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Professor Christine Stevenson

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1 Professor Christine Stevenson
MA History of Art Professor Christine Stevenson

2 the ethos, and intensity, of the programme

3 Core Methodology Course
Programme Taught Component Special Option Core Methodology Course Research Dissertation

4 teaching and learning seminar discussion groups, including on-site
lectures one-on-one tutorials supporting the completion of research projects seminar presentations constituting part of the ‘informally assessed’ (formative) coursework, which also includes essays and other written submissions

5 Special Option classes run through the autumn and spring terms, with formal teaching concluding in week 8 of the spring term; thereafter most teaching takes the form of tutorials the Core Methodology course runs during the autumn term on a Monday during weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the Modern and Contemporary section, ‘A Closer Look’ lectures run on the alternate Mondays in the autumn term Renaissance period option classes are team-taught during the autumn term, and then break into smaller seminar groups during the spring term

6 assessment

7 the Virtual Exhibition

8 MA History of Art Special Options in 2017-18:

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