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AP Computer Science Principles and Mobile CSP

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1 AP Computer Science Principles and Mobile CSP
Dr. Beryl Hoffman - Elms College, (Facilitator of MA Mobile CSP PD) Kevin Murphy - Frontier Regional School Ingrid Roche - Boston Latin Academy

2 What is CSP? Computer Science Principles is a new AP course (as of Fall 2016) developed in a partnership between the College Board, the NSF, and leading universities. The goals: Prepare students with the computing/IT skills necessary for the job market. Reach female and minority students traditionally underrepresented in IT. Focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications.

3 From http://secure-media. collegeboard


5 Introducing AP CSP

6 CSP Big Ideas and Skills
Creativity Abstraction Data and Information Algorithms Programming The Internet Global Impact Computational Skills: Connect computing to real life. Develop programs Abstract -- break down problems. Analyze problems Communicate ideas orally and in writing. Collaborate with others to solve problems. Common Course Progression: ECS → AP CSP → AP CS A Java 9/10th grade th-12th /12th grade

7 AP Assessment Assessment Class time Weight
EXPLORE - research and report on the impact of a computing innovation. Submission deadline: April 30th 8 hours 16% CREATE - create a program (e.g. a socially useful mobile app) and present it in a portfolio and video. Submission deadline: April 30th 12 hours 24% Exam: multiple-choice, 2 hours, May 5 60%

8 What is Mobile CSP? Mobile CSP is a new computer science curriculum developed by Trinity College that uses MIT’s App Inventor to create and program socially useful mobile apps. Free and available online. Approved as one of the first AP CSP curriculums!

9 Growth of Mobile CSP Professional Developments:
2013: 20 teachers in CT trained at Trininty College. 2014: 25 teachers in person and 40 online 2015: 25 teachers Hybrid (3 weeks in person, 3 weeks online) and 50 Fully Online 2016: 80+ teachers online and 80+ teachers in 9 hybrid PD cohorts running for 4 weeks. 2017: 160 teachers online and teachers in hybrid PD cohorts (1 in MA!) Currently 230+ teachers teaching Mobile CSP in 39 states

10 Mobile CSP in Massachusetts
First MA Mobile CSP PD June-July 2016 with 12 Massachusetts high school teachers and some online. 25 Massachusetts high school teachers are teaching Mobile CSP this year.

11 2017 Mobile CSP PD Applications are now open at for the 2017 Mobile CSP PD! June 26 - July 21, 2017 (1st and 4th week in person, 2 middle weeks online) Holyoke, MA, Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center $2,000 stipend to accepted high school teachers who agree to teach the AP course and take part in the research project for the year. No programming experience required!

12 Structure of Mobile CSP Course Parallel Branches Student Branch students - 60 lessons: Some are programming and some are Computer Science theory. Teacher Branch teachers - 60 lesson plans - rubrics, resources, pedagogy - year-round mentoring

13 Mobile CSP Curriculum Examples

14 App Inventor App Inventor is a software development environment for designing apps for Android phones and tablets using a visual drag-and-drop online interface.

15 Let’s Build an App CREATE Apps button Login with a Google address Start New Project

16 Designer Window The Designer window is where you will design the User Interface for your app. Palette: UI components to drag in. Viewer: middle design area. Components: components put in the GUI. Properties: edit the properties of the selected object.

17 Paint App Add a Button and Media/Text to Speech Add a Canvas with image

18 UI Components 2 Labels Button
Social/Texting (check off Google Voice enabled for tablets) Media/Text to Speech

19 Blocks Editor for the Code

20 Student Create Projects

21 Student Create Project - Lingvo by Ben & Tyler (Frontier)
This is the Lingvo splash screen. This is the screen that greets you every time you open the app. The “Lingvo” text at the top changes language based on the language your last used. On the right you can see the code that makes this functionality possible. Whenever the app is opened and this screen is initialized it looks at the TinyDB that stores that last used language and translates the title of the app accordingly.

22 Student Create Projects - Ben & Tyler
portfolios Classroom Sample Video

23 Student Create Projects (Boston Latin Academy)

24 Student Create Projects (Boston Latin Academy)
Project 1: App Inventor Instruction App Tuyet and Andrianne felt that younger students could learn App Inventor more easily with an app that would assist them through the process

25 Student Create Projects
Project 1: App Inventor Instruction App Add QR code and some code pics Students demonstrate ability to use if statements with branches, as well as complex algorithms

26 Student Create Projects
Project 2: Adventures of a Young Woman These two women address issues faced by many. In this app, the user learns how to handle herself in a variety of dating situations and finds out potential consequences. The video is 2 minutes long, we could just show clips.

27 Student Create Projects
Project 2: Adventures of a Young Woman Students learn to use a variety of algorithmic structures.

28 2017 Mobile CSP PD Info Sessions on MA Mobile CSP 2017 PD:
Tues. Jan AM MGHPCC in Holyoke Thurs., Feb. 2, 4-5 pm Virtual via Zoom Tues., Feb pm @ UMass Amherst Applications are now open at for the 2017 Mobile CSP PD! June 26 - July 21, 2017 (1st and 4th week in person in Holyoke, 2 middle weeks online) $2,000 stipend to accepted high school teachers who agree to teach the AP course and take part in the research project for the year. No programming experience required!

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