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Scleroderma & Pregnancy

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1 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Asim Iqbal Dept. Obstetrics & Gynecology Nishtar Hospital, Multan Pakistan

2 Scleroderma This Presentation is Dedicated to the Deceased Fetus of a Misfortunate Patient of Scleroderma. The Fetus Ended up in Intrauterine Death.

3 Scleroderma Scleroderma: It is a term which includes a heterogenous group of limited and systemic conditions causing hardening of the skin.

4 Scleroderma Systemic sclerosis: It is an extension of the disease process which implies involvement of both skin and other sites, particularly central internal organs.

5 Scleroderma Types: Localized: The localized forms are Morphea and Linear, which affect only the skin (and sometimes the underlying tissues) but do not affect the internal organs Systemic: The systemic forms of Scleroderma cause fibrosis (scar tissue) to be formed in the skin and/or internal organs. The fibrosis eventually causes the involved skin or organs to harden

6 New cases / million population /year
Scleroderma Incidence 4.5 to 12 New cases / million population /year

7 Disease with Female Preponderence
Scleroderma Disease with Female Preponderence Over all Male to female ratio 1:3 Reproductive age :8

8 Initiating factors are not known Numerous environmental agents (PVC)
Scleroderma Etiology Initiating factors are not known Numerous environmental agents (PVC) Drugs (Bleomycin, Pentezocine) Defective immunoregulation Autoantibodies Cellular autoimmunity Genetics, fetal cells, and viruses



11 Scleroderma Pathogenesis: Uncontrolled and irreversible proliferation of normal connective tissue along with striking vascular changes Collagen Proteoglycans Fibronectin Laminin

12 Macrophages Monocytes Lymphocytes Scleroderma Blood vessel
The relationship between these inflammatory cells, their mediators ( ) and subsequent fibrosis may be critical in the initial stages of scleroderma

13 Scleroderma Clinical Features: Fibrous thickening affects skin, muscles, joints, tendons, nervous system and certain internal organs especially esophagus, intestinal tract, lungs and kidneys

14 Skin (Affected in 90% of cases)
Scleroderma Clinical features and additional problems of pregnancy Skin (Affected in 90% of cases) Initially, the skin is edematous, with vasculitis and often petechial hemorrhages. Enlarged vessels are frequently present & palpable as Telengectasis Progressive fibrosis follows Flexion contractures of arms and Painful flexed claw like hands





19 Gastrointestinal Tract (60% of cases)
Scleroderma Clinical features and additional problems of pregnancy Small bowel Diarrhea Possible malnutrition Deficient peristalsis Large bowel Constipation Obstruction Perforation Gastrointestinal Tract (60% of cases) Esophagus Esophageal strictures Dysphagia

20 Kidneys (60% of Cases) Renal Failure Scleroderma Proteinurea
Clinical features and additional problems of pregnancy Kidneys (60% of Cases) Glomerular changes resulting from immune complex deposition. Basement membrane Thickening Mesangial hypercellularity Intimal fibrosis of small arterioles Renal Failure Proteinurea Hypertension

21 Lungs (20% of cases) Scleroderma
Clinical features and additional problems of pregnancy Lungs (20% of cases) Diffuse Interstitial Pneumonitis and Fibrosis Honeycomb Lung Dyspnoea Pulmonary hypertension Respiratory Failure

22 Muscle wasting and weakens Additional fatigue Tendons Friction rubs
Scleroderma Clinical features and additional problems of pregnancy Skeletal muscles Muscle wasting and weakens Additional fatigue Tendons Friction rubs Contractutres

23 Heart Joints Arrythmias Polyarthralgia Conduction defects
Scleroderma Clinical features and additional problems of pregnancy Heart Arrythmias Conduction defects Pericarditis Congestive Cardiac failure Joints Polyarthralgia Polyarthritis Stiff painful muscles

24 Scleroderma Proper diagnosis of Scleroderma is often long and difficult, since it is a rare disease which few doctors are well-versed in, and in the early stages it may resemble many other connective tissue diseases, such as SLE, Polymyositis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis etc …….

25 Immunological tests Scleroderma 70 antibody (SCl-70)
Associated with diffuse disease Anticentromere antibodies (ACA) Associated with limited disease

26 Treatment is Symptomatic or the one which modifies the disease
Scleroderma Treatment At present, there are no proven treatments or cure for any forms of Scleroderma. NSAIDS Corticosteroids D-Pencillamine Cytotoxic drugs Treatment is Symptomatic or the one which modifies the disease

27 Anaesthetic Problems in Scleroderma
Fibrosed skin along with vasoconstriction makes venous access difficult. Hard skin and contractures interfere with blood pressure and pulse oxymetric monitoring Difficult intubation and increased risk for aspiration due to esophageal sphincters incompetence Anaesthetic risks are increased due to visceral involvement Smaller doses of local anesthetics should be used in regional analgesia because many patients with Scleroderma exhibit prolonged sensory and motor blockade

28 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Co-occurrence of Scleroderma and pregnancy are unusual Mostly a disease of 3rd, 4th or 5th decade Many of these patients have infertility No reliable statistics for pregnancy outcome Mostly these are sporadic single case reports

29 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Pregnancy outcome n=101

30 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Effect of Pregnancy on disease n=101

31 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Will Pregnancy be possible ? It is possible that patients with Scleroderma can achieve pregnancy although there is increased sub-fertility in such patients. There are conflicting reports about the increased abortion rate.


33 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Will Pregnancy be complicated ? It can not be predicted as available evidence is very limited Third trimester is the dangerous period with the risks of rapidly developing hypertension, renal failure and of interruption of pregnancy Reflux esophagitis may increase Small bowel involvement may cause malabsorption / malnutrition. Changes of pregnancy may cause increased constipation in already diseased large bowel

34 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Will the baby be healthy ? Most of the times, baby is born healthy Parents should be informed that the risks are certainly greater that baby might be growth effected or born with congenital anomalies due to underlying maternal visceral involvement and the treatment she had been taking during pregnancy

35 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Management of Pregnany Pre-pregnancy advice: Ante-natal care: Complete evaluation early in the pregnancy Fortnightly antenatal examination until 3rd trimester and thereafter weekly If there is evidence of Renal disease, Pulmonary hypertension or myocardial fibrosis - Termination of Pregnancy should be offered

36 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Management of Pregnany Ante-natal care: Symptomatic treatment for musculoskeletal problems Nutritional support Routine serial antenatal examination should also include: Cardiopulmonary examination Blood Pressure monitoring Assessment for renal status Gestro-intestinal symptoms checks for edema

37 Scleroderma & Pregnancy
Management of Pregnany Post Natal Management: Postnatal period should be monitored carefully as acute hypertension with renal and cardiac failure may occur.

38 Visit on the web
Further Details Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology , Vol. 8, Scleroderma and Pregnancy Authors: Carol Black , Salvatore Lupoli Editor: John Studd Churchill Livingstone Visit on the web

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