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Yonsei University 2nd Semester, 2017 Sanghyun Park

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1 Yonsei University 2nd Semester, 2017 Sanghyun Park
Syllabus Database Yonsei University 2nd Semester, 2017 Sanghyun Park

2 Course Goals This course covers the basic topics of typical database systems (e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server) including Database design Database query language Application design and development Indexing and hashing Transaction management Etc.

3 Prerequisite Data structure Programming skills (C/C++/Java)

4 Web Site (class homepage)
Announcements, syllabus, lecture notes, homework and solution, etc. (textbook homepage)

5 Textbook (1/2) Required A. Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011

6 Textbook (2/2) Reference Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition, Pearson, 2017

7 Class Schedule (1/2) Week 1: Introduction to Course Introduction to Database System Week 2: Relational Data Model Week 3: Introduction to SQL (1) Week 4: Introduction to SQL (2) Week 5: 추석연휴 (수업 없음) Week 6: Intermediate SQL (Exam 1) Week 7: Advanced SQL Week 8: 중간고사 기간 (수업 없음)

8 Class Schedule (2/2) Week 9: Relational Database Design (1)
Week 11: Application Design and Development (1) Week 12: Application Design and Development (2) (Exam 2) Week 13: Indexing and Hashing (1) Week 14: Indexing and Hashing (2) Transaction Management (1) Week 15: Transaction Management (2) Week 16: 기말고사 기간 (Exam 3)

9 Grades Exam : 60% (20% x 3) Project: 30% (10% x 3) Attendance: 10%
‘F’ if absent more than 1/3

10 Teaching Assistant Name: 성한승 Office: D714 (2123-7757)

11 Any questions or comments on this class?

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