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Overall health starts at a cellular level.

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1 Overall health starts at a cellular level.
CELLCARE COMPLETE packs every capsule with the essential vitamins and nutrients that our body needs to naturally heal itself at a cellular level from the everyday damage brought about by our lifestyle, diet, and environment. CELLCARE COMPLETE is made from the most potent herbs and super foods combined to give everyone the gift of GOOD HEALTH. Malunggay Mangosteen Gotu Kola Wheatgrass Lagundi Graviola Agaricus Mushroom Spirulina

2 Main Active Ingredient of CELCARE COMPLETE
“Malunggay” Moringa Oleifera Main Active Ingredient of CELCARE COMPLETE Net Weight: 250mg “Mangosteen” Garcinia Net Weight: 100mg OVERVIEW Mangosteen contains more than 40 biologically active, natural chemical compounds called XANTHONES. While all these xanthones have similar molecular structures, each one has its own unique chemical composition that permits it to perform a specific function. This is the reason why Mangosteen is regarded to have a very long list of Health benefits. BENEFITS Anti-aging - helps prevent aging Anti-allergenic - helps prevent allergic reactions Anti-arthritic – helps prevent arthritis Anti-atherosclerotic - helps prevent the hardening of the arteries Antibiotic - prevents or modulates bacterial infections Anti-calculitic - helps prevent kidney stones Anti-cataract - helps prevent cataracts Antidepressant – helps with depression Anti-diarrheal – helps with diarrhea Anti-fatigue - helps relieve fatigue Antifungal - prevents or modulates fungal infections Anti-Glaucomic - helps prevent glaucoma Anti-Inflammatory – helps with inflammation RECOMMENDED DOSAGE NA OVERVIEW “Malunggay” also known as “Moringa Oleifera is often called the Tree of Life or a Miracle Tree because of its very potent medicinal usage. Contains three (3) times the potassium in bananas Contains four (4) times the Vitamin A in carrots An ounce of Malunggay has the same Vitamin C as seven (7) oranges. BENEFITS Greatly increase overall immune system Powerful Antioxidant. Studies shown that Malunggay contains Benzyl Isothiocyanate which is a compound with anti cancer, anti tumor and chemoprotective capacities. Anti Inflammatory. Traditionally used to prevent and treat inflammations associated with rheumatism, arthritis, and joint pains. Anti Asthma. Studies have shown that asthmatic symptoms were reduced after taking 250mg of malunggay twice daily. Regulate blood circulation Normalize blood sugar level. Used for reproductive health. Malunggay is known to increase flow of milk for lactating mothers. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE 700mg Anti-lipidemic - helps lower blood fat Anti-obesity - helps in weight loss Anti-osteoporosis - helps prevent the loss of bone mass Antioxidant-rich – rich in antioxidants Anti-oxolytic - anti-anxiety Anti-Parkinson – helps with Parkinson's disease Anti-periodontic - helps prevent gum disease Antipyretic - helps lower fever Anti-tumor and cancer-preventive Anti-vertigo - helps prevent dizziness Antiviral - prevents or modulates viral infections Cardio-protective - helps in the protection of the heart Hypoglycemic - helps stabilize blood sugar Hypotensive - helps lower blood pressure Immunostimulant – helps the immune system fight infection

3 “Gotu Kola” Centella Asiatica “Wheatgrass” Net Weight: 60mg
OVERVIEW Gotu Kola has been used to treat many conditions for thousands of years in India, China and Indonesia. BENEFITS Anti Heart Attack and Stroke. People with atherosclerosis have fatty deposits called plagues along the lining of their blood vessels. Studies show that taking gotu kola for 12 months might help stabilize these plaques so they are less likely to break off and trigger clot formation, causing a heart attack or stroke. Increasing circulation in people with diabetes. Taking gotu kola for 6-12 months might help increase circulation and decrease fluid retention in people with diabetes whose small blood vessels have been damaged by their disease. Gotu kola also increases collagen production, which is important for wound healing. Recommended for people with diabetes. Boosts Central Nervous System Memory Booster Anti Bacterial Properties. Evidence from studies shows that asiaticoside may damage the cell walls of some bacteria. The weakened bacteria are easier for the body's immune system to eliminate. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE 60mg – 80mg daily OVERVIEW and BENEFITS Wheatgrass is primarily used as a concentrated source of nutrients. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium, and amino acids. Wheatgrass is also used for increasing production of hemoglobin, the chemical in red blood cells that carries oxygen; improving blood sugar disorders, such as diabetes; preventing tooth decay; improving wound healing; and preventing bacterial infections. It is also used for removing deposits of drugs, heavy metals, and cancer-causing agents from the body; and for removing toxins from the liver and blood. Some people use wheatgrass for reducing high blood pressure, improving digestion, and lowering cholesterol by blocking its absorption. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE NA

4 “Lagundi” Net Weight: 20mg “Agaricus Mushroom” Net Weight: 20mg
OVERVIEW and BENFEFITS Lagundi has been traditionally used as herbal medicine by Philippine folks. The efficacy of Lagundi has also been verified by the Philippine Department of Health and other Philippine based scientists which concentrated on its use to ease respiratory complaints. Lagundi is generally used for the treatment of coughs, asthma symptoms, and other respiratory problems Lagundi use is widely acceptable as safe for use for children and adults and no adverse reaction has been reported. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE NA OVERVIEW and BENEFITS Agaricus mushroom is a fungus which originated in Brazil, but is now grown in China, Japan, and Brazil for sale because of its medicinal benefits. Agaricus mushroom is used for cancer, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis), ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders, and digestive problems. Other uses include prevention of heart disease, weakened bones (osteoporosis), and stomach ulcers. It is also used to boost the immune system and for physical and emotional stress. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE NA “Graviola” Net Weight: 20mg “Spirulina” Net Weight: 10mg OVERVIEW and BENEFITS In 1976, a study was made on Graviola as a possible cure for cancer. This study was conducted by the National Cancer Institute. The results were quite astounding. It was found that among the graviola benefits include its ability to eliminate cancer cells in the body using the leaves and stems of the tree. It was found that it had an ingredient that was 10,000 times more potent than chemo. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York also confirms that graviola, particularly graviola extract, does have beneficial elements including anti-rheumatic, anti-viral, anti-parasitic Based on research, graviola can help regulate blood pressure because it has hypotensive properties, which means that a patient with high blood pressure can be treated by simply taking graviola. Graviola is rich in fiber which means that when you consume it regularly, you can expect regular bowel movements. With graviola, you don’t have to worry about constipation and hemorrhoids. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE NA OVERVIEW and BENEFITS Spirulina is a blue-green algae. It is an easily produced, non-toxic species of Arthrospira bacteria. Spirulina is often used as a vegan source of protein and vitamin B12. It is between 55-70% protein. Human evidence suggests that spirulina can improve lipid and glucose metabolism, while also reducing liver fat and protecting the heart. Studies are very promising as well, as spirulina has been shown to be of similar potency as commonly used reference drugs, when it comes to neurological disorders. These effects also extend to arthritis and immunology. RECOMMENDED DOSAGE 9g

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