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The Existence of God and Revelation

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1 The Existence of God and Revelation

2 Key terms Atheist – a person who believes that there is no God
Theist – a person who believes in God. Agnostic – Someone who thinks there is not enough evidence for belief in God. (not sure)

3 The Design Argument for God’s existence
Also called the Teleological argument Developed by William Paley. A watch shows too much evidence of design and purpose to have come about by chance, it must have a designer (watchmaker.) The natural world shows evidence of design, purpose and complexity. Eg. The human eye. The Universe is infinitely more complicated than a watch and must also have a designer (worldmaker) Designer of the universe = God.

4 Other versions of this argument…
Isaac Newton – opposable thumbs evidence of a designer. Thomas Aquinas –only an intelligent being could keep things in the universe in regular order. F.R. Tennant – The universe is so finely tuned it must be deliberate design.

5 Objections to the Design arguments…
Since the process of natural selection happens by chance, species design themselves over time. The thumb, the eye etc are all the result of evolution, not a designer God. The order in the universe is necessary to support life, so it just gives the appearance of design. If God designed the universe why is there So much suffering? Eg. Earthquakes/ diseases/ faults in design.

6 The First Cause Arguments for the existence of God
Sometimes called the cosmological argument. Developed by St. Thomas Aquinas. Everything is caused by something else. Something cannot come from nothing. The Universe exists and began to exist, so it too must have a cause. There must have been something to start off everything else. God is the 1st cause. The unmoved mover. He has always existed. (eternal) Therefore God exists.

7 Objections to the First Cause argument…
It contradicts itself: if everything has a cause, what caused God? If God is eternal why can’t the universe be eternal. Just because things have causes does not mean the universe itself has a cause. Scientists say time began with the Big Bang, it’s pointless to say there was anything before it. The Big Bang was a random event, not caused by God.

8 The argument from miracles for God’s existence…
Miracle: a seemingly impossible event, usually good, that cannot be explained and is thought to be the action of God. 2 types: Events that break the law of nature eg. Walking on water. Happy coincidences eg. Train stops just in time. Examples of miracles: -Jesus feeding 5000 from 5 loaves of bread and two fish. The incarnation and resurrection of Jesus. -Other miracles - Lourdes- Bernadette Soubitous saw the immaculate conception- Virgin Mary at the age of 14. She saw her 18 times. 69 ‘official’ miracles have taken place here. -Hindu statues drinking milk!

9 Miracles – Proof of God?? Yes:
If there’s no scientific explanation then it must be supernatural – caused by something outside of nature. As only God is outside nature, then it must be his intervention in the world. Therefore God exists. Objections: (No) Just a lucky coincidence There’s a scientific explanation not yet discovered. Healing may be the result of ‘mind over matter’ or misdiagnosis by doctors. Some miracles are fake, made up by peole who want fame or money. Why doesn’t God act for everyone? Why do miracles happen to undeserving people?

10 David Hume on miracles (1711-1776).
A famous philosopher who was against miracles: There can never be enough evidence to deny the laws of nature. Any witness statement needs challenging- It has to be believable than alternatives to be accepted as valid Accounts of miracles in history have never been seen by huge numbers of people who are reliable- their testimonies are not credible With Hume only miracles form educated, civilised countries could count (Europe) Anyone who is religious is likely to exaggerate or misinterpret the evidence- their testimony must be discounted.

11 SCIENCE AND ATHEISM Science can now explain the things that people from the past could not understand. (eg. Why and how we are here) Atheists argue that there’s no need to invent a God to make sense of what we do not know at the moment. Eventually, science will have all the answers. Many Christians believe that the scientific theories are true and the stories about how God made the world should not be taken literally. They think that science reveals the laws by which God created the universe. BUT FUNDAMENTALIST Christians think it is wrong to change religious truths to fit scientific laws as this could lead to a rejection of other teachings in the Bible.

12 Revelation Special revelation General revelation
When people experience God directly in a particular event. Usually has a profound effect upon the person or people. Isn’t available for everyone. E.g. visions, miracles, dream. MOST of the major religions started through This type of revelation. General revelation Available for all, not all choose to see it. God making himself known through ordinary things like nature, scripture, prayer etc.

13 Examples of special revelation from scripture.
The Bible The Qur’an Saul was a Jew who rounded up Christians to be executed as blasphemers against the Jewish faith. on his way to Damascus, he was blinded by light which only he could see. From the light came Jesus’ voice ‘Saul, why do you persecute me?’ For three days he was blind then a Christian came to cure him. He Immediately became a Christian, changing his name to Paul. From that moment Paul began travelling around the Mediterranean spreading the message of Christianity. He also wrote most of the New Testament. Muhammad was a business man who lived in Makkah. He would often go to a cave on Mount Hira to pray and think about life. On one of these visit he was met by the Angel Jibril who ordered him to read. Muhammad could not read, but the man grabbed him and squeezed him tightly, and again ordered him to read. This happened three times. At last, Muhammad read – as if the words were burned on his heart, and he knew them already. After receiving the Qur’an the Angel told Muhammad that Allah (God) had chosen him as the final prophet of Islam.

14 General Revelation from nature
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” THEISTS would say: Nature is beautiful Nature is clever It is complicated Shows design and purpose May invoke awe and wonder in people A HUMANIST would say that the works of nature are not from God but they are special because they can lead to a greater understanding of the world.

15 Revelation General- from scripture (Holy books)
Bible - Old Testament/ New Testament. describes God’s nature, what He has done, rules to live by, poetry, prophecy, myth, history etc. All Christians believe the Bible is inspired by God but they interpret it in different ways. (some literally others don’t) Some people would argue that scripture is just the authors opinion and they could be wrong about God.

16 Revelation – reality or illusion?
The value of revelation: Proof of God’s existence Help to start religions Can lead to relationship with the divine Help people to know what God wants. Just and illusion: Atheists would say that revelations are subjective so difficult to prove/ open to interpretation/ could be drug induced/ mental illness/ Maybe they were lying for money or fame? Atheists would say that religions have conflicting revelations and therefore can’t be real.

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