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Solutions to energy and environment

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1 Solutions to energy and environment

2 Technology

3 Blue Tower

4 Is a reformer ( gasifier ) scaled biomass in a solid bed.
What is the BLUE TOWER ? Is a reformer ( gasifier ) scaled biomass in a solid bed. Basically composed of: a pyrolisys furnace ( gasifier ) a reformer furnace a solid bed furnace heater.

5 What is GASIFICATION? Gasification is the process in which fragments the BIOMASS (solid fuel) with the use of heat in an atmosphere with little or no oxygen supply, to generate a combustible gas mixture. It is well known and developed since the year 1839.

6 What is REFORMER ? Steam Reformer is the most common method of producing hydrogen from a mixture of gases and / or hydrocarbons. Also known as synthesis gas. Known and developed since the years before 1900.

7 Synthesis Gas In 1923, in Germany, the Company Badische Anilin Soda Fabrik (BASF) produced methanol from synthesis gas. Also in 1923, Fischer y Tropsch produced Synthol: mixture of alcohols, aldehydes and ketones. Synthetic oil, long-chain hydrocarbons without oxygen.

8 Process Phases – BLUE TOWER
Heat Condutor BIOMASS Supply Pyrolisys Furnace Gasifier Ashes separation of the Heat Conductor

9 Typical Composition of the Synthesis Gas
Carbon Dioxide Hydrogen Carbon Monoxide Methane Propane Nitrogen

10 Gasification is without the presence of excess oxygen or free.
NOT Dioxins e Furans These substances are some of the known carcinogens, which represents a major risk to health and the environment. Dioxins Furans Gasification is without the presence of excess oxygen or free.


12 The materials that can be gasified
Agricultural packs; Paints; Sediments; Solvents; Sludge from wastewater plants; Health waste; Hospital waste; Tree pruning material; Oils; Greases; Landfill materials and/or existing dumps; Animals; Construction (wood, plastic pipes, plastic, etc ); Oils of complex origin; Expired Products; Expired Food, Leather; Residential waste; Urban waste; Etc.

13 Situation in some Waste Deposits
Garimpo Diseases Insects Dump Contamination Odors

14 Real Needs Making of biomass (waste) a power source;
Retrieve the landfill ; Reduce methane emissions; Carbon credits as income generation; Recovery of products – recycling for maximum; Combating the spread of diseases; Eliminate landfill; Eliminate contamination of the groundwater; Reduce the responsibility on environment.

15 New World Order Problems with the envoironmeent; Greenhouse effect;
Kyoto Treaty; Scarce fossil fuels; Physical space for destination; The destination (landfill) more distant; Lack of water; Environmental liabilities.

16 New World Order Reduce waste production. Collection .
Governments; Manufacturers; Supliers Citizens. Collection . City – Governments; Companies; Citizens Residential – Division of : DRY and WET ; Industrial, Health, Toxic, etc. Maximum recycling.

17 Central Gasification Plant
Main Flow Selective Collection Central Gasification Plant Dryer Recycling Plant Biomass Transport

18 Central - Flow chart suggested

19 Central - Lay - Out GENERAL

20 Advantages of grouped processes
Reducing the number of truck collectors trips; Greater productivity; Less travel time; Reduction of contaminants; Working with the local community; Regional destination of recycled materials; Storage of dry material; The fight against diseases; Reduced risks of incidents; In the same plant health and domestic waste.

21 Business Opportunity Choose the installation site Area in lending
Near de landfill and/or open dump; Strategic points in the city; That may offer better logistics Area in lending Providing legal certainty; Going through the legal procedures; By the project time. The project Options for structuring the project Public; Private; Public and private.

22 Business Opportunity Financing Warranties
Public – Officers banks of state; Commercial Banks - Private; Investors Own business; Interest rates; Internal rate of return; Taxes. Warranties Legal security of contracts; Insurance; Letter of guarantee; A real guarantee; Receivables; For the environment.

23 Business Opportunity 6. Income 7. Costs Per ton of treated waste;
Per ton of waste from third parties; Carbon credits; Sale of electricity; Sale of recycled; Other waste and services. 7. Costs Financing; Taxes; Fees Workmanship; Spare parts; Materials;

24 Business Opportunity 8. Investment Capacity > = 250 tons per day.
Composed by: 03 Modules of 90 tons; 01 power plant with 11 MW; Recycling plant; Treatment effluent plant Dryer Silos Etc.

25 05 t/day - Synthesis gas generation
Blue Tower - Germany 05 t/day - Synthesis gas generation Tests Performances

26 01 t/day _ Generation of electricity / hydrogen
IZUMO and YAGI - Japan 01 t/day _ Generation of electricity / hydrogen

27 Blue Tower – Germany Unit Tests and presentation of the concept of phased REFORMER BIOMASS GASIFIED

28 Industrial Plant Thermal Power Input - 13 MW Electric Power 4,4 MW
Blue Tower - Germany Industrial Plant Thermal Power Input - 13 MW Electric Power 4,4 MW

29 In presentation mode, being connected on the Internet. click on the link to the video will automatically enter Estar conectado na Internet . No modo apresentação clicar sobre o link que o vídeo entra automaticamente

30 Industrial Plant - Proposal

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