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ECS II Case Studies in Inclusion and Exclusion

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1 ECS II Case Studies in Inclusion and Exclusion
Sample case studies ECS II Case Studies in Inclusion and Exclusion

2 Did you read Jinan’s essay, ‘Gay in the Lebanon’?
Talk in your groups: What made it a high-scoring essay? What will you change in your own writing as a result of reading it? What did you like about it? Any questions?

3 Today’s session Trust the process: follow the process Sample cases
Sample theories Sample methodologies Matching these together Planning your own case study, or reporting on progress so far

4 Sample cases (take notes)
Kim, the Catholic school, the i-pod and the translator Jed: not allowed to claim racism Derek: not attending any school …the school lost all of Derek’s sister’s work… she went to the Fresh Start centre- was chucked out during the interview because of bad behaviour… School staff did well to try with Derek. One boy we know was beaten so badly at school by him that his father came down from the gypsy site and started stamping on Derek’s head. Derek’s cheeky…the police got involved. Living around here…there are men on the stairs, big men selling crack cocaine, calling little boys to help. People being racist broke my nose, kicked my door in. This estate is so run down, they just don’t care any more, we’re supposed to be moved out in five years. There are a lot of boys on here…they’re all in centres. Field Notes: May 2008 [quote these in your assignment]

5 Sample theories (1) ‘… a ‘weak’ version … of inclusion … worst may well be based on a pathology of the poor, or disenfranchized’ (Milbourne 1999: 1) Macrae, S et al (2003) ‘Social exclusion: exclusion from school’ International Journal of Inclusive Education 7(2 ): [in the Reader]

6 Sample theories (2) ‘…there is a need to ensure that the attitudes and perceptions of in-school professionals and powerful gatekeepers in the exclusion process are taken into consideration.’ Macrae, S et al (2003:99) Macrae, S et al (2003) ‘Social exclusion: exclusion from school’ International Journal of Inclusive Education 7(2 ): [in the Reader]

7 Sample theories (3) ‘From the study it became apparent that (so-called) consumers were challenging the construction of themselves as consumers of services. Instead they were asserting that their contribution to the treatment and management of illness was closer to that of ‘expert’ than of consumer.’ Bolzan, Smith, Mears and Ansiewicz (2001) ‘Creating Identities: mental health consumer to citizen’ Journal of Social Work 1(3): [in the Reader]

8 Sample methods Give young people a voice recorder/camera (Lloyd and LeAlan) Interview respondents about a specific issue individually/as a group, once/over a period of time (Sheryl Clarke/ girls in sport) Participant observation/ethnography (excluded pupils) Gather life histories/stories (Chris Kearney)

9 Activity Get in groups Match the cases with the theories and methods
There are no wrong answers, just better decisions 

10 Case study planning forms
Independently: fill out your form as much as possible. Use the reader for your references, or add others of your own Show each other your planning forms and give feedback. Record the feedback in the box at the bottom of the forms Feedback to the class

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