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Apprenticeship service
Introduction Good morning I’m Helen Gorner from the Education and Skills Funding Agency. Today I here to talk about the apprenticeship service. Giving an overview if it’s features and explaining how training providers use the service.
Estimate my apprenticeship funding
What is the apprenticeship service? The apprenticeship service is made up of several functions: Estimate my apprenticeship funding Recruit an apprentice For training providers For employers Find an apprenticeship The apprenticeship service is made up of several functions that have been developed following extensive user research with employers, providers and stakeholders. The areas highlighted in green are already available on GOV.UK. Those in blue are currently in development. Estimate my apprenticeship funding enables employers to work out if they will pay the levy or not and how much they will have available to spend. It will help all employers estimate how much the government will contribute towards the cost of apprenticeship training and assessment. Find apprenticeship training gives all employers easy-to-digest information on the choices available. They can easily search for and find a standard, framework and training provider, and compare one provider with another. Manage apprenticeships enables levy-paying employers to manage funding and apprentices. As well as paying training providers through their online account, you can view your levy balance and forecast your spending. Registration is now open. Recruit an apprentice is a platform for training providers, enabling them to post vacancies on the employer’s behalf and manage applications for apprenticeships and traineeships. This will be opened up to employers at a later date, employer-providers can use this service now. Finally, Find an apprenticeship enables apprentices to search and apply for apprenticeship vacancies in England. As part of the service, we are looking at how employers will find an assessment organisation for those training on apprenticeship standards. As well as containing on programme training and assessment, all apprenticeship standards must contain an end-point assessment. Employers must ensure the price they agree with the training provider for the apprenticeship includes the amount you have negotiated with the assessment organisation. Employers must select an organisation to deliver this assessment from the register of apprentice assessment organisations and agree a price with them. For more information on end point assessment please refer to Apprenticeships technical funding guide on GOV.UK Find apprenticeship training Find assessment organisations Find a training provider Find a standard or framework Manage apprenticeships Add Apprentices Sign Employer Agreement Manage Organisations and PAYEs Provider Account (SFS) Available Development
Before you start New providers Register with LARS and EDS
Claim and issues super-user IdAMS role Set up contract approver and apprenticeship service IdAMS roles Existing providers Set up apprenticeship service IdAMS roles All providers Update course directory Sign SFA agreement for training providers There are a number of things that both new and existing training providers will need to do before they start. New providers Register with LARS and EDS (Covered in earlier presentation) Claim and issue super user IdAMS role To allow the secure transfer of sensitive information. The Agency uses our Information Management Services (IdAMS) and each provider needs a super-user who is able to assign a range of different roles. One of the key roles is for a user who can view and manage apprenticeship contracts. If you are a new provider, you will need to complete the IDAMS registration process. Set up contract approver and apprenticeship service IdAMS roles Providers will need to do this so that the agency can inform you when your new provider agreement is ready to be signed in the Skills Funding Service. update the roles within IdAMS. Existing providers Set up apprenticeship service IdAMS roles As an existing provider ensure that your IdAMS details and roles are up to date. We will send an to your contracts nominee so that you can view and sign your new provider agreement in the Skills Funding Service. You will need to set up a new role in IdAMS, creating an Apprenticeships Editor. This role allows the user to respond to employer apprenticeship training requests and update apprentice details within the Apprenticeships Service for providers All providers Update course directory When you applied to the register of apprenticeship training providers, you added your organisational details and information about your apprenticeship training offer to Find apprenticeship training using the course directory portal. If you have been accepted onto the register, you should update your information. You should also ensure that you review it regularly so that it accurately reflects the apprenticeship training that you offer. Sign the SFA agreement for training providers This agreement sets out the terms of use of the apprenticeship service by the training provider. You must agree to all the terms and conditions in this agreement and the funding rules before we can pay you for the delivery of apprenticeship training. This is available on GOV.UK
Signing the Provider Agreement
Before a training provider accesses their manage apprenticeships account, they will first need to set up a user through IDAMs and assign the user with the correct Skills Funding Service role. Once a user has been created, you will need to sign the training provider agreement and in doing so agree to comply to ESFA funding rules and regulations in using the service. I will now demonstrate how this is done.
5 Provider agreement
The first step is to sign into the Skills Funding Service from the home screen – which you can find at skills funding dot service dot gov dot uk Provider agreement
Provider agreement A-Training Provider
Once in the Skills Funding Service, you will be presented with a number of buttons, which will allow you to access different parts of the service. Under these buttons are alerts telling you that you have some actions to take – for example, 1 new alert to review. You may not see the subcontracting button as this only shows if you are in scope to submit a subcontractor declaration. To sign the provider agreement, click on SFA contracts and agreements. Provider agreement
Provider agreement A-Training Provider
At this screen you will be able to see all of the contracts and agreements that you need to review, sign or have already signed. If you have multiple agreements and contracts with the ESFA, you will be able to search for them. Here you can see the SFA apprenticeship agreement is ready to review and sign. Provider agreement
If you click review and sign, you will be able to open and download an PDF version of the agreement.
Once you have read the agreement, you can click ‘Continue’ to sign. Provider agreement
At the next screen you will see a final user declaration
At the next screen you will see a final user declaration. If you agree to the information on screen, click ‘Agree and sign’. Once you click ‘Agree and sign’, you cannot go back and the agreement will be signed, so make sure you are happy to sign it before clicking the button. Provider agreement A-Training Provider A-Training Provider
A-Training Provider Finally, you will be presented with a confirmation letting you know that you have successfully signed the agreement and that an confirmation will be sent to you. Provider agreement
A-Training Provider If you were to go back to the contacts and agreements section in the Skills Funding Service, you can see that the agreement has been signed. Details of the person that signed the agreement, as well as the date and time it was signed are also displayed. If you click on ‘View contract’ you can review your agreement and download the PDF. Provider agreement
Adding apprentices In the next section I will demonstrate the end-to-end journey when adding apprentices to an account, starting with an employer adding an apprentice through to the training provider viewing and approving this. Most training providers will not see the employer side of the system, unless you are an employer-provider, however I will give a brief overview of how an employer adds an apprentice to their system so that you see the full process. This process will enable you to add apprentice details to your account, so you can get paid for the apprenticeship training that you are delivering. Employer-providers will need to use both an employer account and a provider account to complete this process. On the left-hand side of each screen, I have highlighted which account you will be in at that particular stage of the process.
Apprenticeship service
Screenshots from the development system Subject to change following user research Before I show you the elements that make up the service, I need to make you aware that some of the screenshots that you will see have been taken from the development system and are not the final product. We encourage users to provide us with feedback on the system and their experience, this will assist us as we continue to develop the service.
Red and White Holdings PLC
To start the process employers will need to log into their employer account and select apprentices from the home screen. Employer account
Employer account Once within the apprentice section employers can:
add an apprentice review your cohorts or manage your apprentices I will now show you how employers add a new cohort of apprentices to the system, using the add an apprentice option. This section of the service creates a link between the employer and your provider account. Employer account
Before an employer can start to add an apprentice, they must
know the names of their apprentices know the provider UK Provider Reference number (UKPRN) Employer account
Employers first need to select which organisation they would like to add an apprentice to.
If they have multiple organisations linked to their account, they will need to select the correct organisation. If the employer has not signed their employer agreement they will be presented with a screen reminding them that they need to sign it before they can add apprentices. Employer account
The next step is for the employer to enter there providers 8 digit UK Provider Reference Number so the service can find the provider details. Employer account
Employer account A-Training provider
The provider details will be displayed following the UKPRN search. The employer will confirm these are the correct provider details, or return to the previous page if the details are not correct. Employer account A-Training provider A-Training provider
At this stage, employers can choose to add apprentices themselves or allow their provider to do this on their behalf. In this example I will select ‘I would like my provider to add apprentices’ and click ‘Continue’. Employer account
Employer account A-Training provider
Employers will be presented with a screen confirming that the request has been sent and also with a cohort reference number. Employer account A-Training Provider A-Training provider
A-Training Provider We have now moved back into the provider section. Earlier, I showed you how to access the Skills Funding Service to sign your provider agreement – so this screen will be familiar. You will be able to access your apprenticeship service provider account from the same screen – by clicking on the apprenticeship service button. Provider account
A-Training Provider Provider account
Once signed in, you will have two options to chose from: Manage cohorts, which is where you can view and respond to any requests you have received from an employer account Manage approved apprentices, where you can view and update existing apprenticeship records. You would select ‘Manage cohorts’ to find the request that I created in the employer account. Provider account
The next screen displays any outstanding tasks you have.
There are currently fours area you can access: New from employer – shows any new apprentice records sent to you where additional information is needed Ready for approval – are records that are complete and you need to approve Ready for review – this is where you will add further details about an ongoing request With employers – shows records sent back to your employer account to review or approve The request that I have just sent will be within the ‘New from employer’ section. Provider account
We can see that the request at Red and White Holdings PLC is listed here.
You may have more than one cohort at any one time and the cohort reference number will help identify which cohort is which. Click on view to action this. Provider account
If this is the first time you have been sent a request from an employer account, you will be asked to confirm that you have agreed to train those apprentices. If all the details are correct, select ‘yes’ and then ‘continue’. Provider account
You will also be asked to confirm your relationship with the employer.
You will be asked if the employer requesting the training is your own organisation or a connected company. This is where you will be declaring if you are acting as an employer-provider for this organisation. Provider account
Provider account Next you will arrive at the review cohort page.
At the top of the first screen you will be able to see: how many apprentices the cohort relates to how many incomplete records there are the total cost of that particular cohort. You will be able to add apprentices individually or bulk upload from an csv data file – I will show you details of how to bulk upload later in the presentation. I will now add an apprentice to this cohort by selecting ‘Add an apprentice’. Provider account
Provider account You will now start entering the apprentices’ details.
Employers will only be able to approve the cohort in their employer account once all of the apprentice information has been completed. The fields that need to be completed include: Apprentice’s full name Date of birth Apprenticeship training course – which can be selected from a dropdown menu Unique learner number Provider account
Provider account The planned start date The estimated end date
The total agreed price for the training and end-point assessment, excluding VAT. This is the price that the employer will have negotiated with the training provider and not the funding band maximum. Finally, you have the option to add a reference number so that employers can easily identify each apprentice. Once the apprentices data has been entered, click add. As you heard earlier the apprentice data that you enter onto the apprenticeship service needs to match your ILR returns. If it does not match when our data checks take place a payment can not be made until any errors are corrected. Provider account
I have now added an apprentice, John Smith
I have now added an apprentice, John Smith. You will see that the details entered are summarised on screen. At the top of the page in the coloured boxes you can see that there is one apprentice at a cost of £27,000. If I hadn’t completed all of the fields, the purple box would show one incomplete record. I have the option to add further apprentices to this cohort, repeating the same steps as before. You can edit the individual records created for each apprentice or completely delete the cohort. I have also highlighted what information will be displayed if you enter a negotiated apprenticeship training cost that is above the maximum funding band. As you can see in the call-out box, the service will highlight what the funding band maximum is, and that the employer will need to pay the difference. This extra cost can not be funded from the employers account. If you are happy with all of the information that you have entered, click Save and continue. Provider account
Bulk Uploading Provider account
In the next section I will demonstrate how you can bulk upload adding apprentices to an account. This process will enable you to add apprentice details to your account, so you can get paid for the apprenticeship training that you are delivering. On the left-hand side of each screen, I have highlighted which account you will be in at that particular stage of the process. Provider account
I have just showed you how you can add individual apprentices to a cohort.
I will now show you how you can use the bulk upload feature from your provider account. When at the Review cohort screen, select the Bulk upload option. Provider account
You can add details of multiple apprentices at the same time using a csv file.
If you are using a management information system, it may be able to create a csv file for you. Alternatively, a bulk upload template and guidance details are available from the link shown on screen. Click browse and select your file. Next, click bulk upload to add the details to your account. Provider account
Within your cvs file there are couple of things to be aware of but please read the most up-to-date version of the guidance before you begin. You will need to change the cohort reference number so it matches the cohort you are uploading the apprentice against The ULN is a mandatory field and will need to be completed. The date of birth must be saved with the format of year, month and day. The start and end dates are just month and year. Provider account
Back at the bulk upload screen, click browse and select your file.
Next, click bulk upload to add the details to your account. Provider account
As you can see, all of the apprentices on the data file have been uploaded into the existing cohort.
Again, we have a note to say that one of the apprenticeships is above the funding band maximum. If you need to make changes to an individual apprentice, click edit. If you have completed all the details, click save and continue. You will then receive confirmation that the details have been sent to the employer account for their approval. Provider account
Once a you have updated all the apprentices details you can:
approve the information from the provider account send it to the employers account for them to review and add in more details or save it for later and don’t send it to the employers account Provider account
A final note can be added before sending for approval.
Provider account Details for John Smith checked and unique learner number added. Apprentice details added. Please approve
A confirmation screen is then displayed to inform you that the information has been sent for approval, giving details such as the cohort reference and optional message if you included one. Provider account A-Training Provider
A-Training Provider Provider account
I will now show you how to view the apprentice contracts that you already have set up with employers. From the home screen you need to select ‘Manage approved apprentices’. Provider account
The final part in the apprentices section is Manage your apprentices.
From here you can view approved apprentices, update details of existing apprentices and stop and pause payments. All of your apprentices will be listed, enabling you to identify them by their name, date of birth and status. At the moment all of our apprentices are showing that they are waiting to start. Once the training has started you will be able pause, stop, finish or un-pause an apprenticeship by clicking on view, the employer would also need to approve any changes made. Provider account
John Smith Provider account
Here you can see the full details of one of the account’s apprentices. This page shows the status of the apprenticeship the apprentice details; name and date of birth the training being undertaken the start and expected end date the total cost of the training John Smith Provider account Aerospace engineer, Level: 6
Summary, what we have covered
The apprenticeship service and its components Setting up a user and logging into the Skills Funding Service and Manage apprenticeship Signing the provider agreement The process of adding and approving an apprentice Bulk uploading a cohort Managing your apprentices Summary, what we have covered The apprenticeship service and its components Setting up a user and logging into the Skills Funding Service and Manage apprenticeship Signing the provider agreement The process of adding and approving an apprentice Bulk uploading a cohort Managing your apprentices
For more information search for ‘apprenticeships’ on GOV
For more information search for ‘apprenticeships’ on GOV.UK Skills Funding Agency Digital Blog Follow SFA Digital Set up web alerts from GOV.UK Support Contact For more information search for ‘apprenticeships’ or ‘traineeships’ on GOV.UK Read the Skills Funding Agency Digital Blog and follow @SFADigital on Twitter for the latest updates on the service Sign up for web alerts from GOV.UK on from the sections that you read most. You will then automatically be sent an when content is added of changed. Support Contact ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Apprenticeship service payments Lines to take for providers and employers Last updated FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY For: NAMs SERCO Press Office Key messages and timeline Apprenticeship levy-paying employers, that have set up their apprenticeship service account and have declared their levy to HMRC, can now view their apprenticeship funds in their apprenticeship service account. Employers can use these funds to pay providers for apprenticeships training and assessment for apprentices who start on or after the 1 May Employers will be able to view these payments at provider and apprentice level. They will also be able to identify levy and co-investment information. Training providers will need to make ILR submissions on a monthly basis and will need to check that their ILR data and the approved data in the apprenticeship service matches, correcting errors as required. They will review in-month indicative funding reports and, following the submission of their final ILR on the 4th working day of each month, will access a monthly payment report that will identify levy and co-investment information. Payments to providers will then be made on a monthly basis once we have checked that the data that they have submitted to us matches the approved information in the apprenticeship service. What First release Monthly cycle Employer declares levy 19 May By the 19th of the following tax month Employer pays levy By 19 May (22 May if reported electronically) By the 19th of the following tax month (or 22nd if reporting electronically) Funds visible in employer account Now available After 22nd day of the month ILR window closes 6 June 4th working day of the month Apprentices approved by employer & provider in the apprenticeship service 6 June (same day as ILR window closes) 4th working day of the month (to match ILR) Employer account debited 7 June 5th working day of the month (day after ILR) Training provider paid 15 June 11th working day of the month Payments questions and answers Training providers 1: When do I have to submit our monthly ILR by? A: You must upload your ILR data to the Hub by 6pm on the 4th working day of the month. This is set out in the ILR guides and templates for 2016 to 2017. Source - ILR guides and templates for 2016 to Timetable is at 2: What data will you match between the ILR and apprenticeship service? A: We will match apprentice data from your ILR submissions with the data held in the apprenticeship service. The employer must also have authorised the apprenticeship to be funded from their apprenticeship service account. The data values that will be matched are set out in the Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017, page 17 ‘Matching data between the ILR and apprenticeship service’. 3: Will I be made aware of any errors in the data match between the ILR and data in the apprenticeship service? A: You will receive a data matching report the same day your ILR submission is made on the HUB. The report will highlight any errors that have been identified between the ILR submission and information approved on the apprenticeship service. In order for the ILR submission to pass the validation checks and for payments to be released, the data must match with the data held in the apprenticeship service. Data errors may need to be corrected in the ILR or in the apprenticeship service. If the apprenticeship service record is amended, these changes will need to be submitted and approved by both the employer and provider. Source – Andy Walsh and guidance in Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017 4: Can I submit my ILR early and run a data match to review it? A: Yes. As soon as the collection period opens, you can submit your ILR file. We will provide an indicative data match using data from the apprenticeship service from the previous day, and an Apprenticeship Indicative Earnings Report that will show a headline view of the cash value of all apprentices. If any data fails this match, you will need to ensure that any necessary changes are made before the ILR collection is closed so we can release funding. Source - Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017 pars 82 to 84. 5: How will I know which employers will need to co-invest so we can invoice them? We will provide you with monthly reports to show which apprenticeships have been fully funded from the employer’s apprenticeship service account and which apprenticeships will need co-investment. These reports will tell you how much you need to collect from each employer for co-investment and for which apprentices. Reports will be available alongside the other validation reports in the HUB. Source - Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017, par 50 6: What evidence do I need to show that the co-investment has been asked for and paid? A: Providers will need to show that they have received the employer’s co-investment payments to justify the government’s contribution. The details of payments received from employers should be entered into the ILR. Where an employer is required to pay co-investment, this must be a transfer of funding visible in the provider’s financial systems. This will typically be in the form of a provider invoice and corresponding employer payment. Source - Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017, p11 ‘Co-investment’ section and Apprenticeship funding and performance management rules 2017 to 2018 page 21. 7: When and how will I receive any additional payments, including the support for younger apprentices, framework up-lift, disadvantage funding, learning support funding and English and maths? A: Any additional payments will be made directly from the Education and Skills Funding Agency to the training provider and will not be taken from an employer’s apprenticeship service account. Where you receive additional payments due to the employer, you must pass these on in full to the employer within 30 working days of receiving this funding from us. Full details can be found in the Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017, page 19 and Apprenticeship funding and performance management rules 2017 to 2018 page 16 E76. 8: Can I access any reports showing what payments have been made to me and what co-investment payments are due? A: Monthly payments reports are generated for providers summarising any payments that have been made from an employer’s account. A report to highlight those co-investments payments that are due to you will also be made available. You will then need to seek the co-investment payment from the listed employers. Reports will be available alongside the other validation reports in the HUB. Full details can be found in the Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017, paragraph 50 Employers 9: What is the deadline for declaring my apprenticeship levy? A: Employers need to send an Employer Payment Summary (EPS) by the 19th of the following tax month of their Full Payment Submission (FPS). More guidance on Running payroll from HMRC. Source – Running payroll 10: When will funds appear in my account? A: Once employers have declared the apprenticeship levy to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) available funds will appear in their apprenticeship service account after the 22th day of the month. Source - Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017, page 13 par 57 11: How do you calculate the monthly funds that will appear in my account? A: The funding entering your account each month will be calculated as follows: monthly levy declared to HMRC multiplied by the percentage of the employer’s pay bill paid to their workforce living in England plus a 10% government top-up on this amount Source - Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017, pars 58 to 62. 12: How will you determine which funds will be used to pay my provider? A: The account will work on a first-in, first-out basis, through either payment or expiry. Whenever a payment is taken from an employer's apprenticeship service account it will automatically use the funds that entered the account first. If you don’t spend the funds on apprenticeship training and assessment, funds will expire 24 months after they enter your apprenticeship service account. Source - Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017, par 65. 13: Is there a deadline for uploading my apprentices into the apprenticeship service so my training provider gets paid on time? A: Yes, your apprentice details need to be uploaded and approved by you and the provider by the 4th working day of the month. Your provider will be submitting data, their Individualised Learner Records (ILR), at the same time. The data from the ILR and your apprentice service account needs to match for a payment to be made. 14: When will funds be taken from my balance to pay my training provider? A; Funds will be debited from your account once the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) has completed a data match with the approved apprentice details in your account and those submitted to the ESFA by your training provider. This debit will show in your account on the 5th working day of the month, if the data matches up. 15: Will I be informed of what payments have been made to my training provider? A: Yes. You will be able to see the details of all payments made to your training provider within your account. The provider will receive payments where the data from their monthly ILR submission matches the information approved by you on the apprenticeship service. As your provider submits their ILR return they will receive a Data Matching Report the same day. The report will highlight any inconsistencies that have been identified between the ILR submission and information approved by you. In order for the ILR submission to pass the validation checks and for payments to be released, the provider may need to amend their ILR returns to match the information held on the apprenticeship service or vice versa. If the apprenticeship service record is amended these changes will need to be submitted and approved by both you and provider. Any data errors not resolved before the final submission deadline will need to be resolved in the following month’s submission. Payments relating to these errors will not be made until they are corrected. Additional reports for employers regarding unresolved data errors and payments to providers will be available later in the year. 16: When will my provider be paid from funds from my account? A: Your provider will receive a payment from the Education and Skills Funding Agency on the 11th working day of the month. If you do not have enough funds in your account to pay for that month’s training your training provider will invoice you directly for any co-investment payments that you owe. 17: Are there any reports available in the apprenticeship service to enable me to see what funds have been added (credits) and what training providers (debits) have been paid? A: You are able to see all of these details within your account. Additional reports will be available later in the year. 18: What happens to my funds\balance if we make changes to our declaration? A: In-year changes will not affect the balance of levy payments made to that point. HMRC will undertake a reconciliation exercise at the end of the year. More information can be found at 19: Is there a report to show my co-investment payments? A: We will provide information through the transaction screens in the apprenticeship service on how much you are due to pay each provider for co-investment where applicable. Source - Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017 20: When and how will I receive the additional £1,000 payment for recruiting a 16- to 18-year-old or an eligible 19- to 24-year-old apprentice? A: These payments will be split into two equal payments when the apprentice is still in learning at 90 days and 365 days. The Education and Skills Funding Agency will make the payment directly to your training provider. They must pass it onto you in full within 30 working days of receiving each payment. Full details on additional payments are set out in the Apprenticeship funding and performance management rules 2017 to 2018 Source: Apprenticeship funding and performance management rules 2017 to 2018 21: What will happen to my funds and payments if I make any adjustment to my HMRC declarations? A: We will offset any negative adjustments against the earliest remaining funds paid into your account, ensuring you have the maximum opportunity to spend the funds in your account. Positive adjustments will expire in 24 months of being paid into an employer’s account if they are unused. 22: Can I prioritise which apprentices will be funded first from my account? A: When an apprentice is approved in your account, it will be automatically allocated a priority order. This priority order will be used to identify which apprentice is funded first from funds in your account. Apprentices will be automatically prioritised by: a. the date on which the apprentice has been confirmed as correct by both the employer and provider; then b. Unique Learner Number (ULN) where apprentices share the date they were added to the employer’s account. The ability for employers to manually change the priority order will be available later in the year. More guidance and examples are available in the Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017 23: I think I have an issue with my levy balance. What should I do? A: For more information, you should contact the National Contact Centre helpline on or to discuss your issue • submissions for ILR
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