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New English File 2016 Juhos Erika.

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1 New English File 2016 Juhos Erika

2 Services offered by OUP along with high quality textbooks
Conferences Accredited teacher training programmes Consultations and online workshops Demo lessons Competitions for teachers and students Online support for teachers, students – practice materials, syllabi, ideas, methodology articles etc. Webinars

3 New English File Bring your classroom to life.
„The best way to get your students talking”

4 Feedback from teachers:
It really does get students talking Interesting topics and a touch of humour It’s adaptable Variety of supplementary resources The authors! Here are some things teachers liked about NEF. And some other things they’d like to see more of.  = kept;  = improved

5 New English File Student’s Book
Great texts that motivate students to talk Engaging topics that bring the classroom to life Perfect balance of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and skills Grammar Bank Vocabulary Bank

6 Structure of the Book The Student’s Book has 9 Files:
A,B,C,D Lessons (two-page) - present and practise Grammar and Vocabulary, Pronunciation focus Balance of reading and listening activities, lots of opportunities for spoken practice Clear references to the Grammar Bank, Vocabulary Bank, and Sound Bank at the end of the book Practical English – one-page lessons teaching functional ‚survival’ language and vocabulary (Mark and Allie’s story line) Writing –focuses on different text types, writing skills Revise & Check – two-page section at the end of each File

7 New English File Workbook
Each A-D lesson in the SB has a two-page section in the WB Practice and revision More words to learn Question time – 5 questions to answer (communicative competence)- also appear on MultiRom Study Skills tip on how to learn vocabulary Practical English section

8 New English File MultiROM with the Workbook
Works in 2 ways: It is a CD-Rom, containing revision of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and functional English (with Practical English video extracts from the Video) It is an audio CD for CD player – Ss can listen to, repeat and answer the questions from the Question Time sections of WB

9 New English File Teacher’s Book
Detailed lesson plans, including: Optional ‚books-closed’ lead-in for every lesson Extra idea suggestions for extra activities Extra support suggestions Keys Tapescripts Over 80 pages of photocopiable materials: Grammar Activities Communicative Activities Song Activities End-of-course check Test and Assessment CD-Rom

10 Test and Assessment CD-Rom
In your Computer/ In your CD player

11 Test and Assessment CD-Rom

12 Test and Assessment CD-Rom

13 Progress Test Files 1- 4 (example)
Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking Word format

14 New English File Digital Resources
iPack – interactive software DVD Test and Assessment CD-ROM Online Skills Practice Students’ Website, Teacher’s Website Pronunciation App

15 EF Pron App linked (if time permits)

16 Teaching resources: worksheets classroom activities methodology tips
wordlists recommended readers Browse resources: choose your title or A to Z index of resources. Click on OTC button on the website. Log in (or sign up). This is essentially the same as if you logged in from the link at the top. It’s also required to shop online (eg. Oxford Readers Collections). When you are logged in, the top of the page changes. Now you have access to all kinds of teaching resources – different for different courses, but usually worksheets, etc. At the top now you also have a new button: My English. My English is a collection of all the resources from the website that you might be interested in using.


18 Student’s Site



21 Professional Development What is Oxford Teachers’ Academy Online?
online, self-study professional development courses cover 30 hours but can be completed at own pace in the 12-month access period Completion of the courses is certified by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education the courses can also be run by institutions as moderated, in-house professional development programmes

22 oxfordteachersacademy
Teaching… English to Young Learners English to Teenagers with Technology Learners with SEN Learners with Dyslexia oxfordteachersacademy NEW NEW NEW

23 information on how to buy access codes instructions on how to get started try a demo version GBP 70 + VAT  about HUF 30,000 [UPDATED:] Accreditation is in progress, we hope to offer this course soon as one which can earn you credit points.

24 Professional Development from Baker Street
Rövid képzések (5 kreditpontért) Pop Music in the Classroom Working with Advanced Learners Vocabulary Expansion Graded Readers 30 órás akkreditált tanfolyamok az interaktív tábláról tanulóink motiválásáról Teacher Talk Kelemen Ferenc

25 Thank you for your attention!
30/ Tituly OUP MŠ a ZŠ, Martina Válková,

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