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Biblical Ethics Part 3: Part 3: Biblical Decision Making

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1 Biblical Ethics Part 3: Part 3: Biblical Decision Making
The Walk and Talk of Wisdom Part 3: Part 3: Biblical Decision Making How to make ethical and moral choices


3 Choosing Wisely What are some unwise ways people make choices? How do you seek God's will for your life? How do you make wise ethical choices?

4 Wisdom Model Summary  "Decision Making & the Will of God” by Garry Friesen
God doesn't decide for us.  Instead, like a good Father, He teaches us how to decide.

5 A. In submission to God's moral will
1. We are not allowed to choose any alternative that will violate Scripture. 2. God's moral will governs not just the ends we pursue, but also the means to the ends, our attitudes and our motives in the process. 3. We learn God's moral will from the Scripture through reading search & inquiry, diligent study, careful consideration, memorization, and gifted teachers. 4. Problem: sometimes we fancy we've received special guidance from the Lord and then violate some clear directive of Scripture in order to pursue it.

6 B. With wisdom, that which is sensible, morally sound, and expedient
1.  God commands us to pray for wisdom (James 1:5). 2.  Proverbs teaches that wisdom helps us make good choices (Proverbs 1:1-6, 2:9, 8:35-36). 3.  Wisdom come from many sources:  the Bible, counsel, research, instruction, and experience.

7 C. Being sensitive to the personal element
Issues of personal desire and personal conscience are important, and given valid considerations.

8 D. In humble submission to God's sovereign intervention
1.  God has the privilege, though not the obligation, of intervening in any of our plans. 2.  God uses obstacles, roadblocks, problems and circumstances to redirect our paths. 3.  We respond by making wise choices as new factors become evident, with an attitude of dependence and trust in God (James 4:13-18, Prov. 3:4-6, Ps 138:8). 4.   In the process of our free will decision making God fulfills His sovereign purposes.

9 II. Conclusion: The Wisdom Model in Action
1st. Determine which options, if any, are excluded in a Biblical examination of goals, means and motives. 2nd. Apply wisdom and personal desires to the remaining choices.  Examine circumstances, research facts, weigh alternatives, gather information, seek counsel. 3rd. Make your decision with an attitude of humble trust in the Lord: "If God wills.." 4th. Adjust to new circumstances as they arise using the same method.

10 Role Models in Scripture
Paul's decision to go to Rome (Rom 1:8-15) Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) Paul's advice on marriage (1 Cor 7) Paul's second & third missionary journeys (Acts 15:36, 18:23) etc.

11 Precepts and Principles
Precepts Some of the statements that appear in the Bible are specific, black and white truths that take all the guesswork out of the way. (For example: 1 Thess. 4:3; 5:15-18) Principles These are general directions that must be applied to specific situations.

12 Basic Lessons in Wisdom Four Principles for Wise Decision Making
Chains Rock Brick Mirror

13 1. Will this lead to slavery or freedom?
Chains 1. Will this lead to slavery or freedom? Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me but I will not be mastered by anything Cor. 6:12

14 2. Will this make me a stumbling block or a stepping stone?
Rock 2. Will this make me a stumbling block or a stepping stone? Be careful, however, that the exercised of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 1 Cor. 8:9

15 3. Will this tear me down or build me up or spiritually?
Brick 3. Will this tear me down or build me up or spiritually? Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive. 1 Cor. 10:23

16 4. Will this simply please me or glorify God?
Mirror 4. Will this simply please me or glorify God? So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31

17 Basic Lessons in Wisdom Four Principles for Wise Decision Making
Chains Rock Brick Mirror

18 C-ing Guidance God's Way (Listening for God)
A primary purpose of the Word of God is to help us know the will of God. Become a careful, diligent student of Scripture. Those who are will be better equipped to understand His desires and walk in them. Key passages for God's guidance in Scripture: Psalm 119:1, 11 1 Timothy 3:16-17 Proverbs 3:5-6 1 Peter 2:2-3 Romans 12:2

19 EXTERNAL FACTORS Circumstances How has God used Circumstances to guide you? What are the limitations and dangers of this? Counsel How has God used Counsel to guide you? What are the limitations and dangers of this? Consequences How has God used Consequences to guide you? What are the limitations and dangers of this? *REMEMBER: Always check these external factors with God's Word!

20 INTERNAL FACTORS Common Sense How has God used Common Sense to guide you? What are the limitations and dangers of this? Compulsion How has God used Compulsion to guide you? What are the limitations and dangers of this? Conscience How has God used Conscience to guide you? What are the limitations and dangers of this? Contentment How has God used Contentment to guide you? What are the limitations and dangers of this? REMEMBER: Always check these internal factors with God's Word!

Is it consistent with God’s Word? Does it challenge my faith? Does it clash with my fleshly nature? Does it give me courage to live for God?

22 REVIEW When you are confronted with a choice and you desire "C-ing God's perspective for correct conduct… Check the clear commands of Scripture, Compute and be controlled by Scriptural principles Be open to God's communication in counsel, circumstances, consequences, conscience, compulsion, common sense, and contentment. BUT check if it is consistent with God's Word, challenges your faith, clashes with your fleshly nature and gives you courage to live for God.

23 10 Biblical Principles for Making Wise Decisions

24 1. What Biblical Principles Should Inform my Decision?
Questions To Ask 1. What does the Bible have to say about that? 2. Who can help me better understand what God’s Word says about this decision? 3. Make sure you are not the only one who holds to your interpretation.

25 2. Do I Have All The Facts? Questions To Ask
1. Ask a lot of questions. 2. Don’t fall prey to “wishful thinking” or let your emotions get the best of you. 3. Remember that there are two sides to every story.

26 3. Is The Pressure Of Time Forcing Me To Make A Premature Decision?
Questions To Ask 1. Beware of the “once in a life time” deal and the lure of instant gratification. 2. Don’t let the fear of missing out drive your decision. 3. When in doubt, leave it out.

27 4. What Possible Motives Are Driving My Decision?
Questions To Ask 1. Acknowledge that you have “blind spots.” 2. Honestly assess your motives, both good and bad. 3. Give others permission to speak in to your life.

28 5. How Should Past Experiences Inform My Decision?
Questions To Ask 1. Look for patterns of behavior – “triggers.” 2. Understand how your family background might affect your thinking. 3. Learn from your mistakes!

29 6. What is the Collective Counsel of my Community?
Questions To Ask 1. Avoid having many separate conversations. 2. Recognize the difference between “selling” and “sharing.” 3. Know when to “open the circle.”

30 7. Have I Honestly Considered the Warning Signs?
Questions To Ask Don’t think you are the “exception” to the rule. 2. Remember that God’s way is the best way.

31 8. Have I Considered the Possible Outcomes for my Course of Action?
Questions To Ask 1. Do the “long math.” 2. Assess the potential risks. 3. Have a contingency plan.

32 9. Could This Decision Jeopardize my Integrity or Hinder my Witness for the Lord?
Questions To Ask 1. Work toward the “center” rather than flirt with the “edge.” 2. Ask yourself, would this pass the “newspaper” test? 3. Keep short accounts.

33 10.

34 Deflating the slogans that leave Christians Speechless
Learning to be Discerning

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