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Searching the Way to keep students awake in Classroom

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1 Searching the Way to keep students awake in Classroom
Authors: Dr. Sumera Badar, Dr. Musarrat-ul- Hasnain Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad. Methodology Design: Descriptive Sample: All the Fourth year students who participated in TBL sessions in the subject of Medicine conducted in PMC. Analysis: The results were analyzed on SPSS15 Objective To explore the suitability of TBL for replacement of lectures in undergraduate curriculum Introduction The importance of active learning cannot be overemphasized as there is substantial literature to support. Lectures have long been recognized as less efficient way in the class room as compared to small group discussion. Researchers in the medical education have been looking for better instructional methodologies for many years now. Team-based learning (TBL) is relatively new entry in medical school class and it requires concrete evidence for consideration of its wider use. Students being most important stake holders deserve their opinion inclusion in any innovation in this regard. This study has been conducted to gather student’s perceptions on a questionnaire after going through experience of real TBL sessions in the subject of Medicine. Field notes were also taken during the sessions Results Discussion Study results favor TBL .Students responses about motivation, pre readings, encouraging question/ comments are in favor of TBL as compared to lectures. These Findings are consistent with other studies (NAHED ABDELKHALEK et al 2010, LINDSAY K. DAVIDSON 2011, PATRICIA HRYNCHAK & HELEN BATTY 2012 ) Study findings can be generalized. Conclusion Students favored TBL as compared to Lectures and therefore TBL is a suitable preferred methodology to incorporate active learning in our undergraduate curriculum. References: 1. Hrynchak P. & Batty H. (2012), The educational theory basis of team based learning, Medical teachers,34: 2. Parmelle D.X (2010), Team Based learning: Moving forward in curriculum innovation: a commentary, Medical Teachers:32:   3. Parmelle DX. Michaelsen LK. Cook S. & Hudges P. (2012),Team Based Learning; A practical guide: AMEE guide no. 65 Web Paper Medical teacher 34 e 4. LINDSAY K. DAVIDSON, 2011 “ A 3-year experience implementing blended TBL: Active instructional methods can shift student attitudes to learning” Medical Teachers 33:750-53 5. NAHED ABDELKHALEK, AMAL HUSSEIN, TREVOR GIBBS & HOSSAM HAMDY “Using team-based learning to prepare medical students for future problem-based learning” medical teacher 32; Key Words Team based Learning Undergraduate Small group discussion Lecture

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