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Mars Student Imaging Project MSIP

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1 Mars Student Imaging Project MSIP
Lakewood High School Mars Student Imaging Project MSIP Hello Don. My name is ____________. This is our Mars Science Imaging Project.

2 Observations and thoughts
Our teacher had us look through lots of different pictures and we thought that streamlined island with ridges and without ridges was interesting This project has been difficult to say the least we started out with coming up with our big picture question? Then we came up with our hypothesis. Then we found how we would come up with the procedure for our hypothesis.

3 Streamlined island without ridges

4 Research Question & Hypothesis
The formal research question we as a class worked together to answer is, “how are the ridges around streamlined islands formed?” If the ridges were formed by evaporation minerals, magnetic striping, or past rapid lava flows, then we would find evidence of possible minerals left behind from each of those because that would prove they once took place. I believe this hypothesis would be supported because the left behind minerals would prove they once existed and took place on mars.

5 What are ridges?? Ridges may be formed by water carving into rock but why do some have ridges and some do not? This is streamlined island with ridges -

6 Background This is a image of a streamlined island. We as a class chose theses to research on to figure out how the ridges were formed. We came up with some hypotheses and we teamed up with one person to find evidence for that hypotheses. For ways they were formed we thought of water evaporating and the ridges were water level, magnet striping, wind streaks and a couple of others. The evidence each group found they put it on a slide as a way of recording our data. So as a class we chose to figure out how streamlined islands ridges were formed because we wanted to know. We got in teams of two or three did research on some hypotheses that we came up with to explain how the ridges were formed.

7 Methods Data Collection Plan
Multiple water flows If the ridges of streamlined island are formed by multiple water flows, then we find evidence of past water flows on the surface of mars because the power of the water can leave a path.

8 For example for multiple water flows - It's a ‘yes’ because it has a steep drop off and and if it was a ‘no’ it wouldn't have a steep drop off and it would be more diagonal.

9 Methods Data Collection Plan
Evaporate If the ridges in streamlined islands are formed by the river slowly evaporating, then we will find evidence of potassium, carbonates, and hydrated minerals because they are an evaporite and it would be left behind after the river evaporated. Scale: 1 inch = 59.4km In the screenshot, it shows where there has been potassium, and where it is now. Potassium is also a river evaporate so it shows evidence of a river once being there, because the river evaporated and left the minerals behind.

10 Methods Data Collection Plan
Different types of rock If the ridges of streamlined islands are formed from different types of rock then we can look at their different layers, in their coloring and shading on JMARS, because as you can see below, different types of rocks lead to different types of colors. .If they were formed from diffe

11 Another example of the criteria-
For different types of rock - it is a ‘yes’ if the area around the streamlined islands have strips of colors such as in this pictures. This would be a ‘yes’.

12 Methods Data Collection Plan
Magnetic striping If the ridges in the streamlined islands were formed by magnetic striping, then we can conclude that there will be wrinkle ridges around the area because of the tectonic forces. •the wrinkle ridges are formed by tectonic forces •there has to be some magnetic stripping or as i said tectonic forces to cause this

13 Methods Data Collection Plan
Rapidly cooling lava flows find streamlined islands Themis stamps Determine if there are ridge or not Determine if close to volcano or lava flow First find a streamlined island. Then add themis stamps. After that look for the possible ridges

14 Methods Data Collection Plan
Edges of craters Find a crater See if it's in a streamlined island Determine if the crater is a old crater Can we identify the ridges as looking like craters •Use multiple screenshots of JMARS to show how you will collect the data. •Be sure you are taking a screenshot of how you will use the layers, not just JMARS. •Load the layers you plan to use and show an example of how you plan to collect data or take measurements.

15 Methods Criteria Evaporates: Will have one evidence of either potassium, carbonates, and/or hydrated minerals Rapidly cooling lava flows: we could determine cooling lava flows if it’s close to a volcano. Magnetic striping: would have wrinkle ridges around the area because of tectonic plates Multiple water flows: we could find evidence of past water flows on the surface of mars. Different type of rock: we would look at the layering and the colors. Edges of past craters: we could see cracks around the rim looking like streamlined islands from impact connecting to past craters So this slide tells you how each team found the evidence to each hypotheses. For example to see if water flow caused the ridges you would need to find potassium, carbonates, and/or hydrated minerals.

16 Methods Sample Data Table (with)
Streamlined island Evaporated Minerals Magnetic Striping Rapid cooling lava flows Multiple water flows Different types of rocks Edges of past craters e, Yes yes no e, No e, This slide shows the streamlined island with ridges It also shows the different subjects and the data that was collected about these materials

17 Methods Sample Data Table (without)
Streamlined island Evaporated minerals Magnetic striping Rapid cooling lava flows Multiple water flows Different types of rocks Edges of past craters e, No Yes yes no e, 327.25e, This slide shows the streamlined island without the ridges It also shows the data that was collected about the subject

18 This shows the data for the streamlined islands with ridges

19 Data analysis results From our data the hypothesis to be most likely true is magnetic striping because all location have magnetic striping. From our data the hypothesis to most likely not to be true is evaporite minerals because there's none left behind From our data the hypothesis not be true rapid cooling lava flows because there are more location without evidence of rapid cooling lava flows. The most important thing we learned was that the ridges around streamlined islands could have been formed by magnetic striping. However, we need to note that we couldn’t directly get evidence for magnetic polarity so we searched the area for wrinkle ridges. In any case we believe that the ridges are formed by some sort of tectonic action.

20 Error Analysis Errors that could have happened during this project are
We could have looked at the wrong locations/coordinates on j-mars We could have explained something wrong and someone could have misunderstood it We could have mistaken a crater, to be a streamlined island Miscommunication between partners and classmates

21 Next steps? Use more of the stamps Get a more specific look into mars
Add more layers Somehow find out the magnetic polarity How far away are the craters from each streamlined islands. These are some of our ideas for the next steps in this project.

22 References JMARS NASA Thank you so much for your time.

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