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Welcome to class!  Terrific Tuesday, September 12th!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to class!  Terrific Tuesday, September 12th!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to class!  Terrific Tuesday, September 12th!
Materials needed: Pencil, Museum of Me project (objects and index cards) Handouts: Warm up sheet! Compliments sheet! Walk in work: On a post-it, write 1 thing that you like and 1 thing that might confuse you about these pictures of museum displays!

2 Museology Yes, that’s a real word! THE STUDY OF MUSEUMS!
Studying how to best design museum displays!! Turn and talk: What would someone need to study to figure out how museum displays should look? Think about EVERYTHING you do in a museum!!

3 Design your cards! Make sure your index cards describe the object and tell the reader what this object shows about you! Do you need to add any information?

4 Design your museum! Look around the room! How do you want to display your objects? Do you need to make a sign with your name on it so they know it’s about you? On your warm-up sheet, draw 2 different possible plans for how you will display your Museum of Me! When you are done, circle which one you’re going to use! Then have Mizz Weed give your work a stamp! Once you get a stamp, you may work on finishing your index cards, or making a sign for your name!

5 Museum of Me: Compliments and Surprises!
Walk around and look at people’s exhibits! Leave at least 4 people a compliment and something that surprised you! Something you didn’t know about them! Something that was super neat to learn! Something you have in common with them!! Don’t just do this for your friends!! LOOK AT EVERYONE’S STUFF

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