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About Future Labour Future Labour is a volunteer-powered platform for Labour Party members and supporters concerned with the impact of the “fourth industrial.

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2 About Future Labour Future Labour is a volunteer-powered platform for Labour Party members and supporters concerned with the impact of the “fourth industrial revolution” on Britain, and the role that future Labour Governments must play within it. Future Labour started life as “Labour Digital” and was launched in It isn’t associated with any “wing” of the Labour Party is funded entirely by Labour Party members. Future Labour has a Board which sets the strategic direction of the group, and a Steering Committee which executes the strategy.

3 Introduction from Future Labour’s Director, Darren Jones
Darren Jones is the Director of Future Labour, and was the Labour Prospective Member of Parliament for Bristol North West at the 2015 General Election. If you’re unable to watch the video introduction from Darren, you can read his introduction on the hand out provided in your meeting or you can visit Darren tweets

4 Britain in 2020 2030 Superfast broadband and continuously connected mobile coverage starts rolling out We’re already using drones to deliver our online shopping and fast food. Routine and process based jobs are being replaced by robots. Our appliances and homes continue to get “smarter” – but only for those that can afford them Continued court cases about the “new economy” take place – are Uber drivers employees or should train doors be operated by humans or computers, as two examples from 2016 Buses, trains, taxis and delivery vehicles will all be driven by built in computers The use of artificial intelligence (AI) moves from taking routine jobs to taking traditionally well paid jobs such as bankers, accountants and lawyers A new (digital) cold war is taking place between America, Russia and China – with cyber warfare and digital terrorism being the main threat to security Public services are delivered primarily online, and money is no longer used for most transactions

5 Case Study One: Driverless Vehicles
What should the UK Government do? Will banning advanced technologies reduce economic growth and prevent the creation of “new” jobs in the UK? If it does, do we care? What will the impact be on the UK’s role in the world? How should the UK Government help the unemployed drivers? When should it help? What’s the role of the trade unions? What will the Tories do? Uber, Google, Tesla, Amazon and Just Eat are all already testing driverless robots to drive you to where you need to go, to deliver your online shopping and to bring you food. This started in By 2022, the UK will start to have continuously connected mobile signals across the UK – allowing driverless vehicles to become mainstream. Taxi drivers, truck drivers, bus drivers, fast food cyclists all end up getting paid less and less – they go on strike – but ultimately all end up unemployed.

6 Case Study Two: Digital Inequality
What should the UK Government do? Should “traditional” public services be run alongside “digital” public services? What about the cost of doing both? How can we reach out to poorer communities and give them access to and support for using digital services? What’s the role of the private sector and employers? What will the Tories do? The cost of daily life goes down thanks to the use of technology – your weekly shop is ordered on your fridge and delivered by a drone. Your transport is cheaper because there are no staff to pay. You get to see a robotic GP within 10 minutes to be triaged before being referred to a human GP, if one is needed. Everything you buy is paid for using your online mobile banking services. But all of this only works if you have access to online services, can afford expensive “smart” appliances and know how to use the services made available to you.

7 Case Study Three: Regulation of Data
What does our data show about us? Do you know who has your data and what they do with it? Do you know what happens if they lose it? What should the UK Government do? Should the ownership, storage, processing and protection of data be left to the private sector? Do we need new “digital” human rights? Are the new civil liberties about access to and use of our data? What will the Tories do? Computers advise us on the best routes to work, the best shopping options and the best decisions to take in life. We will start to buy things with the data we create about ourselves, instead of the money that we have. But we must be able to control who has access to our data, what they do with it and be empowered to decide what happens when something goes wrong. Already today, we give over masses of our data for free. We allow algorithms on to decide who we should date, but we don’t know if they match us with people who best suit us or who best suit them (by creating unsuccessful dates to maintain subscription income!).

8 Conclusions and Next Steps
We can’t legislate to prevent the fourth industrial revolution We need to make sure that Britain takes the opportunities available from technology and AI automation to grow and sustain our economy and way of life But Labour must be in Government to set out and implement the new policies for the new economy Failure to do so will keep the Tories in Government, who will prioritise economic growth over helping working people, promoting sustainability and investing in a more equal and just future Join Future Labour, take part in our survey, continue to conversation and take our message out to others outside of your CLP meeting!

9 Future Labour’s Digital Policy Lab
Future Labour is running an online consultation about the fourth industrial revolution and the role of the next Labour Government. We welcome input from Labour Party members and supporters from across the country. To take part please complete the form provided in your meeting, or visit


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