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Map Components & Types of Maps

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Presentation on theme: "Map Components & Types of Maps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Map Components & Types of Maps

2 Title The title of a map should clearly state the intentions of the map. It should be specific to the map’s purpose.

3 Compass Rose Shows where the cardinal directions lie on a map.
North, east, south, and west

4 Legend / Key List of symbols or colors that are represented on a map.
Serves as a guide that tells you the meaning behind each symbol or color.

5 Scale Tells the user about the size of a map in relation to the size of the real world. Gives you a ratio between distances on the map and actual distances on the earth.

6 Date Maps should also contain a date when they were created.
As maps are continually updated with additional information and improved accuracy, it is important to know the time when your map was published.

7 Physical Maps Depict physical features
Mountains, rivers, lakes, elevation.

8 Political Maps Show political features. Features determined by people.
Include boundaries and capital cities.

9 Special-Purpose Maps Designed to display specific data or information.
Road maps, climate, natural resources, population density maps.

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