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Adult Education Technical Assistance

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1 Adult Education Technical Assistance
January 2011

2 Agenda History Major Changes Credential Information Transition
Approval Process New Program Documents Next Steps

3 New Designated Subjects Adult Education Standards
Developed by advisory panel in 2008 Draft presented to Commission in April 2009, Field surveyed in June 2009 Approved in November 2010

4 Advisory Panel 2008 panel reviewed & updated standards for preparing adult education teachers. Panel members: 17 adult education experts with CSU, UC, ACSA, CSBA, CTA, & CFT represented.

5 AB 1374 (Brownley) Effective January 1, 2011.
Changes preliminary credential from 5 to 3 years Changes experience requirement for non-academic subjects from 5 to 3 years Moves US Constitution requirement to the clear credential Consistent with SB 1104 (CTE)

6 Major Changes Comprehensive, integrative program structure
Early teacher orientation Program recommendations for credentials Supervision, support & advisement

7 Title 5 Changes Reduction from 1500 to 1000 hours for one year of work experience Recency requirement of one year in last five or two years in the last ten Issued in 15 CTE industry sectors or 4 Personal Development subject areas, not specific vocational subject areas

8 Credential Authorization Changes
Rename non-academic subjects Reorganize non-academic subjects New category: Career Technical Subjects (15 industry sectors) Redefine ESL credential requirements

9 New Title 5 Authorization Categories
Non-Academic Personal Development Subjects: Art Health and Safety Family Education Financial Literacy Career Technical Education 15 Industry Sectors

10 Credential Dates January 31, 2013 January 31, 2016
Last admittance date to an “old” adult education program Preliminary FT and PT adult education credentials no longer initially issued January 31, 2016 Last issue date for Clear FT and PT adult education credentials

11 Credential Conversions
Old DS voc ed credentials can be converted to sector designations with application and fee Employers determine appropriate assignments based on qualifications CTC org chart for authorizations matched to the 15 sectors

12 5 Year Full Time/Part Time Credential
Issued until program sponsor receives approval under new standards or January 31, 2013, whichever occurs first No change to subject areas (academic or non-academic)

13 3 Year Preliminary Credential
Issued when program sponsor receives approval under new standards Non-academic issued in personal development or CTE categories, not vocational education subject areas No change to academic subject areas

14 Clear 5 Year Credential Possession of 3-year preliminary
Verification of successful teaching Completion of program under new standards approved by the Commission US Constitution Health & Computer Education components Recommendation by a Commission-approved program

15 Transition Policy Preliminary Adult Education credential holders may complete ‘old’ programs or transition to new adult education credentials pursuant to AB 1374 Significant program standard changes Adult education program sponsor will determine if applicant qualifies for preliminary or clear credential

16 Program Review Cycle Until ALL Standards MET!

17 IPR Process Overview CTC staff logs in program document and contact information Document assigned to pre-scheduled review date Readers scheduled 2 readers review the document Response is sent to program sponsor

18 IPR Process First Review; readers determine one of the following:
Standard is Met More Information is Needed If More Information is Needed; readers prepare a statement to the program that clearly indicates what information/documentation is needed for the standard to be met.

19 IPR Process Feedback sent to program by CTC staff Program may resubmit
Resubmissions received at CTC CTC sends to original readers Review > Feedback > Resubmission Continues until all standards Met Reviewers do not revisit decisions already reported to a program sponsor

20 Program Approval by Committee on Accreditation (COA)
When all standards are found to be met: Program sponsor must provide CTC with final program document incorporating all changes made during IPR cycle. Program sponsor provides a descriptive paragraph to CTC staff for the COA agenda CTC staff schedules COA action at the next meeting

21 Program Submission The Educator Preparation Standards web page will provide the standards handbook and a narrative template:

22 Document Requirements
Electronic format Transmittal cover sheet: contact info Administrative signature Preconditions Common Standards (addendum) Responses to each standard Appendices with supporting documentation

23 Developing Program Documents
Format for Standards Standard followed by planning prompts or candidate outcomes Parallel Organization of Documents Standards in order Content maps for courses (matrix)

24 Components of Standard Response
Narrative response to the standard describing How the program meets the standard Documentation to verify the narrative Candidate Competence measures (incorporated into the corresponding standards narratives)

25 Common Standards Response
PSA (May 12, 2010) IF 2008 Common Standards Complete; Submit Common Standards Addendum for program IF Common Standards have not been updated; Submit new Common Standards (2008) (or NCATE) and address all unit programs Include documentation to support narrative

26 Responses to Program Standards
Planning prompts for the standards Descriptions of how standards are addressed Specific program examples References to supporting documentation

27 Supporting Documentation
Course outlines/syllabi Tables/charts Meeting schedules/minutes Program forms/communication Sample class assignments Faculty vitae/hiring policies Student assessment rubrics/guides Evaluation/survey forms

28 Supporting Documentation
If the program says that it will address a topic in a particular course, the course syllabus should also note it. A course template/outline for the required parts of courses may be sufficient. If instructors create their own syllabi, all syllabi need to be submitted.

29 Program Standards Response
In an Ideal Program Narrative, Everything in the narrative directly relates to the standard. All aspects of the standard are addressed. Each phrase of the standard is addressed with a description of ‘How’ the program meets that requirement. Evidence is referenced in the narrative and easy to locate.

30 Example: Non-Response
Standard: Teachers study essential themes and concepts related to the adult education teaching profession, including knowledge of its history, funding, and governance and its role in public education. Response: The XYZ adult education teacher preparation program prepares candidates in essential themes and concepts related to the adult education teaching profession, including knowledge of its history, funding, and governance and its role in public education.

31 Example: Insufficient Response
Standard: Teachers select and use appropriate technology to facilitate the teaching and learning process for all students in the classroom. Response: Participating teachers use as a tool to communicate with parents and other teachers.

32 Example: Off-Standard Response
Standard: The program sponsor collaborates with the employer in the implementation of the preparation program for teachers, including the selection of supervisors and/or support teachers. Response: All participating districts that XYZ College works with have strong relationships between schools and the communities they serve.

33 Feedback if Standard is not Met
No response to standard lack of information telling How the program meets the standard Not an adequate response to the standard 1 or more components of the standard are not fully addressed in the response No documenation provided the syllabi provided do not show that the content is addressed in the program

34 Analyzing a Standard Standard 11: Assessing Student Learning Teachers will be able to use multiple measures for assessing student achievement, to improve instruction, guide learning, and plan further instruction. Teachers base student assessments on course content and objectives.

35 Accreditation Cycle Follow-up to Site Visit (Yr 7)
Program Assessment (Yr 4) Biennial Report (Yrs 1, 3 & 5) Follow-up to Site Visit (Yr 7)

36 Accreditation Documentation
Preconditions Report Common Standards Self Study (Institutional Report-NCATE) Program Assessment— Biennial Reports Supporting Documentation

37 Biennial Report Section A : Program’s processes for utilizing data to increase program effectiveness Part I: Context Part II: Assessments Part III: Analyses Part IV: Proposed Changes Section B: Agency/Institutional analysis of program data and proposed changes.

38 Next Steps Technical assistance to redesign programs and develop program document Submit new Program proposal for review Current approved programs expire January 31, 2013 Programs reviewers needed

39 Adult Education Information
CTC web page for adult education Helen Hawley

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