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End of Year (EOY) 2 & 3 Reporting

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1 End of Year (EOY) 2 & 3 Reporting
Program Participation Absence Summary Cumulative Enrollment Discipline Welcome to the EOY 2 & 3 training. EOY 2 will review the program participation data required and EOY 3 will review the discipline data required. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

2 Who’s Supposed to Be Here
Individuals assigned to CALPADS maintenance Supervisor of staff assigned to CALPADS We anticipate anyone entering/maintaining CP data to attend the EOY 2 & 3 training. A best practice would be to include your supervisor in the training for a clearer understanding of the scope of data required. CALPADS should be a team effort—includes your the data stewards and individuals entering the data in your SIS. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

3 Training Sequence Essential 1: Data Coordinator Orientation
Essential 2: Interface & Administration Essential 3: Data Submission Fall 1 Fall 2 Data Population Fall 2 Reporting and Certification End of Year 1 End of Year 2 & 3 Essential 4: Anomalies STAS Data Submission Today’s training assumes you have been through the Essential 1-3, Fall 1, and Fall 2 trainings. If you have not attended these trainings be aware that you may not understand some terms and references used during this training. Both of the End of Year trainings are important but they can be attended in any order. Also, it is important that you attend the Intro to STAS Data Submission, since this training will only provide you high level information of the new file submission. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

4 Cumulative Enrollment
Agenda EOY 2: Program Participation Overview EOY 3: Absence Summary Cumulative Enrollment Discipline Wrap-Up Today’s training will cover a general overview and information that is common among the EOY submissions. We will review the program’s required for EOY 2 And review the Absence Summary, Cumulative Enrollment Discipline, data required for EOY 3. Then we will wrap with suggested timelines, resources, EOY 2-3 steps, etc. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

5 First we will start with the overview of general information for EOY submissions
End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

6 Acronyms EOY End of Year AY Academic Year
CARS Consolidated Application Reporting System CSIS California School Information Services CSPR Consolidated State Performance Report EDEN Education Data Exchange Network ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act FCMAT Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act GFSA Federal Gun-Free Schools Act LEA Local Education Agency (site, COE, etc.) SIF CBEDS School Information Form SIS Student Information System SSID Statewide Student Identifier UMIRS Uniform Management Information Reporting System Here are the definitions to acronyms used in CALPADS. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

7 Information Reported in EOY
EOY2: Program Participation Count of homeless students and students participating in programs EOY3: Absence Summary / Cumulative Enrollment / Discipline Count of Chronic Absenteeism, Cumulative Enrollment and Specific Disciplinary Incidents EOY 2: Reports program participation data including TK and homeless students. EOY 3: Reports discipline by incidents as well as chronic absenteeism through the student absence summary records. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

8 Schools Types Which Need To Report
Participants EOY 2 EOY 3 Pgm Disc STAS School Type Traditional (non-educational options schools) Y District Level Programs (Independent Study and Home Hospital Programs) P County Community District Community Day Youth Authority Schools (currently called Division of Juvenile Justice) Juvenile Court Schools Continuation High Schools Opportunity Alternative Schools of Choice State Special Schools Home and Hospital Schools(7) Special Education Consortium Special Education Non-Public School Group ( ) (3) ROP/ROC(5) N Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data (1) Students completing courses in grades 7-12 only. (3) Records for students enrolled at Nonpublic Nonsectarian Certified Schools (NPS) should be submitted using school code in the School of Attendance field (1.05) and NOT the individual NPS school codes. The actual NPS school code is submitted in the School of Attendance NPS field (1.06). (5) ROC/Ps will not submit data directly to CALPADS. CALPADS will collect data on student ROC/P course enrollment and completion through the student's primary school course enrollment and completion submission. (7) Home and Hospital schools are assigned a distinct county-district-school code and are not the same as a district-level operated Home and Hospital Program. Slide 8 and 9 will assist you as you leave today’s training to determine if you LEA’s school type or grade level reports data for an EOY submission. Slide 8 Allows you to review if a specific School Type is required to submit for the individual EOY submission. Y= LEA expected to submit the data N=LEA not allowed to submit the data P=LEA is permitted to submit the data but not expected New this year, is the addition of the Student Absence Summary (STAS) file column under EOY 3. UPDATED *If the EOY1 submission appears on snapshot view, LEAs will be required to review aggregate reports (even if there are zeros on the report) and certify level 2. If not, a letter regarding missed deadline will be sent by the CDE and LEA will not meet the Data Management Recognition list. See CALPADS File Specification (Word) figure 2-1 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

9 Grade Levels Which Need To Report
School Grade Levels Served  EOY 2 EOY 3  Pgm Disc STAS Toddlers - TD Y(8) Y N Prekindergarten - PS Kindergarten - KN First Grade - 01 Second Grade – 02 Third Grade – 03 Fourth Grade – 04 Fifth Grade – 05 Sixth Grade – 06 Seventh Grade – 07 Eighth Grade – 08 Ninth Grade – 09 Tenth Grade – 10 Eleventh Grade – 11 Twelfth Grade – 12 Ungraded Elementary – UE Ungraded Secondary – US Adult – AD Y= Expected to submit data N= NOT allowed to submit data P= Permitted but not expected to submit data (8) Updated SPRG data for IN, TD, & PS are only required for purposes of certifying report 5.4 Homeless Students Enrolled –Unduplicated Count by School Here we can determine based on a grade level if specific EOY data is required or not. This chart can be also viewed from the CALPADS File Specification (Word) Figure 2-1 (pg. 26). New this year, is the addition of the Student Absence Summary (STAS) file column under EOY 3. UPDATED. EOY 3 name changed to Absence Summary /Cumulative Enrollment / Discipline . End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

10 LEA Admin cannot certify
EOY Accounts and Roles Role EOY 2 EOY 3 Allows user to SSID Enrollment (SENR) X View & submit enrollment data Student Information (SINF) View & submit student information data Student Information (SPRG) Student Discipline (SDIS) View & submit student discipline data Student Absence Summary (STAS) Reports > Program View student program reports Reports > Discipline View student discipline reports Reports >Student Absenteeism View student absenteeism reports Reports >Student Cumulative Enrollment View student cumulative enrollment reports Certification > EOY 2 Data Collection Certifier View EOY 2 snapshot and level 1 certify Certification > EOY 3 Data Collection Certifier View EOY 3 snapshot and level 1 certify Certification > Superintendent Certifier View all EOY snapshots and level 2 certify Best Practice: Assign backup user for level 1 & level 2 In addition to the LEA admin account, each LEA must have one or more accounts for daily use. The LEA admin account is meant to be used mainly for maintaining accounts, roles, and code mappings. As such, the LEA admin account does not have the ability to perform certain tasks including certifying. Reminders Daily use account LEA Admin cannot certify End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

11 What Record Types to Enter or Update
Online Batch End of Year 2 3 SSID Enrollment SENR U Student Information SINF Student Program SPRG R Student English Language Acquisition SELA Student Discipline SDIS* Student Absence Summary STAS* U= Update R=Required These are the File Types that apply to EOY 2 & 3 submissions. Some record types are required (STAS/SDIS/SPRG/) while others may need updating only (SENR/SINF/SELA). Updates will be needed for students who have had changes to their information since Fall 1 and Fall 2. EOY 2 has 4 files submitted: 1. SENR update (if you are keeping your data in CALPADS current, you will only need to report new students or exited students) SINF and SELA are another update SPRG(Student Program is a required file) EOY 3 only has 2 files but you will want to make sure the SENR, SINF, SPRG and SELA data are current. SDIS-is required and is a full replacement files. Replacement files, once posted, replaces/overwrites any existing data in CALPADS. This means that you can upload/post the SDIS and if you upload/post a new SDIS this file replaces all the existing in CALPADS. Operational Keys (data elements) are School of Attendance and AY STAS-is required and is a full replacement files. Replacement files, once posted, replaces/overwrites any existing data in CALPADS. This means that you can upload/post the STAS and if you upload/post a new STAS this file replaces all the existing in CALPADS. Operational Keys (data elements) are School of Attendance and Academic Year ID * Full replacement file and CALPADS looks to the operational keys “School of Attendance” & “Academic Year” to determine if data are replaced or not. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

12 1 2 3 4 5 End of Year Workflow Setup Update CALPADS ODS
Update SIS | Assign roles to users Update CALPADS ODS Submit records | Fix rejected records | Post records Review Snapshot Review and fix Certification warnings and errors | Review reports Certify Level 1 (EOY 2&3 Data Collection Certifier) | Level 2 (Superintendent Certifier) Close out AY enrollment Submit SENR file with exit date and exit reason codes 2 3 4 Even though it states End of Year Steps, these steps apply to all CALPADS submissions. 1. Your SIS should have all required data populated for the submission The required roles should be assigned to individuals within your LEA for the submission 2.Update CALPADS by: Submitting records (batch or online) Review and correct both warnings and fatal errors Post all required files for the submission 3. Review and correct certification errors—warnings (have been disabled for AY 15-16) can impact the data on the submissions aggregate reports Have aggregate reports reviewed by data stewards for accuracy Certification of a submissions signifies the process has been completed and requires both the Certification Level 1 and Level 2 to be completed. If you are at Level 1, you have not completed the submission. IMPORTANT! Please submit SENR records to exit students from their AY re-enrollment in CALPADS. NOTE: If EOY is triggering CERT129 errors, submitting your SENR exits should resolve the errors. Since CALPADS uses May 15th as the temporary enrollment end date for open enrollments, exiting the record should resolve the error. 5 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

13 Important Dates for EOY 2-3
Snapshot starts May 15th Certification deadline July 31st Amendment window ends August 11th Unlike Fall 1 and Fall 2, EOY reporting runs from 7/1/16 to 6/30/17, which means any new students or students who have left during this timeline will be reported. The EOY snapshots will begin running Monday morning—May 15th. The Certification deadline is 7/31/2017 Amendment window closes 8/11/ Please keep in mind that the Amendment window has been shortened to just 10 days this year. Developing an internal timeline will assist in meeting the EOY deadlines and not infringe on the Fall 1 timeline. Please use the URL provided to obtain the calendar and share with other staff. There is a column that summarizes the data submitted. This calendar can be used to create an internal calendar as well. Reporting Period Covered July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Calendar: End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

14 EOY 2: Program Participation
Now we will move on to the individual submissions. The first submission we will cover is EOY 2 -- Program Participation End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

15 EOY 2: Purpose – Federal US Department of Education Student Program
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title 1, Part A Neglected US Department of Education EDEN (Education Data Exchange Network) Reporting Student Program Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) Why should you be concerned with accurate timely data reported? 1. EOY 2 data are reported for the Federal program participating counts to the US Department of Education. For such programs as McKinney Vento, Title 1 Part A Basic Grant, AB347 (Venezuela Bill-tracks non-grads up to 2 yrs.) 2. EOY 2 data are reported for state program participation counts to the CDE for use in state reports and DataQuest. *The data was previously reported through the Consolidated App Reporting System (CARS/CON-AP), which means you will want to include your CARS coordinator in data being submitted for EOY 2. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

16 EOY 2: Purpose - State CA Department of Education California Dashboard Student Program DataQuest (Programs, Homeless) Read Slide *Formerly reported through the UMIRS page of the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

17 Program Participation
EOY 2: Data Included Program Participation Student Enrollment Student Information Student Programs Any program listed below Code(s) Program Type 122 Title I Part A Basic Targeted Federal 174 Title I Part A Neglected 191 Homeless Program* 101 504 Accommodation Plan State 108 Opportunity Program 113 California Partnership Academy 162 Pregnant or Parenting Programs (formerly Cal-SAFE) 185 Transitional Kindergarten** Previously we discussed the records reported for EOY 2 and this is a great resource to share with other staff members to understand the importance of accurate timely data reporting. The EOY 2 data uses the following files: SENR-kept current to report new and exited students SINF-kept current to report new and exited students SPRG-reports the 8 EOY 2 programs students participate in Please remember EOY reporting covers the time line from 7/1/16 to 6/30/17, which means you will report any student enrolled/exited, their SINF data and their 8 programs. Note for trainer: 108 provides additional support for students who are habitually truant from instruction, irregular attendance, institutional disorder while in attendance or unsuccessful academically *Modified definition in Data Guide **SPRG0263 Warning (updated logic to allow 5 year olds after December 2 in TK End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

18 EOY 2: Programs Reported
Name Code *EOY2 Title I Part A Basic Targeted 122 * Title I Part A Neglected 174 504 Accommodation Plan 101 Opportunity Program 108 California Partnership Academy 113 Pregnant or Parenting Programs (formerly Cal-SAFE) 162 Transitional Kindergarten 185** Homeless Program 191 Do not report Title I Part A Basic Targeted program records for schools that are Title I schoolwide. See Data Guide section 2.1.3 Do not report Title I Part A Neglected program records for students enrolled in a Title 1 Targeted or Schoolwide School. See Data Guide section 2.1.3 Another way to look at the programs reported for EOY 2. CALPADS automatically determines if the program is reported participating or eligible. Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted program records are NOT reported for schools that are Title l school-wide. Your SIS vendor may include this data in your SPRG file, but please remember the counts are not derived from the SPRG file. When we review the 5.1 aggregate report we will discuss how the numbers are calculate. Please review CALPADS Update Flash 89 on school-wide determination through CARS (TAS-targeted assistance) or SWP (School-wide program). As students move from one site to another during the AY, the program records should be reported at the new site. The CALPADS Data Guide v8.5 (Effective 09-May-2017) document provides a detailed explanation on program participation reporting rules. Note for trainer: Title 1 Part A Basic allows multiple program records to be submitted if a student has multiple Education Services (targeted instructional or support services) Programs should be reported at each school a student attends except for summer schools *Education Membership Code (eligible or participating) determined by CALPADS automatically **TK program auto closed if any exit code other than E150 reported End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

19 EOY 2: Data Included Homeless Students Student Enrollment
Student Program Homeless Dwelling Type Code* of any of the following: Temporary Shelter (100) Hotel / Motels (110) Temporarily Doubled Up (120) Temporarily Unsheltered (130) EOY 2 also includes reporting homeless students during 7/1/16 to 6/30/17, if their Homeless Dwelling type is : 100-Temporary Shelter 110- Hotel/Motels 120-Temporarily Doubled Up 130-Temporarily Unsheltered Please remember that the homeless data is both sensitive and confidential data. LEAs should develop local practices to determine if a student is homeless or not. Note that students doubled-up for reasons not related to loss of housing, economic hardship or other similar circumstances that do no consider themselves as homeless are not reported. * Homeless students are identified by a program record. CALPADS maintains a history of the data included in this field, but most SIS programs do not. If a student is reported as homeless at any time during the Academic Year, it is important to update CALPADS as soon as possible or that data may be lost and not reported End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

20 Program Participation
EOY 2: Required Fields Program Participation Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SPRG Reporting LEA School of Attendance Must be same school as enrollment record Academic Year ID SSID Local Student ID Student Legal First Name Student Legal Last Name Student Birth Date Student Gender Code Education Program Code 101, 108, 113, 122, 162, 174, 185, 191 Education Program Membership Code Education Program Membership Start Date Education Program Membership End Date Must fall within enrollment that overlaps EOY reporting period Education Service Academic Year Required if Education Program Code = (Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted) We’ve taken the SPRG required elements from the CALPADS File Specification (CFS) for your review. If you have an SIS, this is what your SIS vendor uses to create your SPRG file. Notice the Education Program Code list the 8 programs reported for EOY 2. Title 1 Part A Targeted (122) is the only program that requires Education Service AY. If reported for other programs, a fatal error will be detected. See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

21 Program Participation
EOY 2: Required Fields Program Participation Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SPRG Education Service Code Required if Education Program Code = (Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted) California Partnership Academy ID Required if Education Program Code = 113 (California Partnership Academy) If your report program 122 (NCLB Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted), you are required to reported the Education Service Code. If you report program 113, you are required to report the CA Partnership Academy ID. This slide and the previous slide are great resources as you start to gather your EOY 2 data. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

22 EOY 2: Required Fields Student Enrollment
Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Reporting LEA School of Attendance Academic Year ID SSID Local Student ID Student Legal First Name Student Legal Last Name Student Birth Date Student Gender Code Enrolment Start Date 7/1/2016 – 6/30/2017 Grade Level Code Enrollment Exit Date Student Exit Reason Code Student School Completion Status Required for Exit Code E230 Expected Receiver School of Attendance Required if Exit Code T165 or T167 We’ve taken the SENR required elements from the CALPADS File Specification (CFS) for your review. If you have an SIS, this is what your SIS vendor uses to create your SENR file. See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

23 EOY 2: Required Fields Student Enrollment
Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SENR Student School Transfer Code 1 - Formal Interdistrict Transfer Agreement 2 - Public School Choice - Program Improvement 3 - Public School Choice Transfer - Persistently Dangerous 4 - District of Choice Transfer 5 - Disciplinary COE School Transfer 6 - Other Transfer District of Geographic Residence Code 7-digit County District (CD) code of the district where the student would normally attend based on their residence. Required if the Student School Transfer Code has been submitted Merit Diploma Indicator Required if School Completion Status = 100 (Graduate). Y or N value. Seal of Biliteracy Indicator And here we have additional data elements reported in the SENR. See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

24 Batch Submission 1 3 2 4 STAS Required for EOY 3 SDIS
SPRG Required for EOY 2 For those submitting batch files, the process is to click on State Reporting Manage Submissions Upload Files Select file type of file being uploaded Please note that LEAs have the option to upload files through SSID Enrollment/Manage Submissions/Upload Files. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

25 EOY 2: Online - Adding Program Records
1 2 3 4 5 Search for an existing SSID or choose a list to view 6 We will review how easy it is to manually enter a program record. Even if you have an SIS, sometimes for expediency you can manually enter the data instead of uploading a new SPRG file. A good example would be you are reviewing your aggregate reports and determine some program records are missing. If there are only a few, it would be quicker to manually enter the data in CALPADS and your SIS instead of uploading a new SPRG file. You will determine locally which method works for you. Here are the steps to manually enter a program record: Casually read steps 1 through 6 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

26 EOY 2: Online - Adding Program Records
After clicking on Student Program, you drill down to the student’s program history, where you can add new program records or edit existing ones. If you click on Add or Edit button, you will drill down to the next screen 7 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

27 EOY 2: Online - Adding Program Records
8 Must be within the student’s enrollment at the ‘School of Attendance LEA’ above Required Optional End Date optional except NSLP & TK requires End Date The items in green are required and items in yellow are optional. 1.Reporting LEA and School of Attendance: is automatically populated. 2. Education Program Code: is populated by clicking on the drop down arrow and selecting the appropriate code. Please remember as students move from one site to another, you are required to report all programs at the new site. 3. Membership Start Date: Must be within enrollment at the School of Attendance 4. Membership End Date: Currently required for NSLP (181/182), TK, and 504 programs. You will want to review with your SIS vendor their process for reporting their end dates. Dates must be within enrollment 5. Continue populating the appropriate elements. 6. Homeless Dwelling Type Code: Click on the drop down arrow and select the applicable code. 8. Unaccompanied Your Indicator: Must be populated if Homeless Dwelling code has been populated. 9. Runaway Indicator: Must be populated if Homeless Dwelling code has been populated. 10. Click on Validate 11. Click on Post (upper left hand corner) to update CALPADS with the data Note that if your school is Title 1 Part A-Schoolwide, you do not need to report program The CDE, based on your CARS data submission, will calculate the totals for your LEA. Report 5.1 will demonstrate the calculation of school-wide counts. 9 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

28 EOY 2: Error Highlights Rejected Records
Error Code Severity Rule SPRG0083 F If Education Program Code = 113 (California Partnership Academy) Then California Partnership Academy ID must be populated SPRG0168 If Education Program Code = 122 (NCLB Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted) Then Education Service Academic Year must be populated SPRG0247 W NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Records Submitted for a Title I Part A Schoolwide School SPRG0250 Duplicate SPRG Record within File for NCLB Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted SPRG0263 Invalid age for Transitional Kindergarten Participant SPRG0264 Invalid Grade Level for Transitional Kindergarten Program Participant SPRG0276 Missing Dwelling Type Code* SPRG0277 Missing Runaway Indicator* SPRG0278 Missing Unaccompanied Youth Indicator* SPRG0279 Invalid Unaccompanied Youth Indicator* SPRG0288 Invalid Primary Disability Code and Student Age Combination SPRG0295 Invalid Title l Part A Neglected Program Record We’ve listed some of the SPRG’s severity rejected records which can be either fatal or warnings . (review them casually). Please remember if your uploaded file has rejected severity records with the error of fatal, CALPADS will allow you to post the file. Any fatal rejected errors, are dropped during the posting process. This means the records are not updated/reported in CALPADS. It is like the records were never initially in the file. Both the fatal and warning errors can impact your counts on the aggregate reports and should be reviewed and corrected. The Severity of an error can be misleading because it suggests that a Fatal is higher than a Warning. Warnings are detected because CP can’t tell if the warning is due to a unique situation or is a true error. *Fatal errors detected because Homeless program 191 was reported. *Required if Homeless program reported End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

29 EOY 2: Error Highlights Certification Errors Error Code Severity Rule
W No Program Data Submitted for a School CERT097 F Missing Title I Targeted Assistance Program Records (122) CERT103 Invalid Open or Closed Transitional Kindergarten Record CERT111 No Homeless Program Data Submitted for an LEA Here are your EOY 2 certification errors detected during the snapshot revision process. Fatal certification errors will prohibit you from certifying but warnings won’t. You still need to review your warnings and make any necessary corrections. Warnings should not be ignore because they can impact the data on the EOY 2 aggregate reports. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

30 EOY 2: Reports 5.1– Program Participants – Count
5.3 – Program Participants – Student List 5.4- Homeless Students 5.5 – Homeless – Student List 5.2 - Program Participants – Title I Part A Basic Targeted Education Services EOY 2 (program participation and homeless data) has two Aggregate Reports to be reviewed after all required data has been posted. 5.1 Program Participants Count 5.4 Homeless Students There are also supporting reports to assist in reconciling CALPADS to local systems of record. 5.2 & 5.3 Provides supporting student detail data of 5.1 5.5 Provides supporting student detail data of 5.4 Please review the EOY 2 Data Mapping Guides at under Quick Links. This document will assist on which data elements are used in the counts for the aggregate reports. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

31 EOY 2: 5.1 - Program Participants - Count
Student Programs (SPRG) data Let’s look at the 5.1 report by columns: List by school number School Name Programs reported to the State Opportunity Program CA Partnership Academy Pregnant or Parenting Program (formerly Cal-SAFE) TK Program -starting reporting this data in 12/13 Please notice that these first 4 programs are reported to the state Programs reported to the Federal government 504 Accommodation Plan Program Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted (these counts come from your SPRG record) Title 1 Part A Basic School-wide (these counts ARE NOT calculated on the data your posted SPRG but are calculated based on the LEA’s cumulative AY enrollment. Please refer to the CALPADS Update Flash 74 for CDE’s process to identify a school-wide site. The CARS reports to the CDE if a site is school-wide or not. Do not report Title I Part A Neglected program records for students enrolled in a Title 1 Targeted or Schoolwide School--only students receiving Title 1 services and is enrolled in a Non-Title 1 school in your district. Note to trainer: Juvenile/Youth LEAs are not required to submit program 174 (they don’t normally serve neglected students) but if program 174 is submitted, it will be reported on the 5.1 For Title I Part A Basic School-wide schools, counts in this column are based on cumulative Academic Year enrollment, not program records. Refer to CALPADS Update Flash 74 for CDE’s process to identify a school-wide site. Program 174 reports only neglected students attending a non-Title 1 schools are eligible for neglected services through Title I Part A. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

32 EOY 2 5.4 –Homeless Students Enrolled
The 5.4 reports your posted homeless program records. The report first summarizes the data for your LEA. All the grade levels within your LEA. (Point out TK grade level) Total by grade level Total # of students reported homeless with dwelling type 100 Total # of students reported homeless with dwelling type 110 Total # of students reported homeless with dwelling type 120 Total # of students reported homeless with dwelling type 130 And then the individual school sites aggregate data is listed. This allows you to review by each site the homeless data to your local system. Note for trainer: If student moves from 1 district to another during an AY, the student will be reported homeless at both districts. If student moves from 1 site to another, the count will be at the site with the most recent enrollment record. Student Program (SPRG) data End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

33 EOY 2: Reminders Homeless students are identified through a program record (SPRG) Program Education Membership determined automatically by CALPADS EOY 2 counts all students who participate in EOY 2 programs or are identified as homeless at any time during the AY Make sure to check with your vendor about how homeless data is stored, specifically discuss if and how history is maintained EOY 2 counts all students reported for the 8 programs and identifies homeless student from 7/1/16 to 6/30/17. CALPADS automatically determines the Program Education Membership—LEAs no longer report if the student is reported as participating or eligible. You will want to check with SIS how they store historical homeless data and how to report the Membership End Date End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

34 EOY 2 Summary EOY Reporting Period 7/1/16 to 6/30/17
Establish local timelines for successful submissions EOY 2 First EOY submission CALPADS determines Education Program Membership Code SPRG will include other programs besides: 101,108,113,122,162,174,185, & 191 LEAs identify which school site is Title 1 Part A Schoolwide through CARS Review with CARS coordinator CARS data reported Can report more than one service provided Only program that requires Education Service Academic Year reported Unlike Fall 1 or Fall 2, EOY does not reported data based on a specific date but reports data from 7/1/16 through 6/30/17 The EOY submissions do not need to be completed in numerical order. However, you should submit data in the following order: EOY 2, EOY 3, & EOY 1 These are the 8 programs required for EOY 2: 101, 108, 113, 122, 162, 174, 185, & LEAs need to keep in mind that other program records (subgroups i.e., NSLP, migrant, etc.) will also be reported on the EOY 2 reports and LEAs should verify the accuracy of these programs. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

35 Student Absence Summary/ Cumulative Enrollment/ Discipline
EOY 3: Student Absence Summary/ Cumulative Enrollment/ Discipline Now we are going to review the EOY 3. EOY 3 has two data collections: student absence summary and discipline. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

36 EOY 3: Purpose – Federal Student Discipline Information
Federal reporting Foster youth (Ed Code section 49085(c)(5)) Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) Student Discipline Information US Department of Education Title IX – At Risk/ Persistently Dangerous Schools Student Absence Summary ESEA Title IV, Part A, Subpart 3, Section 4141 (e – Firearm Offenses) Cumulative Enrollment Read Slide Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Gun Free Schools Act Annual Survey End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

37 EOY 3: Purpose - State Student discipline information* CA Department of Education California Dashboard Student Absence Summary DataQuest (Discipline, Chronic Absenteeism) Cumulative Enrollment Read Slide *Formerly reported through the UMIRS page of the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

38 Student Absence Summary/ Cumulative Enrollment/
First we will start with the overview of general information for the Student absence Summary collection provided through the STAS submission. Student Absence Summary/ Cumulative Enrollment/ End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

39 The STAS data collection generates counts for:
Student attendance summary Absent Category Percentages These counts will be used to meet the: Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirement to report chronic Absenteeism rates for schools (Section 1111(h)(1)(C)(Viii) Specifically, collecting the unduplicated number of students absent 10% or more school days during the school year. To meet existing state statutory reporting requirements reporting on even-numbered years the attendance rates for pupils in foster care (Ed Code section 49085(c)(5)) READ SLIDE In addition to the collection of Absence Summary data, CALPADS will also calculate cumulative enrollment for each school. The cumulative enrollment counts will come from the student enrollment (SENR) data in CALPADS for the academic year. There are two types of cumulative enrollment which we will discuss later in this training. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

40 *New report introduced for EOY 16-17
EOY 3 STAS Roles The LEA Administrator Will have to assign four new STAS roles in preparation of the EOY 3 data submission Category Role Description Student Absence Summary (STAS) STAS Online Provides functionality to create and manage records online STAS Batch Provides functionality to create and STAS records using the batch interface and to view the following report: 0.1 Student Submission Error Report STAS Rejected Records Provides functionality to request and retrieve STAS Rejected Records Extracts and to view the following report: 0.1 Student Submission Error Report STAS ODS Extract Provides functionality to request and retrieve STAS ODS Extract Reports Student Absence Summary Provides functionality to view STAS reports including: - 1.0 Certification Error Report - 1.0a Expected Schools Information Report Cumulative Enrollment – Count* Student Absenteeism – Count* Student Absences – Student List* - 8.1 – Student Profile – List (EOY3) There are five Student Absence Summary roles. 1. The STAS Online roles grants access to the STAS module online. 2. The STAS Batch roles provide functionality to upload and review the STAS file from your local System. 3. The STAS Rejected Records role provides the functionality to request and retrieve the STAS rejected record extract. 4. The STAS ODS Extract provides access to the ODS extract. 5. The Student Absence Summary Report role provides access to reports 14.1 Student Absenteeism count and 14.2 Student Absence Student list. The LEA administrator will have to add these roles to accounts that require access to STAS data. *New report introduced for EOY 16-17 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

41 EOY 3 STAS Required Fields
Record Element(s) Notes STAS Reporting LEA School of Attendance Academic Year ID SSID Local Student ID Student Legal First Name Student Legal Last Name Student Birth Date Student Gender Code Data Collection Exemption Indicator Allows LEAs to identify home/hospital students that they will not report. NPS students are automatically exempt based on the School of Attendance. Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator Required if Data Collection Exemption Indicator is No or Blank Expected Attendance Days Days Allowed Days in Attendance In-School Suspension Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension Incomplete Independent Study Days Like other files the STAS has data fields that are used to match LEA and School as well as student demographic information. All these fields are explained in the data population course and the CALPADS File Specifications. As a Reminder: The Data Collection Exemption Indicator allows you to identify NPS and home hospital students that should be excluded from STAS reporting. If the field is blank or has a N (No) value, all other fields below it are required to be populated. If the filed is populated with a Y (Yes), then all fields below should be empty. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

42 EOY 3 Submitting STAS records
Batch File Upload Online Maintenance A B STAS records may be reported either through a batch file upload or Online Maintenance. LEAs can submit a STAS batch file and choose the Student Absence Summary option in the File Type drop-down menu in the upload page. LEAs can also manually add STAS record online. (See next Slide) NOTE: If Absence Summary Exemption Indicator (A) is a Yes (Y), then all fields below it (B) should NOT be populated. If the Indicator has a NO or Blank, all fields on B are required to be populated. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

43 EOY 3 STAS Online Maintenance
From State Reporting, go to online maintenance. Enter the student SSID on the Maintain Student Data screen 1 2 3 4 Click on Student Absence Summary. Filter for School or Academic Year. You may either edit an existing record or add a new record. The STAS module can be accessed using online maintenance through the Student Information screen. Go to State Reporting, Online Maintenance, Maintain Student Data. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

44 EOY 3 Submit STAS without SIS
Track each day a student attended all or part of a school day through daily attendance, course work completed or hourly attendance Count Days Attended Determine the number of days the student was scheduled to attend using the student’s Enrollment Start date and End Date. Determine Expected Days Download STAS template from the CALPADS help menu, populate the STAS data, upload to CALPADS, as a batch file Use Excel Template Read through Slide…. Identify the reason for each absence as in school or out of school suspension, excused and unexcused Categorize Days Absent End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017 SSID Enrollment & Maintenance Key Concepts & Processes v1.0, September 1, 2015

45 EOY 3 STAS Error Highlights
Rejected Records Error Code Severity Rule STAS0303 F Invalid Absence Summary Information when Exemption is NOT Indicated STAS0304 Invalid Absence Summary Information when Exemption is Indicated STAS0305 Invalid Expected Attendance Days STAS0306 Invalid Days Attended STAS0307 Invalid Out-of-Schools Suspension Days Absent STAS0308 Invalid Out-of-Schools Suspension Days Attended STAS0309 Invalid Excused Non-Suspension Days Absent STAS0310 Invalid Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension STAS0311 Invalid Incomplete Independent Study Days STAS0313 W Absence Summary Exemption Only for NPS or Home Schooled Student STAS0314 Duplicate STAS Records Submitted for the Same Student at the same School The STAS file can have rejected records detected with the error severity of fatal or warnings. During the post function of the STAS, both the passed records and error severity warning records are updated in CALPADS. Any records with the error severity of fatal, will be dropped and not posted. Both rejected record error severity warnings and fatal rejected errors can impact your EOY 3 aggregate reports. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

46 EOY 3 STAS Certification
Certification Errors Error Code Severity Rule CERT121 W Expected Attendance Days is less than 50% of Total Enrollment Days CERT125 F Missing In-School Suspension Data for a student who was reported as attending in-school suspension CERT126 Missing Primary or Short-term Enrollment record for a student with Absence Summary Data CERT127 Missing Out-of-School Suspension Data for a student who was reported as absent due to out-of-school suspension CERT128 Missing Absence Summary Data for Student CERT129 Expected Attendance Days is greater than Total Enrollment Days The Certification fatal errors must be corrected before the certification function is available. Warnings will not prohibit you from certifying. The warnings should be reviewed and corrected if necessary as they can impact your aggregate reports. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

47 5 minute break Break Time!
Remember that you can attend the CALPADS Q & A sessions on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. if you have additional questions during the submission window. Sign up on the CSIS CALPADS training registration page listed in the Resources section near the end of this presentation. We will take a 5 minute break but before we do—please remember we offer the CALPADS Q&A session every Wednesday at 3 PM. The Q&A is a conference call and you can register for them like any other CALPADS training. This is a great resource for obtaining answers for unique scenarios. We encourage you to attend even if you don’t have a question at the time. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

48 EOY 3: Discipline Now we are going to review the EOY 3 discipline submission End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

49 Incident The event that occurred
EOY 3: Terminology Beginning , the federal requirements required discipline data to be reported at the Incident level Incident The event that occurred Offense The infringement or crime student committed In federal requirements were implemented, which requires the reporting of discipline data at the incident level. An Incident is the event that occurred such as a food fight, a fight, etc. And the Offense is the infringement or crime the student committed within the Incident. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

50 EOY 3: Information Reported
* Limited to offenses defined in Education Code or 48915 Offenses* committed by non-special education students that resulted in a (full day or more) suspension or expulsion Offenses* committed by Special Education students (all offenses regardless of outcome and any duration of time) Offenses* that involved a weapon (all offenses regardless of outcome) In order to understand what discipline data are reported for EOY 3 you will need to answer the following question “Does the offense or offenses fall within the Education Code or 48915?” If the answer is no, you will not report it. If the answer is yes, then you report the offenses based on the following: Non-special education students committing offenses falling within & must be suspended or expelled for a full day or more to report the offense. If they were suspended for less than a full day, you will not report them. In-school suspensions are reported. All special education students committing offenses falling within & Education Code will have all offenses reported regardless of the outcome and duration time. This means that the student doesn’t have to meet the full day suspension/expulsion requirement. Offenses involving a weapon, regardless of the outcome, falling within & 4895 Ed Code will be reported. Summer school discipline incidents must be reported in CALPADS—see Data Guide section pg. 75 In school suspensions are reported if the offense ties to or The CALPADS Code Set (URL is provided on the Resource slide) provides a description and what Ed Codes the offense is tied to. This year we have 2 new aggregate reports (7.7 and 7.8) and a supporting reporting (7.9) that provides counts of discipline removals for students with disabilities and unilateral removals for students with disabilities. Summer school discipline incidents must be reported in CALPADS End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

51 EOY 3: How Records Are Related
Incident Student Offense Multiple Students and Multiple Offenses All records in the same incident should have the same values for the following fields: 4.04 – Reporting LEA School of Attendance Academic Year ID Disciplinary Incident ID Local 4.14 – Discipline Incident Occurrence Date 4.16 – Incident Most Severe Offense Code With the federal requirements, you will report discipline data by: Incident: the event that took place Then you will have either a single student or multiple students involved within the incident/event And last you will report all the offenses that occurred during the incident. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

52 Offenses Resulting in a Suspension or Expulsion
EOY 3: Data Included Offenses Resulting in a Suspension or Expulsion Student Enrollment Student Information Grades:, IN, TD, PS, K-12, UE and US Student discipline Offense* that has a code defined in CALPADS Suspension Expulsion For your Non-special education students committing an offense that ties to education code or you will want to make sure the following data are current in CALPADS: SENR should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. This year you will be reporting TD, IN, PS, K-12, UE & US grade levels through the SENR. The SINF should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. The SDIS will report all reportable offenses during the AY which tie to Education Codes or The CALPADS Code Set’s Student Offense provides which education code the offense ties to. See Data Guide Section 2.1.4 * Limited to offenses defined in Education Code or and suspension or expulsions that are one full day or more. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

53 Special Education Offenses
EOY 3: Data Included Special Education Offenses Student Enrollment Student Information Student Program **Student Discipline Grades: IN, TD, PS, K-12, UE and US Special Ed (144) Offense* that has a code defined in CALPADS For your special education population all offenses that tie to ed codes or 48915, will be reported regardless of the outcome. Like your non-special ed population your special ed population will require: The SENR should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. This year you will be reporting TD, IN, PS, K-12, UE & US grade levels through the SENR. The SINF should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. Special Ed students are required to have an SPRG 144 reported The SDIS will report all reportable offenses during the AY which tie to Education Codes or The full day suspension requirement does NOT apply to your special ed students. As long as the offenses ties to Education Codes or 48915, the incident and offense will be reported. Note: Removal to Interim Alternative Setting should be rare. * Limited to offenses defined in Education Code or and suspension or expulsion reported in any increment whether it is half hour or a half day. * *Removal to Interim Alternative Setting required for all special ed End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

54 EOY 3: Data Included Weapon Offenses
Student Enrollment Student Information Grades: IN, TD, PS K-12, UE and US Student Discipline Weapon offense (Student Offense Codes 100, 101, 103, 104, 105) Weapon offenses have the same file requires as the non-special ed and special ed populations: The SENR should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. This year you will be reporting TD, IN, PS, K-12, UE & US grade levels through the SENR. The SINF should be current to represent all enrolled students and students that have exited during the AY. The SDIS will report all reportable offenses during the AY which tie to Education Codes or If student offense code is 100, 101, 103, 104, or 105, you will report the offense regardless of the outcome. Student offense code 102 is not reported as this is possession of an imitation firearm Limited to offenses defined in Education Code or 48915 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

55 All Discipline Records
EOY 3: Required Fields All Discipline Records Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SDIS Reporting LEA / School of Attendance Report student at school of enrollment regardless of where incident took place Academic Year ID SSID Local Student ID Student Legal First Name Student Legal Last Name Student Birth Date Student Gender Code Disciplinary Incident ID Local Must be the same for all offenses part of a single incident. Disciplinary Incident Occurrence Date Student Offense Code Incident Most Severe Offense Code Must be the same for all offenses part of a single incident and must be one of the offenses committed in the incident Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code Only one may be reported per student per incident Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code Y/N value required for all special ed students The CALPADS File Specifications list all the required data elements for the SDIS file and we have included them here for your review. Your SIS vendor uses the CFS to create the required extract(s). Data element 4.23 “Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code” was introduced in This field is only for special ed students. This element reports if a special ed student was removed to an interim alternative setting for 45 days or less. This is NOT a common activity and so there should be a small amount if any reported. Please review the CALPADS Code Set document to understand the Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

56 Special Ed Student Offense
EOY 3: Required Fields Expulsions Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SDIS Disciplinary Action Modification Category Code Weapon Offense Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SDIS Student Offense Code 100, 101, 103, 104, 105 Weapon Category Code Special Ed Student Offense Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes SDIS Discipline Action Authority Taken Code Student Instructional Support Indicator Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days AY 15/16, if Removal to Interim Alternative Setting populated, must be equal to 45 days or less Here are the additional required data elements for EOY 2. Weapon Offense: Student offense code 102 is not reported—see Data Guide section Special Ed students require Discipline Action Authority Taken Code (who determine the discipline for the student) Student Instructional Support (was support provided for the student—can be as simple as providing assignments to the student) and Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days (length of suspension/expulsion) See the CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for detailed field requirements End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

57 EOY 3: Online - Adding Student Discipline Information
CALPADS allows a discipline record to be added through the Online function. Casually point out steps 1-6 6 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

58 EOY 3: Online – Adding Student Discipline Information
7b Add a new discipline offense to the student’s history or edit an existing record 7a After clicking on Student Discipline you drill down to the Student’s Discipline Information. You have the ability to review previous AY by clicking on the dropdown arrow and Click on Apply Filters button. CALPADS defaults to the current AY You have the option to either click on Add a new record (7a) or Click on the Edit button (7b). Click on Add a new record button End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

59 EOY 3: Online – Adding Student Discipline Information
Incident, Student Discipline, and Student Offense sections are split so only multiple Student Offense records are added if there is a need. 8 Every offense for every student needs to be entered; only the final Disciplinary Action Taken should be reported Incident, Student Discipline, and Student Offense sections are split so only multiple Student Offense records are added if there is a need. This will now eliminate the need to enter redundant data in case of multiple student offenses. Required Conditional 9 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

60 EOY 3: Online - Adding a Discipline Incident
1 2 3 4b 4c Add a new incidents, edit existing incidents, or maintain the list of students associated with an incident. Now we will demonstrate another way to add a new incident: State Reporting Online Maintenance Maintain Discipline Data Please note you have the option to make changes to the Filter Options to see the data by AY, Site, or Incident #. Once options have been completed, you will click on the Apply Filter button. 4a. Allows you to add a new incident 4b. Allows a specific incident to be edited 4c Allows students to be added, edited, deleted 4a End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

61 EOY 3: Online – Adding a New Discipline Incident
Incident, Student Discipline, and Student Offense sections are split so only multiple Student Offense records are added if there is a need. 5 Every offense for every student needs to be entered; only the final Disciplinary Action Taken should be reported Incident, Student Discipline, and Student Offense sections are split so only multiple Student Offense records are added if there is a need. This will now eliminate the need to enter redundant data in case of multiple student offenses. Buttons: Previous Record, Next Record, Delete Record, & Add Record will not be available until a new incident has been added. Required Conditional 6 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

62 EOY 3: Online – Editing an Incident
If editing an existing record, delete button will be available. Required 2a 1 Instead of adding a new offense, you can the edit an existing Incident. Clicking on the edit button drills you down to this screen. Allows you the ability to edit the existing data Once data has been edited, you will validate and post 2b allows you to maintain the student list You also have the option to delete the record End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

63 EOY 3: Online – Maintain Student List
Add a student to the incident or edit an existing record 1b After the Maintain Student List button has been clicked on your drill down Student List. 1a you can add a new student 1b or you can edit an existing student offense 1a End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

64 EOY 3: Online - Adding or Editing Student Offense Record
Incident, Student Discipline, and Student Offense sections are split so only multiple Student Offense records are added if there is a need. Every offense for every student needs to be entered; only the final Disciplinary Action Taken should be reported Incident, Student Discipline, and Student Offense sections are split so only multiple Student Offense records are added if there is a need. This will now eliminate the need to enter redundant data in case of multiple student offenses. Required Conditional 2 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

65 EOY 3: Severity-of-Offense Hierarchy
Incident Shoved another student (504) Punched another student (500) Brought chainsaw to school (204) Taunted another student (506) Most severe Destructive/explosive device (bomb threat included) Possession of paraphernalia Use of drugs/alcohol Possession/sale of alcohol Possession of drugs for sale Sale or furnishing of drugs Sexual offenses (other than forcible rape) Possession of a weapon Battery Assault with a deadly weapon Robbery/extortion Forcible rape Homicide (use code 500) It is up to an LEA to determine its own Severity of Offense Hierarchy and the Data Guide’s section provides a suggested order of hierarchy. When an incident occurs, an LEA will determine from all the offenses committed during the incident, which one is the most severe. The offense identified as most severe, will be reported for each offense in the incident. Please be aware that when the CDE receives the discipline data the data are disaggregated so that the most severe offense is associated with the incident and not the student. Here we are demonstrating there were 4 offenses committed in the incident and it will be determined locally which of the 4 offenses is the most severe and the hierarchy the offenses ties to. Related offense codes 103 Brandishing a Knife 500 Caused Physical Injury 504 Used Force or Violence 506 Harassment or Intimidation See the Student Offense code set in the CALPADS Code Sets document on the Resources slide near the end of the presentation for the full code list End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

66 EOY 3: SDIS Error Highlights
Rejected Records Error Code Severity Rule SDIS0069 F Mismatch of SSID Demographics SDIS0072 Retired SSID -- Mismatch of SSID Demographics SDIS0090 Invalid Disciplinary Incident Occurrence Date - Academic Year combination SDIS0091 Invalid Student Offense Code and Weapon Category Combination SDIS0093 Disciplinary Incident Occurrence Date Greater Than Current Date SDIS0094 Mismatch of Disciplinary Incident Attributes SDIS0095 Missing Weapon Category Code SDIS0096 Missing Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days SDIS0153 Missing Disciplinary Action Authority Code SDIS0154 Missing Student Instructional Support Indicator SDIS0208 Missing Disciplinary Action Modification Category Code The SDIS file can have rejected records detected with the error severity of fatal or warnings. During the post function of the SDIS, both the passed records and error severity warning records are updated in CALPADS. Any records with the error severity of fatal, will be dropped and not posted. Both rejected record error severity warnings and fatal rejected errors can impact your EOY 3 aggregate reports. The Certification fatal errors must be corrected before the certification function is available. Warnings will not prohibit you from certifying. The warnings should be reviewed and corrected if necessary as they can impact your aggregate reports. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

67 EOY 3: Error Highlights Rejected Records Error Code Severity Rule
SDIS0212 F Duplicate discipline records exist for the same student SDIS0245 W Student not enrolled on Disciplinary Incident Occurrence Date SDIS0251 Mismatch of Student's Disciplinary Attributes SDIS0290 Missing Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code SDIS0291 Invalid Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code SDIS0292 Missing Student Instructional Support SDIS0296 Any student, in any grade level, should not be expelled for disruption or defiance if Discipline Offense Code = 511 SDIS0297 Any student in grades IN, TD, PS, KN, 1-3 should not be suspended for disruption or defiance if Discipline Offense Code = 511 Here are additional rejected records that can be detected. During the post function of the SDIS, both the passed records and error severity warning records are updated in CALPADS. Any records with the error severity of fatal, will be dropped and not posted. Both rejected record error severity warnings and fatal rejected errors can impact your EOY 3 aggregate reports. The Certification fatal errors must be corrected before the certification function is available. Warnings will not prohibit you from certifying. The warnings should be reviewed and corrected if necessary as they can impact your aggregate reports. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

68 Certification Status Each EOY snapshot must be individually certified at Level-1 and then at Level-2 Each submission for the current AY will be listed on the State Reporting/Manage Certification/View Certification Status and require the Certification Status of “Snapshot Certified – Level 2”. If the submission is listed as a snapshot for your LEA, you will need to certify even if your totals are 0. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

69 EOY 3: Error Highlights Certification Errors Error Code Severity Rule
No student enrollment data is included for an open school that is specified for the collection. CERT071 W There is no discipline data submitted for a school. CERT085 Student was exited from school during the Reporting Period with a Student Exit Reason Code = T165 [TransSpecDiscRsnsOrJudg] and is missing a Disciplinary record with an Incident Disciplinary Action Category code = 100 (suspension), 200 (expulsion) during the same reporting period CERT086 A student that was enrolled between July 1 and June 30 of the prior Academic Year and has not been exited prior to August 16 of the reporting Academic Year. CERT112* Student Enrollment Record in Previous AY Not Exited CERT115 Student reported with Primary Disability Code 281 and age is not 3, 4, or 5 years of age Here are additional rejected records that can be detected. During the post function of the SDIS, both the passed records and error severity warning records are updated in CALPADS. Any records with the error severity of fatal, will be dropped and not posted. Both rejected record error severity warnings and fatal rejected errors can impact your EOY 3 aggregate reports. The Certification fatal errors must be corrected before the certification function is available. Warnings will not prohibit you from certifying. The warnings should be reviewed and corrected if necessary as they can impact your aggregate reports. *LEAs are required to submit SENR file to close out all enrollment records for AY End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

70 EOY 3: Error Highlights Certification Errors Error Code Severity Rule
The Incident Most Severe Offense Code submitted for the Incident does not match any of the Student Offenses for all students within the Incident. CERT125 Missing In-School Suspension Data for a student who was reported as attending in-school suspension CERT126 Missing Primary or Short-term Enrollment record for a student with Absence Summary Data CERT127 Missing Out-of-School Suspension Data for a student who was reported as absent due to out-of-school suspension CERT128 Missing Absence Summary Data for Student (KN-12, UE and US) in Primary or Short Term enrollment CERT129 A student's Expected Attendance Days must be less than or equal to their Total Enrollment Days at the same school for the same academic year. CERT130 Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code must only be populated for students with disabilities Here are additional rejected records that can be detected. During the post function of the SDIS, both the passed records and error severity warning records are updated in CALPADS. Any records with the error severity of fatal, will be dropped and not posted. Both rejected record error severity warnings and fatal rejected errors can impact your EOY 3 aggregate reports. The Certification fatal errors must be corrected before the certification function is available. Warnings will not prohibit you from certifying. The warnings should be reviewed and corrected if necessary as they can impact your aggregate reports. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

71 EOY 3: Reports 7.1 – Discipline Incidents – Count by Most Severe Offense 7.2 Discipline Incidents – Student List 7.3 – Discipline Actions – Count 7.4 – Discipline Actions – Count by Offense 7.5 – Discipline Offenses – Student List 7.6 – Discipline Actions – Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions The EOY 3 has 8 aggregate reports and 5 supporting reports. Please note that: 7.1 Is an aggregate report and 7.2 provides the detail data in reconciling CALPADS data to a local system 7.3. & 7.4 are aggregate reports and 7.5 provides the detail data in reconciling CALPADS data to a local system 7.6 is another aggregate report providing persistently dangerous offense expulsions count and it does not have a supporting report. 7.7 and 7.8 are new aggregate reports for this year with a supporting report 7.9 providing details of Discipline removals for students with Disabilities. 7.7 – Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count 7.8 – Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count 7.9 – Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities – Student List End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

72 EOY 3: Reports (cont.) 1.21 Cumulative Enrollment - Count
8.1 Cumulative Enrollment – Student List (EOY 3) 14.1 Student Absenteeism - Count 14.2 Student Absenteeism – Student List There are no ODS reports for 1.21 or 14.1 1.21-Reports the cumulative enrollment for the academic year. The total primary, secondary, and short-term enrollment counts are grouped and certified census day enrollment count is provided for comparison. Business Rules: Students and Student Data to be Included: Students with a qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period Qualifying Enrollment: Open enrollment at any time during the Report Period (See CALPADS Glossary: Enrollment, Open; Report Period) Enrollment Status Code = Primary Enrollment (10), Secondary (20), Short Term Enrollment (30) Default Grade Level = KN, 01 – 12, UE and US 8.1-Reports a list of individual student data that supports aggregate views in other reports. Note: Includes students that have an open enrollment on the report “As of” date. Business Rules Students and Student Data to be Included: All students with a qualifying enrollment 14.1- Reports the number of students who were enrolled over the course of the academic year and absenteeism counts as a percentage of the total cumulative enrollment by school for the LEA. Enrollment Status Code = Primary Enrollment (10), Short Term Enrollment (30) Qualifying Data: Student Absent Summary Record (Record Type = STAS) for the Academic Year being reported Student Data Rules, if applicable to report: Student Enrollment (SENR) reported or used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Enrollment Status and Grade Level) are associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period Student Information (SINF) data reported or used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Ethnicity/Race) are selected from the most recent SINF record with Effective Start Date and Effective End Date (if exists) that overlap the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period Student Program (SPRG) data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g., Special Education Program) are selected from the most recent SPRG record for the same school of attendance as the STAS record with the Education Program membership Start Date and Education program Membership End Date (if exists) that overlap with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Student English Language Acquisition Status (SELA) data reported or used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. ELAS Status) are selected from SELA record for students with a qualifying enrollment. Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) reporting will need to find the most recent status on the report date (using Effective Start Date) that was effective during the reporting period, regardless of Reporting LEA (unless specified otherwise in the specific report data field).    14.2- Reports a student list of positive attendance and student absenteeism by days of expected attendance, days attended and days absent. Absences are totaled by days excused, days unexcused, and days missed due to out-of-school suspensions. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

73 EOY 3: 7.1 - Discipline Incidents – Count by Most Severe Offense
School Code School Name Most Severe Offense Incident Count FCMAT High 103-Brandishing a Knife 3 201-Possession of Controlled Substance 12 512-Property Damage 8 513-Bullying 21 TOTAL 44 CSIS Middle 6 403-Sexual Harassment 4 10 20 TOTAL - Selected Schools 18 31 64 The 7.1 reports the total number of Disciple Incidents by Most Severe Offense and each unique incident is counted only once. This report list your school code, school name and the most severe offense codes. The Incident Count reports the total # of incidents the Most Server Offense was reported. Then you are provided a total for your LEA Notes to trainer: enrollment status 10,20,30 and grades KN-12, UE & US are reported for EOY 3. Student Discipline (SDIS) data End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

74 EOY 3: 7.3 - Discipline Actions - Count
Click to expand the view of the data Student Discipline (SDIS) data School Code School Name Gender Ethnicity/Race # of Students That Committed an Offense (unduplicated) FCMAT High Total 50 F 12 Hispanic 4 White 8 M 38 20 18 The Aggregate 7.3 Discipline Actions Count reports students in grades, KN-12, UE, US and enrollment status of 10, 20, 30, 40. If a column, such as Gender or Ethnicity, has the icon +in a box, clicking on this icon will provide detail by gender and ethnicity. This icon allows you to view data on the report in more detail. As you can see the report includes the School Code, the School Name, Gender, Ethnicity/Race The # of Students That Committed an Offense (unduplicated) counts the following: If multiple students are reported for the same offenses, such as shoving, associated with one incident, both students are counted. This mean you can have a single incident and multiple students committing the same offense and each student will be counted. This is not an unduplicated count by offense but unduplicated by the student. Casually discuss each column on 7.3 The total of Offenses Committed (at each site) # of Suspensions-students reported with code 100 # of Expulsions-students reported with code 200 # of In School Suspensions reported with code 110—please note that In school suspensions are reported in EOY 3 # of No Suspension or Expulsions reported with code These are more than likely your special ed students that committed offenses but were not suspended or expelled (the one day requirement does not apply). Please remember if the offense committed is tied to ed code 48900/48915, you report the offense for your special ed population regardless of the outcome. # of Students who Received Instructional Support (unduplicated) for students receiving instructional support (e.g., homework) from the local educational agency during a disciplinary action – counts provide visibility of the federal reporting aggregates. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

75 EOY 3: 7.4 - Discipline Actions - Count by Offense
Click to expand the view of the data Student Discipline (SDIS) data School Code School Name Offense Code Gender Ethnicity/Race # of Students That Committed Offense (unduplicated) FCMAT High 509-Hazing Total 21 F 2 Hispanic 1 White M 19 10 9 Disciplinary Action Taken # of Offenses Committed # Out of School Suspensions (100) # of Expulsions (200) # of In School Suspensions (110) # of No Suspension of Expulsion (300) 45 8 1 5 16 2 6 4 37 3 10 20 17 The aggregate report 7.4, Discipline Actions- Count by Offense reports the same data as 7.3 with the exception that 7.4 has the Offense Code column. The 7.4 provides a view by offense and 7.3 does not. 7.4 added a filter to include or exclude special ed students and a filter for Disciplinary Removal duration (less <>than or equal to .05 days. Most CALPADS reports provide filter options, which allow you to view the data in a specific way. You can filter on grade, gender, school site, etc. and specific filters for special ed students and offense codes. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

76 Based on Fall 1 enrollment (report 1.1)
EOY 3: Discipline Actions - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions Based on Fall 1 enrollment (report 1.1) Expulsions for Persistently Dangerous Offenses School Code School Name Total Certified Primary Enrollment Total # of Expulsions # of Expulsions / 100 Enrolled Students FCMAT High 3701 385 10.4 CSIS Middle 921 18 1.9 123 Elementary 516 2 0.4 Student Discipline (SDIS) data Expulsions for Persistently Dangerous Offenses Of Expulsions per Offense Code, Used to Determine At Risk Schools (listed in order of most severe offense) ** 503 103 500 505 100 105 600 200 401 400 At Risk School ? ** 15 10 20 22 33 16 48 46 155 Y 1 2 13 N The aggregate 7.6 reports discipline actions for persistently dangerous offense expulsions. Like the previous reports the 7.6 has your school code, your school name. The Total Certified Primary Enrollment counts are based on your Fall 1 certified data. Total # of Expulsions reports how many students in the current AY were expelled and the #of Expulsions /100 Enrolled Students provides a percentage per 100 students The bottom section list all of the offense codes used to determine at risk schools and the codes are 503, 103, 500, 505, 100, 105, 600, 200, 401, and They are listed in the order of the most severe offenses. The At Risk School Column indicates, based on the 10 offenses codes, if the site is At Risk or not. Please keep in mind the federal government determines if a site is considered persistently dangerous. The 7.6 can be used to review the sites that have the Y to verify the correct offense code had been reported and what steps might be implemented to avoid the site being determined persistently dangerous. Please refer to the User Manual Glossary definition for Persistently Dangerous Offense and at Risk School. Read the callout box on right to explain how At Risk School is determined. A school is determined to be ‘At Risk of Becoming Persistently Dangerous’ when: It has fewer than 300 students and expulsions are greater than three OR It has more than 300 students with more than one expulsion per one-hundred enrollments ** Refer to User Manual Glossary definition for Persistently Dangerous Offense and At Risk School End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

77 EOY 3: 7.7 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities
New special education report similar to CASEMIS data The next three reports are specific to special education students to show the number of students with disabilities who are removed from the school of attendance Report 7.7 counts the number of students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. The report has additional filters that will help drill down to see specific counts for Disability Category or Disciplinary Removal Duration, End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

78 EOY 3: 7.8 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities
New special education report similar to CASEMIS data Report 7.8 counts the number of students with disabilities (by Primary Disability Category) who were removed from their regular instructional setting to an interim alternative setting for federal offense categories: Drug-related, Weapons-Related, or Serious Bodily Injury The report has additional filters that will help drill down to see specific counts for– Disability Category, Disciplinary Removal Duration, and Disciplinary Action Taken End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

79 EOY 3: 7.9- Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities
New special education report similar to CASEMIS data Report 7.9 is the detail student list with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports characteristics about each student and each incident including the disciplinary action taken and disciplinary action modifications The report has a variety of filters – Disability Category, Disciplinary Removal Duration, Disciplinary Action Taken, Federal Offense, and Offense Code End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

80 Report 1.21 Cumulative Enrollment - Count
Report 1.21, Cumulative Enrollment counts the number of students with an enrollment record in the academic year. The total primary, secondary and short term enrollment counts are grouped. All students with enrollment at any time during the Report Period for the Academic Year are included. Primary, Secondary, Short-term cumulative count is used to calculate suspension/expulsion rates. Just primary and short-term cumulative count is used to calculate attendance rates. The certified census day enrollment count column is listed for comparison. The cumulative enrollment should be greater than or equal to certified primary enrollment. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

81 Report 14.1- Student Absenteeism - Count
Report 14.1, Student Absenteeism counts positive attendance and student absenteeism as a percentage of the total cumulative enrollment by school for the LEA. The report includes all students with a primary or short- term enrollment at any time during the Academic Year. The report shows counts by school, with grade level and student demographic filters. Calculations for absenteeism rates of less than 5 percent, 5 to 10 percent, 10 to 20 percent and 20 percent or more are provided. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

82 14.2 Student Absence - Student List
Report 14.2, Student Absence is a list of students counted in report Specific School and demographic information is provided along with details about attendance and absences. Each student has an absence percentage and an indication if they are considered chronically absent. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

83 Report 8.1 Student Profile – List (EOY 3)
Report 8.1 Student profile reports a lists individual student data in support of the Cumulative Enrollment report. Students listed on this report have had an open or closed enrollment record within the LEA at any time during the Academic Year. This is different from the usual Student profile 8.1 associated to Fall 1 and Fall 2. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

84 Programs Used for Report Sub-Groups
These programs are used in reports (R) or report filtering (F) on SSIDs that have met the criteria for inclusion in one or more of the EOY submissions. If displayed in reports, LEAs are expected to assess their accuracy. EOY Report Migrant Ed (135) Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Special Ed (144) GATE (127) 2-3 1.0a N/A  2 5.1 5.4 F 5.2 5.3 5.5 F, R 3 7.1 7.3 7.4 7.6 7.2 7.5 7.7 7.8 F ,R 7.9 1.21 14.1 14.2 Legend Value Used In F Filters R Report N/A Not applicable The EOY 2 & 3 reports have filter options to allow various views of the data. Even though Migrant Ed (135), Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (181,182 or Parent Ed level 14), Special Ed (144), and Gate (127) are not required for these End of Year submissions, the data are normally included in your SPRG. For example there should be a special education program record when you are reporting an offense for a special ed student. The subgroups may provide a different view of the data to better understand your LEA’s environment. The subgroup totals on any EOY reports should be reviewed for accuracy. Filters on these reports will provide the Federal definition of Economically Disadvantaged End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

85 Certification Details
4 2 Clicking on the snapshot drills down to aggregate reports, supporting reports, and the certification function. LEAs can determine if they have completed a submission by reviewing column Certification Status and if the status is Snapshot Certified Level 2 the submission has been completed. If the status is Snapshot Certified – Level 1, there is another certification level (2) required to complete the submission. Certification requirements: All aggregate reports must be reviewed and once they have been reviewed the X will change to check mark. You must have zero fatal certification errors for the certification buttons to be activated You must be at Snapshot Certified – Level 2 3 1 1 Data Processor 1 2 4 Superintendent or Administrator 1 3 4 2 End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

86 EOY 3 Summary EOY 3 Submit STAS file
All primary and short term KN-12, UE, US enrollments must also have a STAS record reported. Cumulative Enrollment is calculated. It is determined using the SENR records posted throughout the academic year STAS is a replacement type file EOY 3: The second EOY submission STAS file was added under EOY 3 STAS are replacement files All primary and short term KN-12, UE, US enrollments must also have a STAS record reported. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

87 EOY 3 Summary EOY 3 SDIS replacement file
Summer School discipline reported At site of the summer school Requires an enrollment In-school suspensions reported Special education students do NOT have the full day suspension/expulsion requirement Student offense must tie to Education Code 48900/48915 Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Program (4.23) required for special education students. All students who committed firearm offenses (codes 100, 101, 103, 104 & 105) reported regardless of outcome EOY 3: The second EOY submission Grade levels reported in EOY 3: TD, IN, PS, KN-12, UE, US. You will need to use the report’s filter options to view TD, IN, & PS grade levels Reporting Summer school discipline incident is required for EOY 3 Special ed students do not have the full day suspension/expulsion requirement that the non-special ed population has Only offenses that tie to the Education Codes 48900/48915 are reported End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

88 Wrap-Up Wrap Up We will now wrap-up today’s training
End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

89 Remember to close out your 2016-17 enrollments.
Close out Enrollment Remember to close out your enrollments. Develop local plan to close out enrollment Use new SENR file with new elements for graduates Closing your enrollments now will allow you to draw the line between Cumulative enrollment count and Adjusted cumulative enrollment count. Closing out enrollments prior to certifying EOY 3 will resolve any CERT129 errors. Enrollment exits will auto-close Program records Check with SIS Vendor on impact of enrollment close out to EOY submission extracts Direct Certification Pull includes records with E155 PLEASE CLOSE OUT YOUR ENROLLMENT. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

90 5/15 6/16 6/30 7/14* 7/31 Suggested Timeline
NOW Complete SIS Data Population 5/15 Upload files and correct errors or discrepancies as needed 6/16 25 days Review certification reports, correct errors, and fix discrepancies 6/30 10 days Distribute reports for review and approval 7/14* 10 days Check Advance training*** As a resource we have included a suggested timeline--for all 3 EOY submissions. You will want to consider when you site staff will be leaving for summer break when you create your local calendar Determine by end of May, who the data stewards are to review the aggregate reports. If they leave for the summer, you will want to pre-arrange the report review process. Add additional time for the overnight snapshot process All 3 EOY submissions report data throughout the AY (7/1/16 to 6/30/17) and this means your data should be kept current in your SIS to make these submissions efficient and accurate. Certify (level 1 and level 2) 7/31 11 days Reminder: If you plan to decertify, allow adequate time to make corrections and for snapshots to run * Make sure to adjust dates if your LEA closes earlier for summer End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

91 Certification Reminders
The new snapshot process allows changes to be reflected the same day of snapshots. LEAs need to consider if new snapshots will be generated before the close of business the day of the deadline. Remember to review all reports for accuracy before certifying Make sure your snapshot is certified at Level 2. If you are not certified at Level 2 on or before the deadline day, none of your work counts.. If you are certified and then decertify, you must recertify on or before the deadline date for your data to be pulled. Certification Reminders The last day to make changes that will be included in the snapshot is 7/31/17 Verify the required certification status is Snapshot Certified – Level 2. All aggregate reports should be reviewed for accuracy before certifying your submission. During the amendment window, LEAs have the opportunity to decertify and make corrections to their data. If you decertify, please remember you must be certified at level 2 on or before the amendment window closure date (8/11/17). If you do not recertify by 8/11/17, zero counts will be reported for your LEA even though you had certified previously. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

92 Did you get it? EOY 2 EOY 3 What data are reported?
Program participation Discipline/ Absence Summary What schools are reported? All schools Which files are submitted? SPRG SDIS/ STAS Do they need to be submitted in any special order? SENR before SPRG SENR before SDIS/ STAS End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

93 Did you get it? Question Answer What is a full replacement file?
File which replaces all records with a matching key. For example, submitting one or more discipline records will replace all records for the same school and year. How can you find out what data to report for your LEA? Review the EOY or current ODS reports How can you find out what schools to report for your LEA? Check the Expected Schools report What if you have nothing to report? You still need to certify to confirm that the zeroes on the reports are accurate End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

94 Start the Conversations Locally
Question Answer Where is the data entered in my student system? Who needs to review the reports? What are the EOY certification and deadline dates? When is the last day of school? When are final grades available? Who is out of the office and when? What are your internal deadlines? What are three things you can do right now to prepare for EOY reporting? End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

95 Resources CALPADS Calendar System Documentation
System Documentation Document Description Sections CALPADS File Specifications (Forms) File layout and requirements for batch submission SENR, SINF, SPRG, SDIS, STAS, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, & SCTE tabs CALPADS Code Sets Detailed state code lists CALPADS Valid Code Combinations Matches up related codes Aligns with the way the offenses are aggregated on the DataQuest reports CALPADS Error List Detailed error message descriptions SENR, SINF, SPRG, SDIS, STAS, SDEM, CSRC, SCSC, SCTE, EOY 1-3 tabs CALPADS Data Guide Detailed requirements EOY & EOY We have provided the URL for resources that should assist in your CALPADS submissions. The calendar is a great resource to share with management and other staff members. It has a high level overview of the data submitted for each submission and hopefully will assist in a team effort for CALPADS. CFS is what your SIS vendors use to create their extracts and each file has a tab to review to see what data is required and any rules tied to them. CALPADS Code Set list the expected state codes for data elements. It will also assist in determining what ed code the offense ties to. CALPADS Valid Code combination provides the valid code combinations for data elements that are conditional, i.e. Student Offense 100 (Possession, Sale, Furnishing a Firearm) requires that the Weapon Category Code be reported. CALPADS will verify that the valid code has been submitted for each element. CALPADS Error List is an extremely important resource to assist in resolving your warnings and fatal errors. Each file submitted will have a tab to assist in your error resolution. For your uploaded files errors, CALPADS lists which data elements were reviewed for the error detection and a suggested resolution. This allows you to review what is in your SIS for these elements. You will want to review section of the Data Guide for EOY 2 and section for discipline. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

96 Resources Career Technical Education documents
Administrator Recommendation of Expulsion Matrix CALPADS Training Registration CALPADS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Here are some resources for CTE, Expulsion Matrix, our training URL, CALPADS FAQ, & CP Report Data Mapping Guides CALPADS Report Data Mapping Guides EOY 1 CALPADS Report Mapping Guide ; EOY 2 CALPADS Report Mapping Guide ; EOY 3 CALPADS Report Mapping Guide End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

97 Support Web:
Phone: Listserv: The preferred method of requesting support is through the service ticket. If you have not taken the opportunity to save this URL, please do so today. Saving this URL allows you the ability to send a service request even if you can’t access CALPADS. This URL is also on the FCMAT/CSIS site and the CDE’s. The service ticket allows you provide information which assist support to quickly respond to the ticket. This helps in our peak service request times—close to the deadlines to expedite service requests. If you call , you will go immediately into our voice mail system. is another way to request support. But both the phone message and this URL requires a support staff to take the information and create a service ticket. The list service is the CDE’s one-way listserv, which means LEAs cannot respond but only receive notices. This Listserv notifies you of changes for deadlines, data submissions, etc. You will want to join today if you have not done so. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

98 Please complete our survey
Training Evaluation Please complete our survey Please take the time to complete our training survey. Your responses assist in improving our trainings. Please indicate what you like, if there were areas you thought should have been covered that weren’t, and any suggestions to improve our training for you. We review these surveys on a regular basis—in fact due to LEAs’ suggestions we have changed our survey, have included more visual aids, and demonstrations in our trainings. Thank you for providing us the opportunity to evaluate are trainings. End of Year 2 & 3 Training v 1.0 May 2017

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