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Team Member Briefing The Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Member Briefing The Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Member Briefing The Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools

2 Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools
Team Member Briefing MSA Team Building Staff: Kelly Christian Director of Operations Dave Sisbarro Manager of Volunteer Services Irene Raatzs Director of Volunteer Services Augusto Hernandez Accreditation Officer, Puerto Rico

3 The focus of today’s briefing is:
Who is Middle States and what is MSA-CESS accreditation? What are the Middle States Protocols and Standards? What part does the Visiting Team play? What are the roles and responsibilities of a team member?

4 The Middle States Region
MSA accredits more than 2700 schools in nearly 100 countries.

5 What is accreditation and why is it important?
Encourages and facilitates school improvement Provides accountability Fosters stakeholder involvement and commitment Focuses on student performance Builds positive public relations

6 Profile of an Accredited School…
Adheres to the Middle States Standards for Accreditation; Uses its mission as the basis for daily decision making; Operates in the public interest; Accepts responsibility for the performance of its students; Remains committed to continuous improvement in student learning; Operates in a collegial and collaborative way with all of its stakeholders.

7 The Cycle of Accreditation
Self-Study Team Visit Accreditation Action Maintenance Candidacy

8 What are the protocols…
A protocol is a detailed procedure that promotes school improvement. and why does Middle States have more than one? Due to the unique character and culture of schools, one size does not fit all!

9 What are the MSA Protocols?
Designing Our Future Excellence by Design Sustaining Excellence Foundation Documents MSA Standards Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Plan for Growth and Improvement (Objectives and Action Plans)

10 What are the MSA-CESS Standards and Indicators of Quality?
Mission Educational Program Governance and Leadership Assessment and Evidence of Student Learning School Improvement Planning Student Services Finances Student Life and Student Activities Facilities Information Resources School Staff and Organization Health and Safety

11 The Role of Indicators Amplify a standard
Provide greater clarify on how a standard is met Provide multiple ways that a standard can be met Respect the individual integrity of the school Do NOT act as a checklist

12 MISSION STANDARD FOR ACCREDITATION The Standard: The school has a clearly written and actively implemented statement of mission that conveys the general and specific purposes of its educational program, expresses expectations for quality, and serves as the basis for daily operational and instructional decision making as well as long-range planning. Stakeholders give input into the development of the school’s mission and understand and accept it. This document is aligned with the community served and is reviewed periodically by stakeholder representatives. Indicators for all schools: 1.1 The school takes steps to ensure that students and their families understand and support the school’s mission. 1.2 The mission is consistent with ethical norms and demonstrates respect for persons of all races, creeds, and cultures. 1.3 The mission is free of contradiction, ambiguity, and excessive abstraction. 1.4 The school implements a system to assess its effectiveness in fulfilling its mission. 1.5 The school’s mission is clearly communicated in its brochures, promotional materials, policy and procedural handbooks, web site, and similar resources.

13 Reliable, Perceptive, Cooperative, Professional
You have been nominated because your school considers you to be someone who is highly respected by your school community and is… Reliable, Perceptive, Cooperative, Professional

14 The purpose of the Team’s visit is to:
Observe the school’s congruence with its self-study. Validate the school’s adherence with the MSA Standards for Accreditation. Determine the school’s compliance with the requirements of the accreditation protocol. Report to the Commissions on the school’s eligibility for accreditation.

15 What is the team expected to do?
Leave the school in a position to grow.

16 Guidelines for Team Members
Avoid comparison to your school Avoid expressing personal opinions Be a critical friend and not a consultant Be respectful Trust the protocol

17 As an MSA-CESS team member it is your responsibility to:
BEFORE the visit: review the school’s self-study* and organize travel DURING the visit: participate fully in all meeting and team activities/events and write your sections of the team report AFTER the visit: evaluate visit and team leader via survey *Self-study should be receive 4-6 weeks before visit

18 Typical Visiting Schedule
Each day of the team visit will vary but will typically include opportunities to… Review documentation Interview Observe teaching and learning Meet with Team Members Write your portions of the team report Typical Visiting Schedule

19 Reviewing Documentation
Review the documentation referred to in the self-study. Formulate questions for interviews from the documentation. Identify any additional individuals you may need to talk with and/or documentation you may need in order to support your decisions.

20 Interviews Prepare thoroughly Don’t reflect personal values
Don’t be distracted by individual agendas Avoid taking sides on local issues Keep an open mind Don’t take opinions as facts Always seek verification

21 Observing Classrooms Multiple, brief visits will be made to classrooms to validate the implementation of the programs described in the school’s self-study. Observations should also include lunchtime, recess, and arrival/departure/beyond the bell.

22 Meeting with the Team Team orientation on the first day.
Daily team meetings: Participate in deliberations Be prepared and on time Key task = Reaching consensus on an accreditation recommendation

23 Writing the Report Adhere to the template provided.
Writing done in bullet points. Refer to the school’s own factual descriptions. Identify important issues and tie to Standards. Do not be overly prescriptive. Commend and praise the school where it is due. Complete your assignments before the end of the visit.

24 While reviewing, interviewing, observing, meeting, and writing, keep these key questions in mind:
Has the school thoroughly completed the self-study process? Does the school meet the MSA Standards? Are the school’s objectives and action plans appropriate?

Does the school meet the Standards and the Requirements of the Protocol? RECOMMENDATION MONITORING ISSUE STIPULATION* MEETS/DOES NOT MEET*

26 Ending the Team Visit… Oral Report Surveys

27 The Review Process The Team The Staff Advisory Committee
The Commissions Final Decision

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