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Presentation on theme: "SUSTAINING THROUGH GASTRONOMY"— Presentation transcript:

The case of Slow Food movement in Slovenia, its impacts on Socio-cultural environments and tourism development Miha Bratec

2 Salvador Dali

3 METHODOLOGY Interpretative paradigm
In-depth interviews on face to face basis Participant observation Desk research

4 TEMPORAL PERSPECTIVE Sustainable tourism literature (Jafari, 1989):
advocacy, cautionary, alternative, →→→→→ Slow Food knowledge based,

5 SLOW FOOD Movement (est. 1989) counteracting fast food & fast life
members Holistic / environmental approach to food Works to defend biodiversity in the food supply, spread taste education & connect producers & co-producers of excellent foods Promotion of authentic local food cultures – food feeds bodies & minds – appreciation of pleasure & QOL Bringing back taste, tradition & experience to food consumption Primary source of knowledge regarding local foods, Official partner of UN Food & Agriculture Organization, University of Gastronomic Sciences Relies on consumers’ willingness to pay more

6 Sustainable practices
almost exclusive use of locally grown products supporting eco-friendly, traditional methods of agricultural production initiating & supporting regional networks and partnerships among food producers and hospitality establishments offering above average working conditions and fair payment

7 Sustainable practices
providing educational incentives to their staff and families promoting and distributing knowledge of healthy and good food rediscovering gastronomic heritage offering authentic local dishes “selling” local stories and traditions

8 Sense of a Place “New tourists” search for identity/spirit of the places they visit Local people & lifestyles represent a fundamental resource of cultural & heritage tourism Food – type of culture that can literary be internalized Relationship between food, place & identity Embraces everything that is unique and distinctive about a place History, geography, legends, flora, fauna, gastronomy,… Smell and taste literary add to a Sense of a Place Tourism & local food production – symbiotic relationship Authenticity leads to high level of visitor satisfaction

9 QOL Well-being of host communities represents an integral part of ST
Improved QOL one of the core goals of STD How to develop tourism and simultaneously maintain the local QOL? ↓↓↓ Take into account communities’ intrinsic qualities & develop tourism products that can also be enjoyed by residents Subjective, multidimensional and interactive construct Relates to one’s satisfaction with life, feelings of contentment or fulfillment with one’s own experience in the world Equals happiness In tourism typically concerned with the way its impacts affect individual or family life satisfaction

10 MODEL: Slow Food’s impact on socio-cultural environments and tourism development in Slovenia

11 Q/A Thank you & Enjoy your “Slow” meal.


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