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EDU704 – Assessment and Evaluation

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1 EDU704 – Assessment and Evaluation
Course Outline and Assignments Week 1

2 “Begin with the end in mind”

3 Unit lecturer and contributing lecturers
Unit lecturer: Fereal Ibrahim Mobile: Contributing Lecturers: Dr. Sarita Deshpande Mrs. Sereima Takiveikata

4 House keeping matters Enrolment (To be done by end of week 2-Friday- Late enrolments not accepted) Moodle (self enroll and access) Commitment to studies- plan well Attendance – Be punctual Work standards/expectations- aim high Role models/grooming Mobiles- Silent mode/switched off Plagiarism – UASR to be followed

5 Classes/week Lectures: 2 hours / week Workshops: 2 hours /week
Tutorials: 2 hours /week In total you have 72 contact hours during the summer class. You have 84 SDL hours – Devote this towards study of lecture notes and readings, research, internet access, assignments and other EDU704 related activities

6 Learning targets/outcomes
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to : Differentiate among measurement, assessment, evaluation and examination; Evaluate and apply assessment concepts for various functions like diagnosis of the difficulties of students; Analyze and apply assessment concepts for development of subject concepts, skills and attitudes; Analyse, evaluate and apply the assessment procedure to report the progress of the learners to learners, parents and educational administrators;

7 Learning targets/outcomes
Analyze and evaluate the current changes in the area of assessment and evaluation; Explain, and apply the taxonomy of educational objectives for assessment and evaluation of learners; Evaluate various assessment tools and apply the same to collect information about learners; Analyze the data about the learners and prepare reports for giving feedback to the learners, parents and the educational administrators.

8 Resources- Text Miller, M.D.; Linn, R.L.& Gronlund, N.E.(2009). Measurement and assessment in teaching(10th ed.) :Pearson Secolsky, C. & Denison, D. B.(Eds.) (2011). Handbook on measurement, assessment and evaluation in higher education: Routledge.

9 Supplementary materials
Williams, D, D., Howell, S., & Hricho, M.(2006). Online assessment, measurement and evaluation: Emerging practices. Hashey, U.S.A. : Information Science Publishing( an imprint of Idea Group Inc.). Being in digital age it is advisable for students to have electronic gadgets accessible to internet/ laptop with internet connection for access to information during tutorial class.

10 Teaching and learning strategies
Theory and practical applications delivered through lectures, tutorials and presentations.

11 Weekly course content Week Topics 1 Orientation of the Unit ,unit descriptor and assignments. 2 Purposes of assessment and evaluation 3 & 4 Alternative assessment approaches and Fiji Islands Assessment framework 5 Taxonomy of educational objectives: Cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains 6 Taxonomy of educational objectives: Objectives, learning outcomes and achievement indicators 7 Mid trimester break

12 Weekly course content Statistical Analysis of Scores
Topics 8 & 9 Statistical Analysis of Scores 10 and 11 Assessment and evaluation tools : Tests, questionnaires, interviews, observations Fiji Island Assessment Framework: CBAs, projects and marking criteria 14 Study break 15 Examination

13 Assessment Procedures
Formative assessment: Essay: 15% Mid Trimester Test: 20% Test blueprint/Test paper: 25% Summative assessment Final Examination : 40%

14 Essay – 15 marks Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering and analyzing data (evidence) to make judgments about learning. This new definition as in Fiji National Curriculum Framework (2013) recognizes the important role of the teacher in assessment and values the judgment of teachers in making decision about levels of student performance. Write an essay of about 900 words clearly describing the important role teachers play in assessment, the summative and formative purpose of assessment, and how assessment practices can be utilized to improve student performance. Support your arguments with relevant literature. Your essay must include a minimum of 5 references (APA format). Use the rubric to guide you.

15 Essay – 15 marks Due Date: 18/02/17@8pm
Late submission incurs a penalty of 10% off per day and the assignment will not be accepted after 8p.m.

16 Mid trimester Test Week 8 : Saturday 11th March, 2017.
Format: to be given by week 6 Coverage : all work covered till week 6.  Weighting: 20%

17 Test blueprint/ Test paper
Prepare a 50 marks test paper in Healthy Living for Year 7 /8 (Primary) or your subject area (Secondary/GCED) to develop your expertise in framing the different types of questions. Objectives must be clearly defined for all coverage. A blueprint must be prepared beforehand to guide you. Include questions from all thinking skills (Blooms Taxonomy).

18 Test blueprint/ Test paper
Include 12 Multiple Choice (2 questions from each level), 3 marks for Matching, 5 marks for True and False,20 marks for Resource Interpretation /Short Answers- 4 X 5marks and 10 marks for Essay/Paragraph writing(have an option for essay/paragraph. Essay 1 X 10 marks or paragraph writing 2 X 5 marks)

19 Test blueprint/ Test paper
The objectives, test blueprint and the test paper together with Answer Book (all word processed) are to be submitted together. Due: 1st April, 8p.m (week 11- Sat) Soft copy to be submitted for check in “Turnitin” software Late submission incurs a penalty of 10% off per day and the assignment will not be accepted after 05/04/17 Any plagiarized assignment will be awarded a mark of zero (0)

20 Final Exam 3 hours- conducted in week 15
In order to pass this unit a student MUST obtain a minimum of 40% in the final examination and 50% overall.

21 Conclusion Make things to happen instead of waiting for things to happen

22 Have a fruitful learning trimester

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