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Welcome New Student Orientation

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1 Welcome New Student Orientation
Arrowhead Elementary School August 31, 2017

2 General School Information
What does a typical elementary student day look like? School Day 8:55-3:35 (Grades 1-4) Kindergarten AM 8:55-11:55 Kindergarten PM 12:45-3:35 Content and Subject Areas: ELA –English Language Art - Wonders (year 1) Math –Math in focus (year 2) Science Social Studies

3 General School Information
Student will participate in special area classes each day. Art, Library, Music, and Physical Education Recess: Kindergarten students: 15 minutes each day Grades 1-4: 30 minutes Drills: Fire Drills, Severe Weather, Evacuation, Shelter in Place

4 Additional School Information
Looking to volunteer: Please refer to the Methacton School District Website for information. Click on the link that states volunteering in Methacton. It is located in the lower left hand side of the webpage.

5 Volunteer requirements
Act 34 (PA Criminal Background Check) (online) Act 151 (PA Child Abuse Clearance Form) (online) FBI Clearance required for PA residents who have not resided in the state within the last 10 years. TB Test, (Completed by MSD or through your physician's office) Completed Volunteer Registration Form (online) Bring completed volunteer information to any MSD school or the district office. Approval by Board of School Directors ***NEW*** Clearances must be updated every 5 years per PA Department of Human Services. This applies for school volunteers and employees.

6 Please visit MSD Website for content and information

7 Questions or concerns School related concerns
Student drop off and pick up Bus drop off and pick up Please contact your child’s teacher first Bus and transportation concerns: contact transportation office or school office. School Office Phone number: ext Transportation Office: ext or 25101 First Student will provide transportation services for MSD.

8 School Nurse Information
School Counselor Information Home and School Information

9 School Counseling Program
Counselor introduction lessons New Student Meetings Developmental curriculum- classroom lessons (Respect self and others, friendship, conflict resolution, human diversity, coping with feelings and stress management) Small student groups (anxiety, school success, friendship, etc.) Individual meetings (sensitive issues, confidentiality) Parent Resources Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support - Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible - Stop, Walk, Talk - Em-bee- thy Working Out Worries- (#Mindfulness)- Family program- 9/19 at 6:30-7:45-Arrowhead

10 Home and School Association

11 Who are we? NOT THIS !!!!

12 Who are we really? Any parent(s) or guardian of a student at Arrowhead is a member of AHSA. We are a non-profit organization that sponsors a variety of programs and events that provide educational and social activities to the students. We are organized into an Executive Board and standing committees. Meetings are held once a month on the first Monday, alternating day and evening hours. All parents are welcome at our meetings! First meeting is Sept. 11th at 9:15 AM. We communicate via a once a week – please sign up on the Konstella website/app!

13 Volunteering in School
AHSA helps organize volunteers that are needed for school activities (e.g. Lunch Duty, Book Fair, Recess Running Club) We follow Methacton School District and the State of Pennsylvania’s requirements for volunteering with children. All clearance information required are available at on the Volunteering in Methacton link. Fees for 2 of the 3 clearances for volunteers have been waived by Governor Wolf. An FBI clearance is not required if you have lived in Pennsylvania for 10 years.

14 * Programs we sponsor * RIF (Reading is Fundamental) – Friday March 2nd (Dr. Seuss Birthday!) children are able to select a book to keep. Art Goes to School Class Trips (allocate approx. $14/child to decrease cost per family) Class Parties K-2: Halloween, Winter, Valentines, Spring, & Class Picnic 3-4: Halloween, Winter, & Class Picnic Organized through Class Parent Volunteers Cultural Arts Assemblies Mini Grants (ideas submitted by teachers) - noise cancelling headphones for student assessments, thesauruses for Special Education classrooms, Whisper Phones to allow students to hear themselves read aloud, Dash and Dot Robot Pack to teach children how to code, incentives for Recess Running Club, etc.

15 Special Events Back to School Picnic –September 8th
Winter Solstice-December 8th Fundraising Activity Day-Oct. 20th day Fall Fest – October 20th at night Mother/Son Night (for 3rd & 4th Grade) -Feb. 23rd Trunk or Treat – October 29th Family Bingo Night – March 23rd Veterans Day Program – November 10th (assist staff) Father/Daughter Dance (for 3rd & 4th Grade) - May 11th Holiday Shop – December 4th -8th Field Day – May 15th Fun Day-June 7th

16 Fundraising A New major FUNdraiser occurs this year. Arrowhead’s FUNdraising Activity Day=October 20th. More details to follow! Other fundraisers for the school include BoxTops for Education & Giant A+ Rewards. Additional information will be coming home on these programs. They are also available on the Home and School Website.

17 Visit our website!

18 Like our Facebook Page!

19 Welcome Returning Families and Audubon/Eagleville Families!
Our Arrowhead Family just got bigger and better! We are in for a FANTASTIC Year!

20 What’s next? AM Kindergarten students and their families may exit to meet their teachers. (Mrs. Fischer and Mrs. Raley) PM Kindergarten students and their families will exit for a brief bus ride. Upon returning you will meet Mrs. Fischer. AM Kindergarten students will ride the bus next. Any new students and their families may opt to ride the bus for the 1st or 2nd bus ride. At this time, you may opt to visit your teacher’s classroom. Please line up with assigned staff member.

21 Tour guides AM K class – Mrs. Fischer AM K class – Mrs. Raley
PM K-students – Mrs. Friedman Grade 1 new students – Ms. Sawyer Grade 2 new students - Mrs. Caccavo Grade 3 new students – Mrs. Gattone Grade 4 new students – Ms. Takemori

22 Thank you for attending today’s new student orientation
Thank you for attending today’s new student orientation! We look forward to a terrific school year!

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