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2017 Training Session for Managers

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1 2017 Training Session for Managers
10/2/2017 Performance Management 2017 Training Session for Managers Title Slide Layout 1

2 Video

3 Agenda Objectives Background Timeline Evaluation
10/2/2017 Agenda Objectives Background Timeline Evaluation Coaching for Performance and Development Feedback Workday Tool Monday – could add a graphic Not sure where you are using your video 1

4 2017 Objectives Strengthening our: Professional Development
10/2/2017 2017 Objectives Strengthening our: Professional Development Curiosity for learning Supporting growth and opportunities Culture of Appreciation Seizing recognition opportunities Strengthening our strengths High Performance Delivering on results Monday – Be careful about the “new opportunities”; remember the ladder – we are going to have people all over the place in terms of their career movement AD – I added some additional information 1

10/2/2017 Components of Performance Management PLANNING – GOAL SETTING COACHING FOR PERFORMANCE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AD – I moved and here are talking points - The main point of this slide is to reiterate that professional development conversations should be happening throughout the year. The goals and evaluation formally occur once a year but this is a continuous process. PERFORMANCE EVALUTION 1

6 Background – Modern Think
10/2/2017 Background – Modern Think Monday comment – you need to put on the slide that is it just Staff; Here are talking points - This is just Staff over the past 3 years – Overall we have increased positive results in all areas other then question 10 for the past 3 surveys. We have done some work towards number 10 this year as well by adding the professional development training for managers and employees. Issues of low performance increased but still overall low. People are sating they are getting feedback but we are not addressing the low performance. **Includes only Staff data 1

7 Timeline 4/21 Employees submit self-evaluations 5/15
10/2/2017 Timeline June/August 2016 Goals established for 2016//2017 January 2017 Mid-year performance discussions April Manager & employee training sessions Self- evaluations completed May/June Performance review discussions held June Compensation planning 4/21 Employees submit self-evaluations 5/15 Evaluations due to next level Mgmt. 6/16 Performance meetings completed Monday – you need to speak specifically to the timeline; managers have to hold their ee accountable; if they want to alter their deadlines, they can, but 6/16 is not negotiable and that the next level manager also needs plenty of time to review I edited Assuming that the dates on the bottom are accurate based on our timeline; I suggest taking out Promotion Recommendations – We need to address this separately. Note – I did not take that out as I wanted you to know my thinking AD – dates are correct – I took out promotion info 1

8 Timeline Dates Actions April 4 – April 12
10/2/2017 Timeline Dates Actions April 4 – April 12 Employee and Manager training April 3 Workday Performance Management launched Managers request from employees their written self-evaluations Manager’s schedule time for writing performance evaluation Managers schedule performance evaluation meetings April 3 – April 21 Employees submit self-evaluations to managers Managers may hold pre-evaluation meetings with employees where desired April 18 – 26 Manager drop in sessions Title Slide Layout 1

9 Managers draft employee performance evaluations
10/2/2017 Dates Actions April 21 - May 15 Managers draft employee performance evaluations Managers submit evaluation to next level of management for review and/or discussion NOTE: Evaluation are due to next level of management by May 15th May Next level of management reviews evaluation and provides managers feedback May 26 – June 16 Managers hold performance evaluation meetings with employees June 16th NOTE: All performance evaluation meetings must be completed by June 16th 3rd bullet – suggest taking out about new job descriptions/promotions – see my earlier comment on promos and a different plan last two lines seems repetitive – can you combine into one Took out promotion info and combined last two pieces 1

10 Champlain Aligned Champlain College Vison & Mission
10/2/2017 Champlain Aligned Champlain College Vison & Mission 2020 Strategic Institutional Priorities Divisional Strategies & Priorities Department Goals Individual Goals I like it 1

11 Plan for Effective Time Management
10/2/2017 Plan for Effective Time Management Block your calendar. You manage the time vs. it sneaking up on you! Guidelines/Rule of Thumb Writing performance reviews – 2 – 4 hours per employee Delivering/discussing performance reviews 1 – 2 hours per employee 3 direct reports – plan 9 – 18 hours of time 4 direct reports – plan 12 – 24 hours of time Monday – I edited this slide; still seems boring to me… you could do more of a graphical related to the data I would suggest making this slide interesting; key point is that people need to plan their time in advance, block their calendar, spend time quietly writing, etc. AD – yes I like this and will speak to it 1

12 Manager’s Role Create a connection with your employees:
10/2/2017 Manager’s Role Create a connection with your employees: Recognize and appreciate the positive Curiosity about their professional development Provide strength based feedback which does not ignore gaps Reinforce expectations Make your team feel valued Learn – about yourself and others Valuable experience for both employee and manager Own the process: Regular communication Timeline deadlines Not enough – needs more on the “manager’s role” – manage the process and timeline; provide regular communication during the next 3 months; etc. Give thought to what we really need them to do AD – I added some and took from the other slide “why do we do performance reviews” I also deleted that slide 1

13 Development Discussion
10/2/2017 The Discussion Staff member arrives open-minded. Manager describes process & invites open dialog. Opening Self-Evaluation Supervisory Comments Development Discussion Summary Manager summarizes ‘core message’ and overall performance for the year. Staff member listens, responds, thanks supervisor for feedback. Staff comments on self-evaluation & gives examples. Manager identifies areas of agreement with own examples; provides rationale & examples to explain differences. Manager discusses each section of the manager-evaluation Staff responds/asks questions to clarify. Monday – still a messy slide – and it the chart seems out of context; What are you trying to accomplish with this slide? Is there a different way? Unclear what this is about; needs a title; “The Discussion”?? We tend not to use the word “supervisor” here but rather manager Are you trying to track the flow of the review for discussion Fonts are inconsistent; graphic is messy Is this going to be for both manager and ee AD – Updated fonts and graphics – my intent was to have this for both EE and Manager Staff member and Manager discuss career interests & development activities 1

14 Preparing for the Evaluation
10/2/2017 Preparing for the Evaluation Schedule in advance Allow enough time Review your manager evaluation and notes Walk through the evaluation Have examples, may have samples Ideas for needed adjustments Recognition of the years work This seems out of flow context; 45 minutes is inconsistent with what we have shared previously Is this the actual discussion or the actual writing Double check – do we use the term “review” or “evaluation”; make consistent throughout AD - Moved and updated – we do use evaluation throughout 1

15 Coaching for Performance
10/2/2017 Coaching for Performance and Development Coaching for Performance - includes feedback specific to employees role and job performance Coaching for Development - focuses on enhancing skills and competencies and helping to further career development Managers need to “support and coach” for the development of employees. Employees need to “own” their development Understanding the differences between coaching for performance and coaching for development. Monday – I edited; you need to be very clear on what the differences are between these 2 concepts – not everyone will get it Suggest showing one slide that illustrates the difference between coaching for performance development vs. for performance I’d like to see your talking points Added 2 bullets – let me know if this makes sense – my talking points are to ensure manager understand the difference – one of for job performance feedback and one is more focused on enhancing skills and understanding about employees career paths and plans. My practice exercise was at the end of this – I moved to right after this. 1

16 Exercise Practice Think about an employee that
10/2/2017 Exercise Practice Think about an employee that you would like to give coaching feedback to (utilize both performance and development feedback). Practice what you would like to say with a partner. Monday – is this the best place for this exercise Needs a title Layout of words are a little weird This could be your opening exercise but will need some tweaking; could focus on positive feedback AD – I tweaked wording some – should this be after I go into coaching for performance and development slides or does it sit will to kick off with this? 1

17 Coaching for Performance
10/2/2017 Coaching for Performance Focuses on delivering performance-based feedback, tailored to the individual’s job and role within the College. Typically, you use competencies or job specific responsibilities to highlight areas of development or areas of strength. See previous slide AD – I added a quick definition in first slide – should I add this to that? I wanted to have this slide set up after the exercise. 1

18 Competencies Achievement Orientation Adaptability Client Focus
10/2/2017 Competencies Achievement Orientation Adaptability Client Focus Continuous Learning Critical Judgment Diversity and Intercultural Understanding Teamwork and Inclusion Monday – you need to tell the story of why we have these; how long we’ve had them, etc. People have lost them in the last year What are your talking points Not sure that this is in the right place This is to point out the coaching for performance using competencies – I will also speak to ensuring these are incorporated in the goals 1

19 Coaching for Performance Examples
10/2/2017 Coaching for Performance Examples Exceeding student applications by 10% for the year Consistently displaying our value the human touch to all interactions with students The need to consistently demonstrate a positive attitude and openness to change Increasing yield of diverse applicants by 15% for the fiscal year Monday – update the examples – these are the same as last year 1

20 Coaching Conversations
10/2/2017 Coaching Conversations Setting clear expectations Communicating clearly about how individuals are meeting/not meeting expectations, including examples and specifics Developing a plan for the future including their responsibilities and your responsibilities Title Slide Layout 1

21 Coaching for Development
10/2/2017 Coaching for Development Focuses on supporting the employee to develop their skills/competencies. It assumes they have basic skills/attitudes that need to be honed. Is a more nuanced approach, it is not about giving the answer or solving the problem but about helping the individual to find their own path through the situation. Title Slide Layout 1

22 Coaching for Development
10/2/2017 Coaching for Development As a manager you need to know what employees want from their job, their life, their future. As a manager you need to pay attention to the patterns you see in your employees, where do they get stuck? As a manager you need to believe that people can and want to grow and change. Monday – is there some type of visual that you can use which shows that you are talking about development vs. performance; the two get very conviludted in this deckTitle Slide Layout 1

23 Development Questions for your Employees
How do you define career success? How happy and engaged are you in your current work? What are you interests? What kind of work do you want to be doing? What skills do you most want to be using and developing? What do you want to achieve? What matters most to you? What aspects of your job would you give away to someone else? What part of your work is most satisfying to you? What part of your job would you like to change?

24 Regarding performance & development
10/2/2017 Feedback Feedback GIVING RECEIVING Engagement Regarding performance & development Would like to see the talking points Talking points are that both giving and receiveding feedback will increase engagement and will help in employee development. I then go into more feedback slides 1

25 10/2/2017 Feedback needs to be… Specific to the person or the situation and examples of what you noticed Monday – I might suggest combining 26, 27 and 28 all into one slide with one graphic….. What is this connected to? Needs a title – next few slides similar… not sure where you are at right now. - how to give feedback?? AD – I am saying that feedback needs to be specific – same as the next few slides – I added a title to each. 1

26 Suggestive Ideas or options vs. ‘you should’s’
10/2/2017 Feedback needs to be… Suggestive Ideas or options vs. ‘you should’s’ I invite you to think about this… Title Slide Layout 1

27 10/2/2017 Feedback needs to be… Tailored Be prepared, in a good place, and tailored to the employee’s style and how they process Title Slide Layout 1

28 10/2/2017 I’d move this up sooner AD – I like this at the ends because it sets up the SBI exercise and the previous slides lead up to it 1

29 Exercise Practice Working with a partner, Describe a feedback you want
10/2/2017 Exercise Practice Working with a partner, Describe a feedback you want to give in the SBI model. Title Slide Layout 1

30 10/2/2017 Title Slide Layout 1

31 All within Workday Employee Completes Self-Evaluation
10/2/2017 Employee Completes Self-Evaluation 4/3-4/21 Manager approves Employee Self-Evaluation 4/21 Manager completes Manager Evaluation on Employee 4/21-5/14 Manager’s Manager approves Manager Evaluation 5/14-5/26 Manager provides Manager Review Comments 6/16 Employee Provides final Employee Review Comments I have not reviewed any of this AD - Dates are correct and process is correct – I will not spend too much time on these and not demo in the tenant only unless I have enough time All within Workday CAUTION: This step will release the evaluation to employee. Please only do so when you are ready. 1

32 Performance Evaluation Tool
10/2/2017 Performance Evaluation Tool Performance Goals Job Responsibilities Employee Development Excite, Engage, Empower Additional Comments Overall Rating Summary Functional Process Workday Technology I would spend no more than 1 minute on this; but important for people to see the overall context 1

33 Overall Rating Far Exceeds Expectations: Performance that is consistently superior and far exceeds job standards and goals. Exceeds Expectations: Performance that often exceeds job standards. These individuals perform at a level noticeably above what is expected. Successfully Meets Expectations: Performance that consistently meets and sometimes exceeds job standards. These are individuals who make valued contributions to the success of the institution at the level that is expected. Partially Meets Expectations: Performance that partially meets but occasionally is below acceptable job standards. These individuals perform inconsistently and need to improve. Fails to Meet Expectations: Performance that consistently does not meet job standards over the rating period.

34 Performance Evaluation Tool
10/2/2017 Performance Evaluation Tool Summary Review the summary of your full Performance Review for 2016/2017 Submit to your manager via Workday No changes can be made by employee after submitted I edited 1

35 Once submitted no changes can be made.
10/2/2017 Tips: You may exit at anytime and it will save and resume where you left off (note: if you time out it will not save). Once submitted no changes can be made. You can print the review before submitting. When manager approves – they are acknowledging receipt – does not mean they agree with every piece. When you are complete your self-evaluation you will need to click the green submit button. You will not be able to make any changes after you submit. Title Slide Layout 1

36 All within Workday Overall Process in Workday
10/2/2017 Overall Process in Workday Employee completes Self-Evaluation Manager approves Employee Self-Evaluation Manager completes Manager Evaluation on employee Manager’s manager approves Manager Evaluation Manager provides Manager Review Comments (releases Manager Evaluation to employee) – Do not complete this step until you are ready for the employee to see the Manager Evaluation Employee provides final Employee Review Comments (receipt of Manager Evaluation) Title Slide Layout All within Workday 1

37 Upcoming Trainings Manager Training Dates:
10/2/2017 Upcoming Trainings Manager Training Dates: Managers who went through our review process last year: April 4: 10:30 – 12:00 (MRT Meeting) – Morgan Room  April 11:  8:30 – 10:30 - Lakeside 301 Managers who are new to this process at Champlain: April 5:  8: :00 – CCM 246  Manager drop-in sessions (Join us for questions, coaching, brainstorming ideas): April 18: 10:30 – 11:30 - IDX 309  April 26: 3:30 – 4:30 – Lakeside 325 Employee Training Dates: April 4: 8:45 – 10:00 – Lakeside 301 April 5: 3:45 – 5:00 – Lakeside 301 April 12:  10:15 – 11:30 – CCM 212 Title Slide Layout 1

38 Resources Champlain College People Center Portal
10/2/2017 Resources Champlain College People Center Portal Staff Competency Development Workbook Establishing SMART Goals Work paper Recent professional development workshop Employee’s self-evaluation Your manager People Center Last performance evaluation– Workday I edited Not sure where the handout is from recent professional development workshop Please review the online tools to make sure that they are all there and with current dates – ie that they don’t look outdated 1

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