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Published byAmanda Brown Modified over 7 years ago
Christ’s Church Part 4 – Organization of the Church
(Evangelists, Deacons, and Apostles)
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
“And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers…” (Ephesians 4:11) In the early church, the apostles were present to guide the church in the absence of the New Testament Certain men received the gift of prophecy by the laying on of the apostles’ hands, and also guided the local congregations Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
With the death of the apostles, the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased By this time, the New Testament was completed as an infallible guide for the functioning of the church We see that the church has been built “upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone” (Ephesians 2:20) Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Once that foundation was completed, the church had no need of the apostles and prophets However, the church is to continue to be built by evangelists, pastors, and teachers In the previous section we dealt with pastors (elders); in this section we will examine the office of evangelist Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Definition of Evangelist The word “evangelist” comes from the Greek word evangel, which means “good news” An evangelist, then, is one who announces, or preaches, the “good news” From the Biblical standpoint, preacher and evangelist are interchangeable – Bible preachers are to preach the “good news” – see 2 Timothy 4:2,5 Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Definition of Evangelist In the errant tradition of our day, a “pastor” is a local preacher, while an “evangelist” is a traveling preacher In the Bible, a pastor is one of the names applied to overseers of the local church, while any preacher is an evangelist Compare Philip (one location) in Acts 8:40 and Acts 21:8 with Timothy (multiple locations) in 2 Timothy 4:5 and his journeys throughout the New Testament Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist Paul told Timothy, “…preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction (2 Timothy 4:2) Paul emphasized such teaching by giving Timothy a solemn charge concerning this – see 2 Timothy 4:1 Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist Paul emphasized preaching because the only way to be saved is through the message of God – see 1 Corinthians 1:21 Even Cornelius, a devout man, could only be saved by Peter speaking words to him – see Acts 11:13,14 “So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17) The primary work of a preacher is to preach the word Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist Paul told Timothy to “be ready in season and out of season” There is always the temptation that now is not the right time Whether convenient or not, the word of God must be preached The preacher should be ready at any moment to preach the “good news” He should never be ashamed of the gospel – see Romans 1:16 Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist Timothy was told to “reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction” If a man is driving down the road, and starts to drift into the left lane, you would reprove him If he takes a wrong turn along the way, you would rebuke him If he is on course, but needs to go faster, you would exhort him 2/3 of a preacher’s work is correcting mistakes, while 1/3 is exhorting people to work harder Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist In his preaching, Timothy was to use “great patience and instruction” Even the best men change slowly, and with great effort Patience is a characteristic of God (2 Peter 3:9), and those who preach His word must exhibit the same characteristic Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist Good men don’t change without good reason The only reason men should change is because of the will of God; not because of some wisp of man’s teaching God’s evangelists are to correct others with both great patience and great instruction Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist Paul also warned Timothy against the great hazard of preaching to please men – see 2 Timothy 4:3,4 The temptation is great to tell people what they want to hear, and to entertain them The preacher must preach for those who can “endure sound doctrine” Those who can’t endure sound doctrine are left to walk the broad path that leads to destruction Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist Timothy was exhorted: “But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5) Any preacher of the gospel must be willing to recognize the seriousness of his task He must be willing to work hard, and to endure hardship to fulfill his ministry Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist There are no short-cuts, no easy “programs” that guarantee a fruitful life as a gospel preacher As Paul told the church in Corinth, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:6) The only successful program is to go, make disciples, immerse them into Christ, and continue to teach them Doing this repetitively is the only way the kingdom will have long-term increase Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Work of an Evangelist Titus was told to “set in order what remains, and appoint elders in every city” (Titus 1:5) Preachers are to put things in order where they labor, and are to appoint elders when men qualify and desire to do the work Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Summary Evangelists’ primary responsibility is to preach the good news to the lost, without compromise and with great patience and instruction They are to set things in order, and appoint elders where possible Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Appointment of Evangelists Read Acts 13:1-3 Saul (Paul) and Barnabas were set aside for special work by the laying on of hands by leaders of the congregation in Antioch Paul reminded Timothy, “Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was bestowed upon you through prophetic utterance with the laying on of hands by the presbytery” (1 Timothy 4:14) Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Appointment of Evangelists The spiritual gift within Timothy was not one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit These were given through the laying on of hands by an apostle – see study on The Holy Spirit Another kind of gift mentioned in the Scriptures includes evangelists (Ephesians 4:8-11) We conclude that Timothy was made an evangelist by the laying on of hands of the elders of a congregation Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Appointment of Evangelists The laying on of hands of Timothy was in response to a prophecy made about him We conclude that Timothy was appointed through the laying on of hands of the elders, and Paul was appointed a preacher (2 Timothy 1:11) by the laying on of hands of leadership in Antioch This sets the pattern for today Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Appointment of Evangelists Since there are no prophets today, how would we know if someone should be set aside to do the work of an evangelist? We do have the Scriptures – “the prophetic word made more sure” – to help us recognize one who is doing the work of an evangelist He would have to prove his desire by doing the work, and then be tested for a period of time in a congregational setting He would have to prove his desire and ability to seek and to save the lost Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Appointment of Evangelists Can women be evangelists? Bible evidence says they cannot Read 1 Timothy 2:11,12 Read 1 Corinthians 14:34 Since women are to be silent in the churches, and since they are not to exercise authority over men, they are not able to carry out the instructions given to evangelists in the letters to Timothy and Titus Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Preachers are to be Paid In 1 Corinthians 9:1-18, Paul defended his right to get his living from the gospel Soldiers get their pay from the government Farmers reap materially from their own labor Old Testament priests received their share from the altar “So also the Lord directed those who proclaim the gospel to get their living from the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:14) Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Preachers are to be Paid Paul often, for the benefit of those whom he taught, forfeited his right to be paid – see 1 Corinthians 9:15, 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9 Paul also often preached the gospel full time with financial support – see Acts 18:1-5 Paul again explained this right in Galatians 6:6 Christians are to willingly share their material things with those who teach them spiritual truths Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Preachers are to be Paid Congregations often think in terms of “hiring a minister” In the New Testament, preachers were free to come and go as they saw fit – see 1 Corinthians 16:12 Apollos had the freedom to come to Corinth or, as he did, to choose not to come Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Summary An evangelist is one who proclaims the good news His primary function is to seek and to save the lost His work includes setting things in order, and appointing elders who meet Scriptural qualifications An evangelist is appointed by laying on of hands of leadership of a congregation An evangelist is to be paid by those who are grateful for the labor which he has performed Christ’s Church – Evangelists
Christ’s Church – Deacons
“Deacon” comes from the Greek word diakonos, meaning “servant or waiter” Sometimes this word is used to apply to servants in general However, there also was a specific office of deacon in the New Testament church – see Philippians 1:1 The emphasis with deacons is on serving, not on a position Christ’s Church – Deacons
Christ’s Church – Deacons
1 Timothy 3:8-13 lists the qualifications for deacons Like elders, deacons must be good, holy men The qualifications aren’t as strict for deacons as they are for elders The deacon doesn’t have to have believing children The deacon can be a younger man with less knowledge of the Scriptures Christ’s Church – Deacons
Christ’s Church – Deacons
In Acts 6:1-6, seven men were appointed to meet the physical needs of widows in the congregation at Jerusalem Although not specifically called deacons, they did serve the church in a special way The apostles, being guided into truth by the Holy Spirit, would have already been building the church “according to the pattern” Christ’s Church – Deacons
Christ’s Church – Deacons
It is our conclusion that the seven men of Acts 6 were deacons who were selected by the congregation and appointed by the apostles Today men would probably be appointed to the office of deacon by an evangelist through the laying on of hands – see 1 Timothy 3:10 Christ’s Church – Deacons
Christ’s Church – Deacons
Read 1 Timothy 3:11 The context clearly indicates that the Scripture is referring to the wives of these male servants of the church Unless the women are involved and helpful, the ability of the man breaks down as well There is also a definite need for women to minister to the needs of others in the local assembly “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea…” (Romans 16:1) Christ’s Church – Deacons
Christ’s Church – Apostles
“Apostle” comes from the Greek work apostolos, which means “one sent out” Jesus chose twelve men from all His disciples to be His apostles (Matthew 10:2) At His ascension, Jesus gathered together the eleven remaining apostles (Judas had already hanged himself) Paul also was an apostle of Jesus Christ – see 1 Corinthians 1:1, 15:8 Christ’s Church – Apostles
Christ’s Church – Apostles
There is another sense in which the word “apostle” is used in the Scriptures In Acts 13:1-3, Paul and Barnabas were “sent out” by the church in Antioch In Acts 14:4 we find them referred to as “the apostles” At the close of their journey, we find them back in Antioch to make a report to the Christians there (Acts 14:27) Christ’s Church – Apostles
Christ’s Church – Apostles
Was Barnabas an apostle of Jesus Christ? Does he rank with Peter, Andrew, Paul, James, and John? There is no reference to him in this manner, and there is no indication that he was able to pass on the gifts of the Spirit He certainly was “sent out” by the church at Antioch, and in that sense was an apostle of that congregation Christ’s Church – Apostles
Christ’s Church – Apostles
The sending out of Paul and Barnabas is a great example of the way to begin congregations patterned after the church revealed in the Bible Local congregations, with moral and financial support, should “send out” faithful men to establish churches These “missionaries” would then be freer to preach the gospel in a manner pleasing to God Christ’s Church – Apostles
Christ’s Church – Apostles
Some people attempt to form “Evangelistic Associations” It seems that they are a deviation from the New Testament pattern, and are more dangerous than meets the eye Such organizations remove the responsibility of evangelizing from the local congregation, and put it on a “quasi- church” organization Christ’s Church – Apostles
Christ’s Church – Apostles
The force of such an organization, coupled with its financial support, can pressure a preacher to conform instead of being free to follow the Bible Such conformity can result in the eventual formation of a denomination The establishment of new, independent works will prevent the gradual tendency toward a denominational hierarchy While there are no apostles of Jesus Christ today, there can be apostles of local congregations Christ’s Church – Apostles
Christ’s Church – Organization
Closing Comments The New Testament is a complete and sufficient guide for the structure and working of the local congregation Only when men lose their faith in the inspiration of the Bible do they feel the need to add to or subtract from it The local congregation is to be free to serve the Lord, with the elders responsible directly to the Holy Spirit Christ’s Church – Organization
Christ’s Church – Organization
Closing Comments A return to the Bible pattern would destroy the man-made creeds and traditions which separate those who seek to follow Christ It is the prayer of the Lord that we all be one – see John 17:20,21 The New Testament pattern for the organization of the church meets every need the local congregation has Christ’s Church – Organization
Christ’s Church – Organization
Closing Comments Evangelists can be the primary thrust for seeking and saving the lost Elders can shepherd the flock, ensuring continuing growth Deacons can serve and meet many needs within the congregation Missionaries (apostles) can start new works elsewhere Teachers (not particularly covered in our study) can assist the shepherds in the instruction of the flock Christ’s Church – Organization
Christ’s Church – Organization
Conclusion The church is God’s organization on earth Its central purpose is to seek and save the lost, and it is organized to fulfill that purpose An evangelist’s prime calling is to preach to the lost The work of elders is to shepherd those who are being saved Servants meet the physical and other needs of a congregation The early church sent out apostles (missionaries) to begin new works Christ’s Church – Organization
Part 5 – Nature of the Church (The Kingdom and the Parables of Jesus)
Christ’s Church Part 5 – Nature of the Church (The Kingdom and the Parables of Jesus)
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