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What Is the Amgen Biotech Experience?

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Presentation on theme: "What Is the Amgen Biotech Experience?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is the Amgen Biotech Experience?


3 Why should your students study biotechnology?
Why Biotech?

4 Basics of ABE Amgen Biotech Experience Student and teacher curriculum
Basic content, lab techniques, and skills used by researchers in the biotechnology field Choice of lab sequences All specialized equipment provided including consumables at no cost Teachers provide limited, commonplace equipment (beakers, etc) Basics of ABE

5 Problem: How can we mass produce a useful protein
Problem: How can we mass produce a useful protein? Solution: Take the protein from the organism that makes it and put it into something that will make large quantities of that protein. What are they doing?

6 How do they do it? Procedure Find the gene that makes the protein
Cut the gene out Put the gene into a carrier Use the carrier to insert the gene into bacteria Turn on the gene so the bacteria makes the protein How do they do it?

7 Student Guide Diabetes and insulin production is used as an example throughout the curriculum Learning goals Visuals Literacy strategies Relevant analysis questions Glossaries

8 Choice of lab sequences
Teacher’s Guide Choice of lab sequences Detailed teacher prep information with materials lists, step-by-step instructions, and prep tips Identified media resources specific to an activity (on web-site) Approximate timing is given for all activities Supplemental activities support each lab During the lab, specific questions encourage student discourse and reflection Lab safety information for student and teacher

9 Procedures Involved Red Fluorescent Protein
Restriction (cut the rfp gene out) Ligation (put the rfp gene into a plasmid) Confirmation Transformation (put the plasmid with rfp into a bacteria) Culture the bacteria, isolate and purify the protein Procedures Involved

10 Lab Sequences Complete GE Abridged GE Focus on Bacteria
Intro to Biotech 1. Practice Pipetting X 2. Restriction Analysis 3. Ligation 4. Confirmation 5. Transformation 6. Culture of E. coli/Purification * X = included; * = optional Lab Sequences

11 October 12, 2013 Saturday Introduction What are the ABE labs?
Lab 1.1 & 1.2: How To Use a Micropipette and Gel Electrophoresis Lunch Lab 5A: Transforming Bacteria with the pARA-R Plasmid October 12, 2013

12 Sunday Lab 2a: Preparing to Verify the RFP Gene: Digesting the pARA-R Plasmid Lab 4a: Verification of the Recombinant Plasmid Using Gel Electrophoresis Lunch Lab 4a: Verification of the Recombinant Plasmid Using Gel Electrophoresis (cont.) Lab 5A: Transforming Bacteria with the pARA-R Plasmid (cont.) October 13, 2013

13 Procedures Involved Red Fluorescent Protein
Restriction (cut the rfp gene out) Ligation (put the rfp gene into a plasmid) Confirmation Transformation (put the plasmid with rfp into a bacteria) Culture the bacteria, isolate and purify the protein Procedures Involved

14 Lab Sequences Complete GE Abridged GE Focus on Bacteria
Intro to Biotech 1. Practice Pipetting X 2. Restriction Analysis 3. Ligation 4. Confirmation 5. Transformation 6. Culture of E. coli/Purification * X = included; * = optional Lab Sequences

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