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The Whizz Pop Magical Shop

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1 The Whizz Pop Magical Shop
Report by: Hana DiAugustine Book by: Kate Saunders

2 Summary It all started off one day when the Spoffard family decided to move. Lily on the other hand, did not want to. As soon as they got to there new house they had no idea that it had many surprises waiting for them. When they were observing the new home Lilly saw a cat. She was staring at it until it had disappeared. Weird Lilly thought. Later in the house Lily saw a portrait of a man holding the exact same cat that she had seen. When she looked at the caption she saw that the name was Demerara Later when they decided to buy the house when they got home lily saw all of her things packed tightly into boxes. The next morning when they were actually moving when Lily saw all of the things she was surprised that the house did not explode with all of there things. In Oz’s point of view he is unpacking everything in his new room. Later he herd his sister scream and say the roses on the wall paper were staring at her and burst into tears. Oz decided to go downstairs and into the kitchen. When he did the saw the most odd thing. He saw a rat smoking. Later that night Lily had a strange dream. She dreamed of a cat that got caught into her dream catcher saying “What in the world!” When Lily woke up she saw a cat sitting at the foot of her bed. She noticed the cat immediately and shouted “Demerara!” The cat replied and said yes Lily I tried jumping into your dream but that net thing caught me. (she meant the dream catcher) Demerara said now lets go and wake up your brother. When they were done they went into the pets secret flat. Oz noticed the smoking rat and said hey! I remember you! You were in the kitchen smoking. Demerara said, Spike I thought I told you not to smoke. Then they started to tell the brother and sister that they had magic in them. As she explained the story of how the two brothers died but the cruel one Isadore is still out there by an immortally spell. The next morning they set out to find the witch. It turns out that the witch is a boy named Caydon. Next they had to go to a department building to get started and they signed up to get started. There first mission was to go diving in a river. After they practiced they were leaving in the morning. The mother said I hope you enjoy your time swimming. The group that they signed up for covers the missions. They were diving into the river for a chocolate mold that one of the brothers had died with. Before they went in they had something called a duckdrop that helps them swim. When they completed the mission a man that they could not quite make out rustled them and took the mold! Demerara said that it was Isadore. When it was in Oz’s point if view, It described how the man put a blindfold over his head so That he could not see where he was going. Later he saw that he was in a subway Station that was shut down. Oz spent weeks and months in the old sub way station and each night eating pizza. One day his parents got a letter saying that Oz was at Violin camp having the time of his life. Later Lily meets an dead elephant . When Isadore finds out that people are looking for him, he sets out to south Africa. One Day he looks into the watering can and sees his old wife. His old wife shows him The future if he does not let Oz go. The mothers new baby will die. Isadore decides to let him go. Later they find themselves battling secret gangs and goblins In order to save the new baby. After a lot of cooking and melting they need the last Ingredient. They break Demerara’s silver bell and light a candle magical numbers Appear on the wall but no one but Lily can see it. The bad thing is Lily has dyslexia And cant read but only reads a jumble of numbers. In the end they make one tiny Drop of chocolate and give it to there mother and she is cured with a happy baby Girl named Daisy. In the end they all get prizes Oz gets free violin classes and Caydon gets to come on a mission again Demerara gets a new bell and Spike gets a ribbon, Lilly gets a free tutor and the story ends with Lily thinking that this is the happiest day in my life.

3 Book Summary Welcome to the most magical house in London!
The family of eleven-year-old twins Oz and Lily have inherited it, together with the mysterious shop downstairs. Long ago, the shop's famous chocolate-makers, who also happen to be Oz and Lily's great uncles, were clever sorcerers. Now evil villians are hunting for the secret of their greatest recipe. The terrifying powers of this magic chocolate have the ability to destroy the world. Soon, Oz and Lily are swept into a thrilling battle, helped by an invisible cat, a talking rat, and the ghost of an elephant. It's up to them to stop the villians and keep the magical chocolate recipe out of harm's way. Their family and the world depends on it.

4 Characters Oz/Oscar- male, smart, plays violin
Lily- Sister of Oz, talented has dyslexia Demerara- Female cat, color of demerara sugar Spike- Male rat dirty lives in the sewers Alan- very short blond hair and large pink ears J- A tall man with gray hair Isadore- tall thin cruel man with immortally spell Pierre- brother of Idsdore dead cheerful man Marcel- brother of both Idsdore and Pierre died with Pierre in tram Edwin- A dead invisible ghost elephant who loves to play

5 Point of view The point of view in this book is told in third person. With each chapter there is different perspectives but still in third person.

6 Theme The theme in this book is good vs. evil. This is true because there is a secret agency witch is trying to stop evil Isadore from getting the chocolate molds but Isadore might change personality's.

7 Setting The setting takes place in many different places but is all located in London. Places they went Into river Old Subway station - Chocolate shop Detective agency building Jamaica

8 Made By: Hana DiAugustine

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