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By occasional hearing Through structured consultative committee

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Presentation on theme: "By occasional hearing Through structured consultative committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q. 27 In what ways should the CA involve different stakeholders in its functioning?
By occasional hearing Through structured consultative committee Any other CA stands for Competition Authority

2 Results Most participants prefer a structured consultative committee
Only 40.7 prefer occasional hearing In all sectors (consumer, producer and government), most of them prefer the structured consultative committee Consumer sector: 55.7% Private sector: 69.4% Gvt sector: 58.5% Therefore, more participants prefer to participate in the decision making process of the CA

3 Q. 28 Are there state-owned monopolies in Mauritius?
Results: 76.2% answered yes 23.8% were not aware of state owned monopolies in Mauritius

4 Q. 29 Do state-owned monopolies induldge in anti-competitive practices?

5 Note: Monopolies often charge higher prices
Important aspect to deal with in competition policies Results in all sectors: Consumer sector 56.1% had positive answers Producer sector: 62.9% had positive answers In the gvt sector, 62.5% were not aware of anti-competitive practices

6 Implications Consumers and private producers are mostly affected (they are aware) of anti-competitive practices Government enterprises do not feel so

7 Q.30. If you encounter any anti-competitive practices, how would you react?
Options available: Seek help from legistlation Seek help from the judiciary Seek help from consumer forums Any other specific

8 Answers: Option 1: 32% Option 2: 21.6% Option 3: 43.2% Option 4: 3.2%

9 Sector-wise results: Consumer sector: 50.3% prefer consumer forums
Private sectors: prefer judiciary (35.9%) Gvt sector: 37.5% for legislation Thus, more consumers prefer consumer forums. The judiciary and legislation are preferred method in the private and gvt sector

10 Q. 31 Do you consider gvt policy towards foreign direct investment as pro-competitive?
Insignificantly, moderately, significantly or hugely

11 Note: an important aspect of gvt policy is to attract FDI
If policy is anti-competitive, it discourages FDI The majority of participants moderately agreed with the question

12 In private sector: 69.2% moderately agreed 2.6% hugely agreed 17.9% insignificantly agreed In gvt sector: 11.6% significantly agreed 30.2% insignificantly agreed Higher % moderately agreed

13 Q. 32 Would you advocate for a regional approach towards competition policy?
Recall: importance of regional corporation in various aspects (e.g domestic laws and policies) Need to have regional consensus Foreign investors are interested with regional policies The CA should function at international level

14 Positive results were found: Most participants opt for a regional approach (65.4%)
Those that do not prefer regional approach amounts to 23% Positive results in all the sectors: Private sector: 61.5% Gvt : 67.4% Important issue for the C. Authority

15 Are there any policy in your sector which you consider anti-competitive?
The majority of participants (64.9%) were not aware of such policy Only 35% were aware of such anti-competitive policy

16 In both private and government sector, less participants were aware of any anti-competitive policy.

17 Q. 34 If yes, should the anti-competitive practice be removed?
61.7% answered yes 38.3% answered no Most participants believe that anti-competitive practices should be removed

18 Q.35 Should the gvt occasionally introduce price controls on commodities where there is a lack of competition?

19 Ans: Most participants agree that the gvt should intervene whenever there is a lack of competition 61.7% (intervention) 38.3% (no intervention)

20 Private sectors: 61.5% gvt intervention
39.5% (no gvt intervention) Gvt sectors: 62.8% - intervention 37.2% no intervention

21 Q. 36 should price controls be removed?
The majority of them: price controls to be removed Private sector: 55% (remove price controls) 45% (do not remove) Gvt sector: 76.9% (remove price controls) 23.1% ( do not remove price controls)

22 Private sector: More willing to remove price controls so as to allow competition in the market

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