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PI: Kihyeon Cho & Soonwook Hwang Sponsor: Creative project by KISTI

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Presentation on theme: "PI: Kihyeon Cho & Soonwook Hwang Sponsor: Creative project by KISTI"— Presentation transcript:

0 A request from user group
Geant4 Technical Meeting March 6, 2012 A request from user group Kihyeon Cho High Energy Physics Team, KISTI

1 PI: Kihyeon Cho & Soonwook Hwang Sponsor: Creative project by KISTI
Project Outline Title: Development of Geant4 for medical physics and High Energy physics PI: Kihyeon Cho & Soonwook Hwang Sponsor: Creative project by KISTI Budget: Around half million dollar Period: Jan. 1, 2012~ Dec. 31, 2012 Goal: Porting on Supercomputing Simulation for HEP and Medical physics using Geant4 Profiling and Large-scale test, evaluation and improvement Geant4 multi-proecssing R&D

2 / Massachusetts General Hospital
Global Community (FKPPL) International Collaboration HEP Medical Physics Appli-cation HEP - Accelerator R&D - Detector, … Medical Physics Proton Accelerator, .. Fermilab - Next generation simulation package development UC SanFrancisco /SLAC / Massachusetts General Hospital Proton Accelerator GEANT4 Application TOPAS R&D Geant4 Collaboration code development Geant4 R&D Infra-structure Grid Farm Supercomputer CERN IN2P3 KEK

3 Geant4 R&D Work on Progress Supercomputing Porting
SUN Cluster Porting - Geant4-ST, MPI, ParGeant4 Single-thread performance measurement and analysis Profiling and optimization Parallel Computing Using multi processing (core) -> Fermilab Understanding and Improvement of Single thread Geant4 profiling protocol code Long term project: Multi-core R&D

4 HEP Application (중이온가속기 등)
Beam/Accelerator simulation Secondary beam simulation Detector simulation Calorimeter Silicon Detector RENO Detector… User group simulation Requested by user group Astro-nuclear decay channel simulation By Prof. Myung-Ki Cheoun’s group (SSU) Understanding decay channel Requirement soft ware

5 Simulation on secondary beam
Object Geant4 Simulation for secondary beams and dE/dx Method To analyze secondary beam depending on incident beam energy, target material, interaction model, … Output Secondary particles Energy dissipation…



8 2. Geant4 MPI Interface (KEK) (Mandatory)
Schedule 1. Geant4 ST (Mandatory) Tachyon Porting (3월초까지) By Taegil Bae 2. Geant4 MPI Interface (KEK) (Mandatory) Tachyon Porting (3월 초까지) 3. ParGeant4 (Optional) Tachyon Porting (3월 말까지) 4. Astro-Nuclear Theory Channel (R&D) Tachyon Poring (4월부터~)

9 OS: RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.3
Tachyon 설치장소: Tachyon 2차분 OS: RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.3

10 Interconnection Network
Resources Hardware Specification : Tachyon Cluster system Ranked at 15th in top500 in Nov. 2009 Tachyon(SUN) Phase 1 Phase 2 Manufacture SUN Blade 6048 Architecture cluster Process model AMD(Barcelona) Intel (Nehalem) # of Nodes 188 nodes 3,200 nodes # of CPU cores 3,008 (16 per node) 25,600 (8 per node) Rpeak (Tflops) 24 300 324 Total Memory 6TB 76TB Disk Storage 207TB 1.2PB Tape Storage 422TB 2PB Interconnection Network IB 4X DDR IB 4X QDR [SUN Blade 6048]

11 Option 1 Option 2 Option3 Directory @ Tachyon2
/applic/applications/hep/Geant4/ cernlib ROOT CLHEP Option 2 /applic/applications/Geant4 Option3 /applic/hep/Geant4

12 Supercomputing porting (4월~)
Schedule Geant4 Workshop Date: April 13~14 Place: Tongyong, Korea Contents April 13 (Friday) => Medical Physics workshop April 14 (Saturday Morning) => Geant4 Workshop User requirement Medical Physics Astro-nuclear physics Supercomputing porting (4월~) Medical physics Astor-nuclear Physics Geant4 Tutorial (10월) Date: October

13 Geant4 profiling Optimization Long term Fermilab side
Multi-core (GPU, KUDA, MT, etc) profiling

14 UCSF side From tangible things

15 Thanks

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