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Dream Team Project – Merchandise Design

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1 Dream Team Project – Merchandise Design
Name: Grade: Date: Sports Team Name:

2 Business Cards Small cards printed with one's name, professional
occupation, company position, business address, and other contact information. These cards contain a name, position within the Company, company name, address, website, address, office phone and fax numbers. They also contain logos and other branding to Maintain a company’s image. Create a position within your sports organization for you (Marketing Executive, Head of Recruiting, Community Relations Representative, etc.). On the next page, complete a 2-sided business card. Make it Easy to read and include your logo. Examples of business cards can be found by <Ctrl> + Clicking on this link: Click here

3 Business Card Front Business Card Back

4 VIP Pass Create a VIP event or Season Pass for your premier
Members. This could be a one time event or season Pass to the stadium to all your team’s games. Remember to clearly mark the pass as well as include the Logo for your team. Use your team colors as well. See below for examples:

5 VIP Pass Front VIP Pass Back

6 T Shirts and Hat Create some t-shirts and a hat to sell at the stadium. You can copy and paste the t-shirt template into Microsoft Paint to color and add a logo. Use the slides below OR use a combination of these Websites and the Snipping Tool (ask me how) CustomInk Tee Spring You can upload your logo on these or create a new one.

7 T Shirt Design 1

8 T Shirt Design2

9 Hat

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