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Moving from Initiative Overload to Maximum Impact, Supporting and Advancing a Shared Vision across Improvement Efforts Office of Special Education Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving from Initiative Overload to Maximum Impact, Supporting and Advancing a Shared Vision across Improvement Efforts Office of Special Education Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving from Initiative Overload to Maximum Impact, Supporting and Advancing a Shared Vision across Improvement Efforts Office of Special Education Programs Project Directors’ Meeting August 2016

2 Presenters and Discussants
Kerry Haag, Assistant Director, Division of Learning Services, Kansas Department of Education Amy Gaumer Erickson, Associate Research Professor, University of Kansas Jana Rosborough, West Ed, National Center on Systemic Improvement (NCSI) System Alignment Learning Collaborative Johnny Collett, Council of Chief State School Officers; NCSI Moderator: Lynn Holdheide, American Institutes for Research, Center on Great Teachers and Leaders, NCSI, GTL Center, and CEEDAR Center

3 Session Objectives To increase awareness of the need to align initiatives to avoid initiative overload, conflicting priorities and messages, and duplication of efforts, and most importantly, to extend initiative reach, by maximizing efforts and resources, that leads toward stronger outcomes. To demonstrate how the State Systemic Improvement Plan can and has been a catalyst to align efforts. To explore and discuss the opportunities and challenges in aligning initiatives and efforts.

4 Mixed Messages and Missed Opportunities: A Case for Alignment

5 State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) -Focus on Improving Outcomes for Children with Disabilities
Year 1 – FFY 2013 Delivered by April 2015 Year 2- FFY 2014 Delivered by Feb 2016 Years 3-6 FFY Feb 2017 – Feb 2020 Phase 1 Analysis Phase II Plan Phase III Evaluation Data Analysis; Infrastructure Analysis State-identified measurable result; Coherent Improvement Strategies Theory of Action Multi-year plan addressing: - Infrastructure Development - Support EIS Program/LEA in Implementing Evidence-Based Practices Evaluation Plan Reporting on Progress including: - Results of Ongoing - Extent of Progress Revisions to the SPP Focused on improving outcomes for CWD SiMR - state’s identified a particular arear of focus

6 Cross State Learning Collaborative By SIMR or Topic
Learning Collaboratives Social Emotional Outcomes Language and Literacy Graduation and Post-School Outcomes Family Outcomes Results Based Accountability Mathematics Systems Alignment Targeted TA Unpack the Collaboratives – what occurs, follow up A network of shared leadership and peer support designed to enable participants to: identify issues and opportunities in improving outcomes for children with disabilities from cradle to career joint / self reflection, feedback, problem-solving, support engage in professional learning and growth to build statewide capacity in foundational areas: Data Use Knowledge Utilization Systems Change Communication & Collaboration

7 Systems Alignment Learning Collaborative Purpose Statement
10/4/2017 Systems Alignment Learning Collaborative Purpose Statement The purpose of the collaborative is to support states through systems alignment and implementation to build and sustain district capacity to improve results for students in most need of support. Statement has been refined. Key Points: Expansion to districts. System Focus Students Most in Need of Support Learning Collaborative Opportunities: Interaction with Other States, Facilitated Discussions, Making the Reach (the Connections); Responsiveness to State Needs

8 States are interested in…
Why did States choose to join the Systems Alignment Learning Collaborative? States are interested in… Taking a systems approach to the SSIP work (Considering improved outcomes for students with disabilities within the broader improvement efforts of the agency; Exploring systemic issues at the root of low student performance including leadership, instructional quality, poverty etc.) Breaking down silos and working collaboratively with general education at the state, district, and local level (Including integrating with existing initiatives related to ESSA, Title I, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), etc.) Sharing approaches, strategies, and resources related to the implementation of MTSS ESSA implementation


10 What are member states’ most critical needs?
De-siloing the work including: Changing internal structures to support more coordinated and integrated improvement efforts (particularly across federal programs) Fostering the necessary leadership to support such systems change Navigating the cultural, emotional, and technical challenges required by such systems change Scaling up improvement efforts Logistical support for Phase II work including: Calendaring tasks Evaluation Stakeholder engagement Format, templates to organize the work

11 Systems Alignment Learning Collaborative Supporting the Work
Center for School Turnaround Quilting Silos Leading By Convening Maximizing Federal Funds Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Emphasize/highlight “quilting silos” and “GIS” are, and how they fit in the conversation related to alignment

12 State Example: Kansas

13 Kansas Can

14 State Level Outcomes Drive the Kansans Can Vision…
Kindergarten Readiness Social-Emotional Growth (measured locally) Individual Plans of Study for All High School Graduation Rates Post-Secondary Attendance/Completion Post-Secondary Remedial Course Rates

15 A Successful Kansas High School Graduate…
Has the… academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, employability skills, and civic engagement to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry-recognized certification, or in the workforce without the need for remediation.

16 KSDE 2016 Initiatives Division of Learning Services
New State Accreditation Model ESSA Implementation Individual Plans of Study Social-Emotional Character Development Getting Classrooms/Schools Ready for Kindergartners Civic Engagement Annual Measures of Student Success (AMOSS) Comprehensive Support & Improvement (KLN) Teacher and Leader Evaluation System Educator Equity Plan Implementation Increase Graduation and Reduce Drop Out Rates Post-Secondary Measures

17 Kansas Technical Assistance System Network (TASN)
Designed to enhance the capacity of local school districts to implement evidence-based practices and model provision of integrated services One-stop assistance via Big Blue Button: Establishes and maintains communication and work alignment for an estimated 70 providers, partners, and contractors Requires coordinated support and common evaluation practices Statewide professional learning for SSIP, SPDG, IDEA and Title Braided funding: IDEA Part B, SPDG, Section 619 and Title IIA, iii, 1003a, 1003g

18 KSDE TASN Standard Operating Principles (a sample)
All TASN providers must actively participate, collaborate and support KSDE initiatives. All objectives and activities will align with and support implementation of the Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) Integrated Framework. All activities are to utilize an implementation science framework, coordinate with other KSDE initiatives, and focus on capacity-building, using data to drive decision making. All funded efforts will work collaboratively with the TASN evaluator to design and implement an evaluation plan for each priority area. Complete list of KSDE TASN Standard Operating Principles available at

19 Who are Kansas TASN providers and partners?
Coordination*+ Evaluation*+ Kansas MTSS Integrated Framework+ Kansas Learning Network Autism & Tertiary Behavior Supports* General Supervision & Accurate Data Evidence-Based Instructional Practices within Co-Taught Classrooms* Teacher Recruitment & Retention* Kansas Parent Information Resource Center*+ Instructional Technology (Infinitec) Families Together, Inc. (Kansas PTI)* Training for Teachers of the Deaf* Kansas Instructional Resource Center for Visual Impairments Training for Teachers of Visually Impaired* KSDE Early Childhood, Special Education, & Title Services Team (ECSETS)*+ *Denotes SPDG-funded partnership. +Denotes SSIP partnership. TASN Alignment Graphic available at

20 Guiding Principles for Evaluation
Utilization-Focused Empower, don’t overburden educators Draw accurate conclusions Focus on continual improvement Support decision making at the state, provider, district, school, team, and teacher levels Determine impact Evaluator as Coach

21 KSDE TASN Theory of Change
Through high-quality professional learning… Participants increase knowledge and skills; Administrators create conditions to support implementation; Participants implement evidence-based practices with fidelity; Students improve academic, behavioral, and social outcomes; and Schools sustain the implementation with fidelity.

22 SSIP Improvement Strategies
1.0 Strategically realign, reallocate, and leverage current State Education Agency (SEA) policies, organization and infrastructure for increased capacity of district evidence-based practice implementation. 2.0 Design, implement and evaluate an integrated school improvement planning framework, built upon the existing Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (Kansas MTSS), to increase district capacity to provide effective reading instruction for students with disabilities. 3.0 Evaluate the degree to which the state infrastructure supports district implementation of evidence-based practices to improve reading results for students with disabilities Kindergarten through 5th Grade (SIMR).

23 Evaluation Questions What does this look like?
Outcomes & Indicators How do you know if this is happening? Evaluation Measures How and when will people (at each level) use the data for improvement? Self-Correcting Feedback Loops and Timeline Kansas SSIP Evaluation Plan available at

24 SSIP Logic Model Inputs Improvement Strategies
Short-Term (Knowledge, skills, and collaboration) Intermediate (Installation of evidence-based instructional practices) Example: KSDE, TASN, District, School, and Grade-Level Collaborative Teams make data-based decisions and share data through communication loops. Longer-Term (Implementation of evidence-based instructional practices with fidelity) Impact (Student outcomes) Kansas SSIP Logic Model available at

25 SSIP Evaluation Measures (a sample)
High-Quality Professional Development (HQPD) Observation Document Review TASN Coordination/Evaluation Feedback Survey Kansas MTSS Checklist for Implementation Readiness Kansas MTSS School Implementation Scale Kansas MTSS Collaborative Team Progress Planner Kansas MTSS Family Engagement Survey Universal Screening Data Kansas SSIP Evaluation Plan available at

26 How will people use data for improvement? MTSS Trainers/Coaches
Self-Correcting Feedback: How data is used for improvement at school, district, TA & SEA levels How will people use data for improvement? Measures Collaborative Team Administrators MTSS Trainers/Coaches KSDE Leadership Pre/post assessment at each training Reflect on growth in knowledge of adult learners Determine impact of training on staff knowledge and determine needs and future time investment. Direct efforts to customize and improve training and coaching to meet participants’ needs. Assures that professional development provided to Kansas educators is consistent in quality and continually improving. Determines areas of need for TASN providers’ professional development and resource allocation. HQPD Observation (completed by evaluators or state trainer) and TASN Training Evaluation Reflect on quality of training, determine next steps, and communicate lingering questions and coaching needs. Kansas MTSS Evaluation Plan available by clicking here.

27 What do the SSIP and SPDG have in common?
Driven by State Needs Implementation Science Framework Focus on Building State Education Agency Capacity Scaling Up Evidence-Based Practices at the District Level Sustained Professional Learning & Implementation Fidelity Family Involvement & Stakeholder Engagement Rigorous and Relevant Evaluation Methods Use of Theory of Action Logic Model Development SPDG Program Measures State-Level Project Measures Annual Progress Reporting Supported by Nationwide Communities of Practice Utilize Shared National Resources

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