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- My application works like a dream…does it. -No prob, MOON is here. F

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Presentation on theme: "- My application works like a dream…does it. -No prob, MOON is here. F"— Presentation transcript:

1 - My application works like a dream…does it. -No prob, MOON is here. F
- My application works like a dream…does it? -No prob, MOON is here!! F. Varela on behalf of many people who have greatly contributed to the project CERN, April 2016

2 BE-ICS Industrial Controls
Fieldbus TN PLCs Sensors & Actuators MOON (Monitoring) High Voltage DIM/CMW OPC Field layer Process layer Supervision layer ~200 WinCC OA systems ~500 control devices ~1 Million IOs

3 Industrial Controls at CERN
Device Quantity Data Servers 138 WinCC OA projects 185 WinCC OA processes 6644 WinCC OA functionalities 4827 PLCs 409 FEC 94 WinFIP 38 DIP Publications 29 WEB Services 12 DIP Name Servers 1+1 How can be sure that every single element is working correctly?

4 BE-ICS Industrial Controls
Fieldbus TN PLCs Sensors & Actuators MOON (Monitoring) High Voltage DIM/CMW OPC Field layer Process layer Supervision layer ~200 WinCC OA systems ~500 control devices ~1 Million IOs

5 MOON The Monitoring Operation of cOntrols Network (MOON) is an integrated tool for configuration management and application monitoring Provides centralized deployment of SW components onto sets of PVSS applications Intensively used for upgrades during TS with reduced manpower and required time -> Efficiency increase!! Monitors all BE-ICS WinCC OA-based applications and related equipment (e.g. hosts, PLCs) for the machine and Tech Infrastructure Primary tool for the BE-ICS piquet and application experts Provides separate views for app responsible and the SBS Builds on top of JCOP tools developed for the LHC Experiments

6 System Configuration DB
MOON Building Blocks Standard JCOP FW Components PVSS Application 1 PLC1 MOON PLC2 UNICOS layer Archiving MOON Specific CIT SOT PLCn PVSS Application 2 PLC Monitoring Agent PVSS Application N PLC1 System Configuration DB PLC2 PLCn Legends CIT: JCOP Component Installation Tool SOT: JCOP System Overview Tool Monitoring Agents Software Management Agent

7 MOON Main GUI monitoring mode Link to Alarm screen
Multiple views Link to logbook Color-coded FSM tree LHC Access Conditions Alarms per application grouped by category Switch to configuration mode All BE-ICS Industrial Controls Applications are monitored and configured using the tool

8 Navigation Intuitive navigation to localize errors
Graphical representation of connections and dependencies amongst components

9 Alarms Alarm screen showing live and historical alarms
Grouping of alarms per application Direct access from the alarm screen to the web procedures written by the Experts

10 MOON’s Alarms MOON Runs 24/7 completely unattended!!
Problems that require expert intervention are immediately reported via SMS to the expert on call (A tiny fraction (5%) of the alarms configured in MOON (>10,000)trigger a SMS) Active more than 15 minutes More than 3 occurrences SMS required flag Only a tiny fraction of the alarms trigger an SMS F. Varela – CERN EN/ICE – Openlab meeting – 29th March 2012 PVSS in large distributed systems - 10

11 How can I be sure that everything is working as expected?
Reports How can I be sure that everything is working as expected? Periodic reports summarized in an intelligent way the data archived over a period of time Daily: ed to experts so that they know what it happened over the last 24h in their applications Long-term: allow detecting slowing changing effects, e.g. memory increase, filesystem space shortage flickering alarms, recurrent problems, mis-configuration of the apps, etc

12 Time stamp: may I trust the information in the browser?
webMOON MOON web site – RSS feed Time stamp: may I trust the information in the browser? Link to the procedures written by the expert also available via the web!

13 Backup Slides

14 MOON: What is it? A tool for the central teams to understand the operational state of the control system

15 MOON Interfaces WEB GPN RDC/Linux GTW AFS TN Oracle

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