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Lessons from Scotland and the UK

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1 Lessons from Scotland and the UK

2 International Best Practice
In the last ten years Infrastructure New Zealand has lead six highly successful delegations to comparator nations including: Denmark: infrastructure investment for strategic advantage Sweden: Successful transition to road pricing Ireland: Successful use of PPPs to deliver inter regional motorways UK: Shift to national infrastructure planning Value creation and capture through successful integration of transport and development City Deals Australia: Efficient and publicly accepted capital recycling model and privately funded development and infrastructure Canada: Successful implementation of P3 pipeline through high calibre procurement agencies Heading to USA in 2018 Urban growth (Houston sprawl vs Portland compact city); dynamic tolling in Dallas; Municipal Utility District model; and Satellite Cities

3 Infrastructure for Strategic Advantage:
Connectivity strategic importance Great Belt Bridge opened 1998 Oresund 2000 SOE delivery model - 30 year concession Tolled DKK250 ($NZ60) to match ferry Fully funded by tolls but debt backed with govt guarantee Extensive assessment of environmental impact Now constructing Germany Copenhagen link by 2018 Oresund Copenhagen Great Belt Bridge Oresund Fehmarnbelt Tunnel? Great Belt Bridge

4 Sweden: Successful implementation of road pricing

5 UK: Vision, Value Creation, Private Capital
“Nine Elms The greatest transformational story at the heart of the world's greatest city...” High Speed 2 - £50 billion interregional connection

6 Partnership & Collaboration
Public, public, private partnership Central government incentives BBC media centre relocation “Earn Back” scheme City Deals

7 Australia: Ambitious planning Funding and delivery
2,500 sqm floorplates: Sydney vs Singapore, Hong Kong, London Global reference point of design excellence and sustainability

8 Canada: Exemplar of specialist procurement agencies
Partnerships BC Infrastructure Ontario PPP Canada Publicly owned governed by independent boards Specialist capability providing leadership, expertise and consistency Culture of partnership to spread knowledge transfer and drive continuous improvement.

9 Lessons for New Zealand
Outcomes not inputs Integration Partnership, collaboration Private Capital Scale Independent delivery agencies Lift our vision and be ambitious for New Zealand

10 The delegation to Scotland
33 representatives March 26-31, 2017 London, Edinburgh, Glasgow

11 What the delegation saw
Mix of planning, governance, health, education, transport, housing, urban regeneration, water, procurement

12 Why Scotland? Democracy, language, culture, small, etc Devolution
Source: Trip Advisor

13 Devolved Reserved Devolution Referendum 1997 (devolution)
Scotland Act 1998 Parliament 1999 Scotland Act 2012 Referendum 2014 (independence) Scotland Act 2016 Only 20 yrs old, fundamentally an infrastructure government, blank sheet, lots of innovation

14 Key attributes of the Scottish (and UK) approach:
Independent needs analysis and monitoring National Infrastructure Commission (UK) Executive Agency of HM Treasury (operational independence) 3 functions National infrastructure assessment every 3 years In depth studies Monitoring progress Government doesn’t have to follow recommendations, but if not, it has to say why

15 Leadership, growth and engagement through national spatial planning
National Planning Framework Spatial expression of Economic Development Strategy Guided by successful Scotland Guides local government Presumption in favour of sustainable development Strategic engagement

16 Centralised, independent environmental regulation
One specialist agency Non-departmental, independent board Purpose (2014): “protect and improve the environment in ways that, as far as possible, also help create health and well-being and sustainable economic growth.” Expertise + independence + clear mandate = strategic focus Transformation in environmental regulation

17 Specialised procurement
Infrastructure and Projects Authority (UK) Integration, collaboration, procurement advice, project delivery National Infrastructure Delivery Plan, Construction Pipeline Scottish Futures Trust Value for money, collaboration, procurement advice, project delivery £100m - £150m savings per annum Attracting private finance (PPPs) Good procurement

18 Combined project delivery
Hub Scottish Futures Trust initiative to support community infrastructure delivery Central + local government + private sector partnership 5 regions Schools, health facilities, community halls, playgrounds, police and fire… Bulk, bundled, standardised and sequenced procurement PPPs (DBFM) and private finance

19 Consolidated water service delivery
Scottish Water Single integrated wastewater and drinking water provider for all of Scotland Est. 2002 40 per cent reduction in operating costs 20 per cent saving capital programme

20 Independent regulation of the water industry
Ofwat (England and Wales) Water Industry Commission for Scotland Price and quality regulation Support competition

21 Local government alignment with national strategic direction
“Carrots” used to encourage council investment in economic development City Deal (UK and Scotland) Central allocations to local for economic investment Payment upon project delivery 8 in Scotland Tax increment financing Local debt paid off with central transfers using increased (business) rates income 6 in Scotland Growth Accelerator Central allocations to local for achieving economic outcomes 2 in Scotland

22 Lessons NZ should take a close look at:
A national body charged with identifying infrastructure needs. Replacing the effects-based RMA system with a plan-led approach. An independent centre of expertise for project delivery. A hub model for water and tourism infrastructure. Consolidating wastewater and water supply delivery at a “regional” level. A sell down of Auckland’s Watercare to fund Auckland growth. Shifting to independent regulation for water and the environment. “Carrots” to align councils with central government strategic direction.

23 Thank you

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