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Stratospheric Ozone Holy Ozone!.

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1 Stratospheric Ozone Holy Ozone!

2 What is Ozone? Ozone Found in 2 layers of the atmosphere
A molecule made up of 3 oxygen atoms Blocks incoming ultraviolet radiation and protects life Found in 2 layers of the atmosphere Troposphere (bad!) Stratosphere (good!) Highest concentrations between 20 and 40 km Very thin layer (only about 1-10 ppm) Dynamic Equilibrium Ozone is constantly formed and destroyed UV radiation is absorbed in both formation and destruction of ozone

3 Stratospheric Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR)
UV-A: least dangerous, 315nm to 400nm UV-B: 280nm to 315nm (ozone layer absorbs about 50%) UV-C: most dangerous, 100nm to 280nm. Ozone layer absorbs most of this (more than 99%)

4 Who cares about UV? Good Stuff Bad Stuff
Stimulates production of vitamin D (prevents rickets) Can be used to treat skin diseases like vitiligo or psoriasis Can be used to sterilize Industrial uses Bad Stuff Genetic Mutations Damage living tissues Cataract formation in eyes Skin cancer Suppresses immune system Damages phytoplankton Damages zooplankton

5 An Ozone Hole? Been measuring ozone since the 1950s
Discovered that the amount of ozone decreased significantly in the Spring (Sept./Oct.) and then increases again in Nov. Despite annual cycles the hole appeared to be growing In the last 30 years the minimum thickness has reduced drastically one Dobson unit being equivalent to a layer of pure ozone 0.01 mm thick at standard temperature and pressure

6 Ozone Depleting Substances
Most ozone depletion is caused by human made chemicals Halogenated organic gases A few others CFCs Developed during the 1930s Inert at ground level (seemed brilliant!) Used as… Propellants in aerosols Pesticides Gas blown plastics Flame retardants refrigerants 1 chlorine from CFC can convert 100,000 molecules of ozone to oxygen Takes CFCs years to reach the stratosphere animation

7 Reducing ODS “Replace, Regulate, and Restore” The Montreal Protocol
Even before any government action, much of the general public began to boycott products containing CFCs causing the spray can industry to respond UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme) created the Montreal Protocol in 1987 International agreement to phase out ODS LEDCs were given more time to comply/implement treaty 197 countries ratified it (all of them at the time) One of the most successful international agreements to date

8 Reducing ODS

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