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Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Simulation Module for Training Advanced Temporal Bone Surgery Sudanthi Wijewickrema Department of Surgery (Otolaryngology)

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Presentation on theme: "Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Simulation Module for Training Advanced Temporal Bone Surgery Sudanthi Wijewickrema Department of Surgery (Otolaryngology)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Simulation Module for Training Advanced Temporal Bone Surgery Sudanthi Wijewickrema Department of Surgery (Otolaryngology) The University of Melbourne, Australia

2 Overview Background Simulation platform Application
The University of Melbourne virtual reality (VR) temporal bone surgery simulator Application Training advanced temporal bone surgery (Cochlear implant surgery) Design of the training module Based on principles of surgical curriculum development Evaluation of the training module Conclusions and future work

3 VR Surgery Simulation A complement to traditional (cadaver) training
Scarcity of cadavers Promote self-guided surgical training Extra training opportunities for trainees A practice platform for experienced surgeons Surgical Simulation Cadaveric Dissection Operating Room

4 Benefits of VR simulation
Risk-free environment Repeatability Practice until minimum standards are met Standardized curriculum Exposure to complex or rare pathologies Availability Self-guided learning Automated feedback and performance tracking Reduced need for expert supervision Low running costs No material replacement

5 The University of Melbourne Temporal Bone Surgery Simulator
Virtual model of a temporal bone Impression of a 3D operating space Visual feedback Colour changes near structures Tactile feedback Through haptic device Force and vibrations The University of Melbourne VR Temporal Bone Surgery Simulator Auditory feedback Buzz of the drill Beep when structures are damaged Multiple cases of varying difficulty

6 Cochlear Implant Surgery
Insertion of an electrode into the Cochlea to preserve hearing Prepare the temporal bone for electrode insertion Avoid damaging anatomical structures We focus on the final (more critical) stages of the procedure Anatomical Structures of the Temporal Bone Drilled Temporal Bone Ready for Electrode Insertion

7 Cochlear Implant Surgery Training Module
Initial video tutorial on how to perform the procedure Specimens of varying difficulty levels Two training modes used in concert with each other Instruction mode Real-time visual guidance on procedural steps Auditory information on why each step is performed Practice mode Practice without any guidance Submit dissected bone for summative feedback

8 Cochlear Implant Surgery Training Module
Real-Time Guidance in the Instruction mode Summative Feedback in the Practice mode

9 Demo Video

10 Design based on Principles of Curriculum Development
Deliberate practice and learner motivation Repeated goal-oriented practice Performance feedback Real-time and summative guidance Task demonstration Video instructions Task distribution and practice variability Specimens of varying difficulty Practice distribution Sessions spaced at intervals of choice Proficiency based training Guidance on procedural steps derived from expert performances Stefanidis (2010), ‘Optimal acquisition and assessment of proficiency on simulators in surgery’

11 Evaluation of the Training Module
12 ENT registrars (residents) 2 sessions a week apart Pre-test (no guidance) Bone 0 Training: instruction and practice modes Session 1: bones 1-3 Session 2: mirrors of bones 1-3 Post-tests (no guidance) Post-test 1: mirror of bone 0 Post-test 2: bone 4 Questionnaire Study Design

12 Evaluation of Effectiveness
Videos of pre- and post-test performances evaluated By a blinded expert surgeon Based on a validated scale: global rating and task-based scores Structure damage was calculated by the simulator Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare pre- and post-test results Pre – Post1 Pre – Post2 Global rating score p = 0.026 p = 0.003 Task-based score p = 0.008 p = 0.027 Structure damage p = 0.023 p = 0.010 Copson et al (2017), ‘Supporting skill acquisition in cochlear implant surgery through virtual reality simulation’

13 Evaluation of Usability
Questions in the questionnaire were based on the Likert scale Residents felt strongly that the module was suitable for training Cochlear implant surgery Analysis of the questionnaire answers

14 Conclusions and Future Work
A simulation module for training Cochlear implant surgery was designed based on principles of surgical curriculum development A study of ENT residents was conducted to test its effectiveness and usability Participants showed significantly improved performance after training on the simulation module Participants felt that the simulation module was highly useful for training Cochlear implant surgery Future work Studies to test skill transfer to the operating room Studies to test retention of surgical skills

15 Acknowledgements Surgery Prof Stephen O’Leary A/Prof Robert Briggs
Dr Bridget Copson Education Prof Gregor Kennedy Funded through a grant from: Computer Science Prof James Bailey Dr Sudanthi Wijewickrema Dr Yun Zhou Mr Xingjn Ma

16 Thank you

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