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Project Update: Next-generation MCAS
2016 MASC/MASS Joint Conference Resort and Conference Center, Hyannis, MA Jeff Wulfson, Deputy Commissioner Maureen LaCroix, Special Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner Jass Stewart, Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff November 3, 2016 Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The 1993 “Grand Bargain” Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
MA students are #1 in the country
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 Grade 4 Reading 1st 1st* Grade 8 Reading Grade 4 Math Grade 8 Math Source: The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the Nation’s Report Card * Statistically tied with other states Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
MA students are globally competitive
2011 TIMSS (8th-grade students) 2nd* Science 5th* Math 2012 PISA (15-year-old students) 4th Reading 7th Science literacy 10th Source: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS); Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) * Statistically tied with another country Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The need for a next-generation MCAS?
In 1998, 4th, 8th, and 10th-graders took the first operational MCAS tests In 2001, 10th graders (class of 2003) were first class required to take the high school tests for graduation MCAS was designed to ensure a basic level of knowledge and literacy for high school graduates 1/3 of students passing MCAS and graduating from MA public high schools placed in college remediation courses Entry-level jobs requiring higher levels of cognitive skills Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
State Board of Education vote to develop a next-generation MCAS
MA “test drove” PARCC, introducing districts to a computer-based assessment aligned to college- and career-ready standards MA Board voted in November 2015 to develop next-generation MCAS, using the best of MCAS and PARCC Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
What does “next-generation” mean?
Computer-based Stronger alignment to the Massachusetts learning standards New item types that more deeply assess both skills and knowledge Sending clear signals to students, parents, and educators about readiness for work at the next level Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Timeline to update MCAS and the state’s learning standards
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Next-generation MCAS workgroups and committees
Board Assessment Committee Digital Learning Advisory Council Project Management Workgroup Test Content Review Panels MCAS Technical Advisory Committee Project Communications Workgroup Standard Setting Committee Procurement Management Workgroup School and District Accountability and Assistance Advisory Council Test Administration Workgroup High School Testing Workgroup History and Social Science Workgroup ELA and Mathematics Standards Review Panel PARCC Consortium Committee MCAS Accessibility Workgroup Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Standard Setting Committee: Key points of discussion
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Standard Setting Committee’s draft policy-level descriptors
Exceeding Expectations Students performing at this level on this test exceed grade-level expectations for knowledge, skills, and understanding and are academically well prepared to succeed at the next grade level. Meeting Expectations Students performing at this level on this test meet grade-level expectations for knowledge, skills, and understanding and are academically prepared to succeed at the next grade level. Partially Meeting Expectations Students performing at this level on this test partially meet grade-level expectations for knowledge, skills, and understanding. These students may need coordinated assistance and/or additional instruction to succeed at the next grade level. Not Yet Meeting Expectations Students performing at this level on this test did not meet grade-level expectations for knowledge, skills, and understanding. These students need substantial coordinated intervention and/or additional instruction to succeed at the next grade level. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Transition to computer-based testing
2017: Grades 4 and 8 ELA and Math 2018: Grades 4, 5, 6, and 8 ELA, Math and STE 2019: Grades 3-8 & 10 ELA and Math, plus 5 & 8 STE Paper based tests will continue to be available as an individual student accommodation Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Testing mode decisions for school districts – ELA/math MCAS tests
352 of 405 districts responding Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
ELA and math test content
Combination of legacy MCAS items, PARCC items, and new items to be developed All items to be reviewed by Massachusetts educators for curriculum alignment Test designs have been published on website: Sample practice tests coming soon Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
STE transition timeline
STE MCAS Transition Timeline can be found at Takes 2-3 years to develop new items Grades 5 & 8 tests span grades: (3, 4, & 5) and (6, 7, & 8) For MCAS purposes, 3 years to fully transition to new standards for Grades 5 & 8 Katie
Decisions regarding high school testing program
Legacy 10th-grade MCAS extended to class of 2020 Class of 2021 first cohort to take next-generation MCAS as graduation requirement – this year’s 8th graders Key decisions still to be made: Grade 11 CCR test? Add history/social sciences assessment? Which science subjects to include? Should CD move to grade 11? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Next-generation MCAS training and resources
Test(s) Topics Training Dates Audience MCAS grades 3–8 tests (CBT only) Initial guidance on computer-based testing Conference call session: September 19 Districts new to CBT; districts with questions on CBT decision/waiver MCAS & MCAS-Alt Accessibility features and accommodations for 2017 MCAS tests; features of the MCAS-Alt Face-to-face sessions: October 4, 5, 6, 13 Administrators who supervise special education staff MCAS gr. 3–8 and high school tests Technology-related pre-administration tasks Face-to-face or online: TBD “boot camp” Remote: two sessions in January, dates TBD MCAS test coordinators, technology coordinators MCAS grades 3–8 tests New test designs and related information Conference calls (separately for elementary and middle schools): early Dec. Principals, curriculum coordinators MCAS test security and administration protocols Face-to-face: Feb 15, 16 Remote: Feb 13, 14 MCAS test coordinators MCAS high school tests MCAS test security and administration protocols for high schools Remote sessions: February 2, 3 Training modules on test coordination and technology Online training modules (winter) Computer-based practice tests for next-gen tests available beginning in January Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
More information Contact
Jass Stewart, Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Office of the Commissioner , Visit Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
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