/3)

25 Development of ihpRNAi constructs
DNA Source: EACMV & ACMV -symptomatic cassava leaves (Delaporta et al., some few modifications) Specific primers to confirm the above: Primers:EAB555/F & R -EACMV DNA B JSP001 & JSP002-ACMV (AV1/CP)

26 Ref sequences:GenBank
Primers design for genes of interest sense + antisense Ref sequences:GenBank AY STD cloning - pGEMT-easy vector Insert confirmation: NucleotideSequence –BigDye™ Terminator technology, BecA-ILRI Hub, Nairobi-Kenya

27 Cloning into an Expression vector
Appropriate fragments released from pGEMT-easy vector were cloned –into an expression vector Screening of putative E. coli transformants Colony PCR (bacterial) Plasmid isolation/purification Restriction digestion Nucleotide sequence analysis

28 + Nucleotide analysis……
Pair of primers used for synthesis of respective fragments in PCR was used in sequencing + Primers designed –flanking upstream and downstream of inserts/MCSs of the vector pGSA1285 Nucleotide analysis BLAST (blastn) program, NCBI

29 Nucleotide sequence confirmation
Similarity to EACMCV-AY Construct 1: 98% Construct 2: 97% Similarity to EACMV-TZM-AY Construct 3: 96%

30 Conclusion SE regeneration platform system now in place at MARI
Plantlets acclimatization- difficulty, still need some optimizations Frequency of SE cotyledons and % recovery of SEs was good Variables -might be genotype specific…(genotype analysis ongoing)

31 Perspectives Constructs suitability & efficiency evaluation through GT of some few selected cultivars (FPC) GT- Agrobacterium mediated via S.E Further analysis Recommendation More capacity building needed for R&D in LDCs –especially young Scientists & more collaboration

32 Acknowledgments UDSM staff Dev Fund & UDSM CoNAS World Bank Project- PhD Sponsor MBB Dept-UDSM TZ govt ,Gates, Rockfeller Found, ILTAB, ASARECA +ALL donors-MARI Biosafety lab (II) MARI – Admin & Staff BecA –ILRI Hub & ABCF Supervisors: KMM Hosea, R. Skilton & J.Ndunguru The Ohio State Univ for expression vector to Dr Joseph USAID

33 Thank you all!

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