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Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi

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1 Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Elham Pourrahmani MSc. Student in GIS Division, Dept. of Surveying and Geomatic Eng., College of Eng., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Mahmoud Reza Delavar Center of Excellence in Geomatic Eng. and Disaster Management, Dept. of Surveying and Geomatic Eng., College of Eng., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi Geomatics Department, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

2 Initial Emergency Relief
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Earthquake Damages to Buildings and Properties Initial Emergency Relief Avoidance of Secondary disasters Emergency evacuation 2

3 Emergency sheltering for initial phase
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Local shelters Emergency sheltering for initial phase Minimum life requirements for 72 hours settlement Local open areas Religious centers Educational centers 3

4 Long-term safe settlement
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Regional shelters Long-term safe settlement Minimum requirements for long-term settlement Emergency lifelines and telecommunication Accessibility to evacuation roads Large open areas 4

5 5 Damages to the private properties Mental condition of evacuees
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Public vehicles Damages to the private properties Mental condition of evacuees High capacity vehicle benefits 5

6 Transportation network Time-dependent and unpredicted changes
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Transportation network Time-dependent and unpredicted changes Travel demand increase Network blockages 6

7 Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake
Research objective Modeling the post-earthquake evacuation process from local shelters to the regional one via public vehicles for a long-term safe settlement Real-time time-dependent routing procedure for evacuation vehicles that minimizes total travel times, covering: Network accessibility Traffic congestion 7

8 Control center of evacuation routing
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake ITS subsystem Research Scenario Control center of evacuation routing Internet GIS subsystem -Network analysis -Spatial location of components Update the problem input data O-D matrix for time interval of 15 minutes GPS subsystem Real-time position of vehicles GPRS subsystem Routing vehicles Predicted travel times for the next time interval 8

9 Vehicle routing problem
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Vehicle routing problem NP-Hard optimization problem Vehicles with limited capacity Origin Points Demand Points Destination points Public vehicles Depot Local shelters Regional shelter 9

10 Ant Colony Optimization
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Ant Colony Optimization 10

11 11 No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes End Initialization
Locating ants at depot All the local shelters visited? Number of ants = 45 Pheromone impact factor 𝜶= 1 Heuristic impact factor 𝜷= 2 Evaporation rate 𝝆= 0.1 Initial pheromone 𝝉 𝟎 = 1 For each ant in the colony Yes Local update of pheromone Generating two number with uniform distribution in (0,1) Yes Any remaining ant? Yes If ? No No Global update of pheromone Next node selection regarding: Next node selection regarding: No Termination condition? Capacity exceeded? Yes No Yes End Add the chosen node to the ant’s route and tabu list Vehicle departs to the regional shelter and alternates with a new one 11

12 Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake
Shahid Lajevardi Highway Yedegar Imam Highway Shahid Chamran Highway Shahid Hakim Highway 12

13 Real-time travel times
Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake Initial travel times Historical travel times, acquired from Tehran Transportation and Traffic Comprehensive Studies Organization Real-time travel times Generation of a random number with normal distribution within [0 1] for each link of network and division of link travel time to it. Random number 0, attributes the link as no-function Random number 1, attributes the link as full-function Random number between 0 and 1, attributes a link as partially function Capacity of each vehicle is equal to 60 Number of evacuees in each local shelter is a random number with normal distribution within [30 60] No capacity constraint for regional shelter 13

14 Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake
Number of evacuated local shelters Vs. Blockages The Achieved Results of the Proposed Real-Time Routing Evaluation Total Evacuation Time Vs. Scenario Evacuated shelters (dynamic) (static) Total travel time(dynamic) (minute) Total travel time(static) (minute) Total evacuation time(dynamic) (minute) Total evacuation time(static) (minute) Amount of blockage (%) Scenario 92 52 810 435 104.5 25.5 10 1 87 18 620 347 27 14 25 2 56 16 723 572 108 40 3 29 501 216 110.5 55 4 119 89 ___ 70 5 838 854 32 33 6 1012 1048 37.5 44 7 1181 1291 58 77 8 1122 1143 47 9 1560 1763 65 78 14

15 Intelligent Transportation System for Evacuation Routing After an Earthquake
In the cases where there were blockages in the transportation network, the real-time routing of evacuation vehicles led to the increase of evacuated emergency shelters by the average of 42 compared to the static routing. As the amount of blockages increased, the number of evacuated shelters decreased, until the blockage of 70% where evacuation was impossible. In the case of sudden changes in traffic congestion, applying the real-time routing compared to the static one, led to the decrease in total evacuation time and total travel time by the average of 110 and 51 minutes, respectively. 15


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