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INTRODUCTIONS… Ms Rutherford – Headteacher
Mr Goodhead – Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion and Student Support) Mr Shaw – Assistant Headteacher (Achievement) Miss Thomas – Achievement Leader Miss Ridgway – Assistant Achievement Leader Mrs Knight – Catering Manager Mrs Williams – PTA
Ms Rutherford Headteacher
Assistant Headteacher
Mr Goodhead Assistant Headteacher The Induction Process
Introduction to KES Looked at differences between primary school and secondary school Met some important people Met tutor groups Followed a typical timetable Experienced various lessons in different subject areas Went on a guided tour around the school
So what’s different? 1 2 3 4 5 It’s bigger You have lots of teachers
There are a lot more students You’re no longer the oldest in the school 1 2 3 4 5 You have different lessons
Student Support Miss Thomas – Achievement Leader
Mrs Ridgway – Assistant Achievement Leader Year 7 Tutors Pastoral Support Team (non-teaching)
Rewards, Behaviour & Sanctions
Points system Communication Home- school agreement
Attendance Attendance during one school year should be at least 96%
The government has set the threshold for persistent absent < 90%. Therefore, a student is defined as persistently absent when they miss 19 days of school (= 4 weeks or 100 lessons!) Letters will be sent out to parents whose children are dropping in attendance throughout the year
E-safety Mobile phones at school - using them sensibly
Be aware of social media E-safety information briefing at Year 7 parents’ evening with tutors – 20th September
Miss Thomas Achievement Leader
THE INDUCTION PROCESS Spreadsheet from County Council in March Data collection sheets get sent out to primary teachers in April Visit to primary schools in May and June Create the 8 tutor groups Pupils come in for two induction days Start school in September
THE FIRST DAY… Wednesday 6th September 2017 8.50 am start
Report to the tennis courts All day with form tutors and their class Just bring basic equipment (no PE kit) Full uniform Plan for the day– timetable; important routines; using the Student Planner; assembly; tour
Top 10 worries about starting at secondary school
Not making friends Being bullied Getting lost Homework Not being able to do the work Getting to and from school Not having the right equipment and books Not knowing what to do if there’s a problem Not getting on with teachers Getting into trouble Secondary schools is bigger, more teachers, far away, new uniform, new subjects, new teachers, remembering lots of things, etc= all very stressful
Getting to and from school
Get up on time - alarm clock Get ready with their uniform and bag packed- ideally night before What are they having for lunch? Leaving the house on time; how long is the walk, what time does the bus leave? Are they going straight home after school? What to do after school if the bus is delayed or a club is cancelled- do they have your number? Insist on routine with them
Uniform Know the school rules on uniform; both clothing and jewellery- in your parent pack and on school website or ring to check For pupil premium students we may be able to assist financially NAME EVERYTHING Make sure your child has everything ready for the morning- ideally laid out night before Know when PE kit is needed
New timetable - being in the right place at the right time!
Hopefully your child has seen a lot of the school now to know where places are They will quickly get to know the school. Teachers are very understanding for the first couple of weeks If they are lost then they can ask anyone Look at their timetable yourself- see which teachers they have and when (also helps with supporting them to pack their OWN bag) Get them a watch! You can check on switch or in their planner
Organisation of books and equipment
Make sure there is a space in the home to store all their books (could be up to 10 books) Is there somewhere for them to do their homework? Pencil case with all the essentials; pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, calculator and other maths equipment, gluestick etc. Note pad Books may be covered which helps protect them Memory stick if work is done at school and taken home Plastic wallets or folders to look after some work
Homework From September we will be using a system called ‘Show My Homework’ where both parents and pupils can check homework online Pupils can still use the homework planner. There is a comments space for notes to and from teachers, reminders for pupils, policies, etc. Try to do homework the night it is set and not the night before it is due Take an interest as parents- help them understand the instructions and do it to the best of their ability Homework should not be rushed Get into a routine with homework- when and where? Ideally after school and in a quiet space away from the TV and mobile phone!
Best bit about ‘Show My Homework’…
Avoids the excuses: “We didn’t get any!” “I don’t need to do it, I did it in class” “My teacher took my book in” “It’s on the computer and I forgot to it or I didn’t save it….” “My printer broke” “ I lost my planner” “forgot to write it down” “it’s not due for ages” We encourage parents to take an interest and check the homework online
How to help your child make the best start…
As a rule of thumb ‘never do anything regularly for your child that they are capable of doing for themselves’ Getting them used to routine and taking an interest and being supportive is key to a successful transition in the first half term of Secondary school. That way they should be more independent and self organised.
Mr Shaw Assistant Headteacher
Assessment & Reporting
Most subjects will baseline assess in the first couple of weeks Only maths and science will be set on ability in Year 7 – majority of lessons are taught in mixed ability tutor groups Three reporting windows – focus on effort and attainment in relation to national standards Exceptional, Advanced, Secure, Foundation More detailed information in September
Mrs Batchelor SENCO
SEN & Learning Support Department
Please refer to the SEN Information Report on the website. Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) Specialist teachers in KHH SENCO Pre-school & lunchtime sessions In-class support Specific interventions Homework Club in the LRC
Identification of SEN SEN database from primary school
Information & data from primary school In-school testing and assessments Lesson observations Staff (teachers and LSAs) observations Parents’ concerns Outside agencies
Library Resource Centre Open 8.30am – 4.30pm
Receive regular updates and reading recommendations by following Twitter @KingEddiesLRC Book stock of over 11,000 plus PC’s, Ipads and an ebook Library Fully Staffed by a Professional Librarian, Mrs Emery, who is Literacy Across the Curriculum Co-ordinator After school homework club every night staffed by a Learning Support Assistant Aims to supports reading for enjoyment and develop students research skills Regular activities to promote reading including Book Club, reading challenges, events and our Patron of Reading Laura Wood A programme of research sessions embedded into the curriculum
Mrs Knight Catering Manager
Cashless catering Pupils can pay for food with cash for the first week in school Parentpay login details will be sent home during the first week Parents need to activate their account as soon as possible and add money to their child’s account. Students will register on the first day in September but will not be able to register unless parents have sent back the Opt in/Out form which was in the Induction pack Forms must be returned to Bader reception FAQ’s in the Induction packs
Rachel Williams PTA
SCHOOL TRUST FUND Make a regular contribution or a one-off donation OR
Text to Donate: Send to e.g. KEVI18£10
Thank you for your attendance
Wednesday 20th September – Year 7 Parents’ Evening with tutors
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