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Annual Work Plan & Budget

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1 Annual Work Plan & Budget 2017-18.

2 No. of Average Enrolment No. of Cook-cum-Helper Engaged
Achievement during School No.of Institution No. of Average Enrolment No. of Cook-cum-Helper Engaged Primary 1,455 97,070 2941 Upper Primary 1,093 42,189 2130 Total 2,548 1,39,258 5071

3 Decrease in Institutions and beneficiaries covered
The number of Schools covered decreased by 33 Schools due to amalgamations of non-viable Schools. Enrollment has decreased by 1.3% in Primary Schools and 0.2% in Upper Primary Schools. Measures have been taken to increase in enrollment in Govt. Primary and Upper Primary Schools.

4 Decrease in Cook-cum-Helpers
The decrease in institutions covered led to the decrease in no. of Cook-cum-Helpers engaged. The rate of decrease is by 2.85%.

5 Social Audit School of Social Sciences, Mizoram University has been engaged to conduct Social Audit in two (2) poor performing Districts of Lawngtlai and Siaha during November-December, 2016. 20 Schools each were audited, and the reports are being studied.

6 Testing of Food Samples
Testing of Cooked Food Samples of schools randomly selected from Districts were conducted by RIPANS (Regional Institute of Paramedical and Nursing Sciences), an autonomous institute under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.

7 Collecting Food sample for testing
It is found that most of the food samples tested were below the prescribed nutritional norms/standard.

8 Food Safety & poisoning
Training and Awareness Campaign on Food Safety and Food Poisoning were held in 4 districts during

9 Awareness & Publicity The Department of School Education signed Memorundum of Understanding with DDK, Aizawl for broadcasting of activities and services provided by School Education Department between 6:00- 6:30 pm every Thursday. Implementation of Mid- Day Meal Scheme in the State features prominently in the broadcasts.

10 Community Mobilization & Participation
Community Mobilization for active participation of Parents and community undertaken to ensure transparency and instill sense of ownership in MDM. Community members and Parents contribute fresh Vegetables, Fruits, etc., and Firewoods for use in cooking of MDM are also contributed by parents Community also helped in construction of Kitchen Shed, preparation of kitchen garden in school compound, etc.

11 Community Mobilization & Participation

Global Handwashing Day ( ) was observed succesfully in all districts under the guidance of District Magistrate with other concerned departments, like Health & Family Welfare, Public Health Egineering Department and also community member. National De-Worming Day( ) was also observed succesfull in the state under the supervision of Health & Family Welfare Department.


14 Percentage of State Share
Best Practices State Matching Share Particulars Amount contributed Percentage of State Share P/S Cooking Cost Re 1.20 per child per day (Central- Rs 3.47) 25.70% UPS cooking Cost Re per child per day (Central- Rs 5.20) 11.90% Honorarium of Cook-cum-helper Rs per month (Central- Rs 900/-) 40%

15 Best Practices (1) Teachers’ participation in MDM Fund flow tends to be irregular, and teachers put in their best efforts to ensure that mid-day meal are served regularly in spite of non-receipt of funds in time. They provide advances from their personal savings for cooking cost as well as for honorarium of CCH, and also taking cooking materials like Dal, Cooking Oil, etc. from local shopkeepers on credit. These are re-imbursed/paid as soon as fund is released. (2) Kitchen Garden and plantation of fruits in School compound. Many Schools in rural areas are having school garden within school compound where different varieties of vegetables and fruits are planted and grown to enrich MDM.

16 Best Practices Kitchen Garden and plantation of fruits in School compound

17 A community leader tasting MDM
Best Practices (3) Serving of additional food Items Additional food items like eggs and non-veg. items are served occasionally in some schools A community leader tasting MDM

18 e-payment of honorarium of Cook-cum-Helper
e-payment is introduced in one District out of 8 districts. Efforts are being made to cover all the Dsitricts. Absence of banking facility in many villages, and the meagre amount of honorarium is still making difficult to achieve full coverage.

19 Important helpline Numbers are being displayed at Schools
Emergency Plan Important helpline Numbers are being displayed at Schools

20 Issues & Problems Delay in release of Fund.
Schools generally do not receive funds for conversion cost as well as honorarium of Cook-cum-Helper in time. Norms per child is insufficient: Present norms and provision of fund per child per day is insufficient due to high CPI. Minimum amount required to meet the calorific norms is calculated to be Rs 8.55 for P/S and Rs for UPS per child per day.

21 Issues & Problems Norms for Honorarium to cook-cum helper is insufficient: Present norms for payment of Honarium to cook-cum-Helper is insufficient. Poor Connectivity of Mobile Network: Due to poor connectivity of Mobile Network, 100% achievement of Automated Monitoring Sysytem could not be achieved. Scarcity of banking facilities in rural and remote areas. Scarcity of Banking facilities particularly in the rural and remote areas created a problems for e-payment to cook-cum helper although effort is being made.

22 Proposal for 2017-18 Non-Recurring 1 Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store
Sl. No Particulars No of Schools Average Enrollment No of Cook-cum Helper 1 Primary Schools (Cl I-V) 1,455 97,070 Last year PAB Approval 2. Upper Primary Schools (Cl VI-VIII) 1,093 42,189 TOTAL 2,548 1,39,258 Non-Recurring 1 Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store 42 Nos 2 Replacement of Kitchen Devices 728 Nos


24 Thank you

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